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Everything posted by shadowskull

  1. Good to know That's very noble of you. I should probably point out that at that time in 2002, the team I was on was still developing in .NET 2001. For anyone who still has their hands on the older versions of .NET, well, things didn't quite work right. :rolleyes:
  2. Wow talk about coming back from the dead...LOL. That looks like it might work, but I think I did something different. I can't remember, after all that was two years ago. :eek:
  3. Hi All, I've been having this problem for over a day now, and I can't pinpoint where the problem lies. Here is the code: Private Function WatchWord(ByVal sTranscript As String) As String Dim sWord, sUWord As String Dim sFind As String Dim ifind, iIndex, iPrior As Integer ' Dim rscase As ADODB.Recordset Dim connxn As ADODB.Connection Dim ConnxnStr As String ConnxnStr = "Provider=MSDASQL.1;Persist Security Info=False;Data Source=EDMS" ' sExec = "Select word from Words" ' Set connxn = New ADODB.Connection connxn.Open ConnxnStr Set rscase = New ADODB.Recordset rscase.Open sExec, connxn MsgBox (CStr(rscase.RecordCount)) 'I get a -1 ' While Not rscase.EOF 'For iIndex = 0 To rscase.RecordCount - 1 sWord = rscase.Fields(0).Value sTranscript = UCase(sTranscript) sUWord = LTrim(RTrim(UCase(sWord))) ifind = InStr(1, sTranscript, sUWord, vbTextCompare) If ifind > 0 Then iPrior = iPrior + 1 If sFind = "" Then sFind = LTrim(RTrim(sWord)) Else sFind = sFind + ", " + LTrim(RTrim(sWord)) End If End If rscase.MoveNext 'Next Loop ' rscase.Close connxn.Close Set rscase = Nothing Set connxn = Nothing ' If iPrior >= 2 Then sPriority = "High" ElseIf iPrior = 1 Then sPriority = "Medium" Else sPriority = "Low" End If ' WatchWord = sFind End Function I've used almost the exact same code in several other functions that have the recordset insert, update and retrieve, and they all work fine. This one decides it doesn't want to work. That messagebox that gets the rowcount returns a -1, and there are 16 rows in the table. What could be wrong? Thanks in advance! :confused:
  4. Ok, I have a question for you guys in regards to session variables. I'm using an image map. I'm setting the href of each area = a javascript (and/or a vbscript) function (I've tried both). Because of this, I need to set the session variable in that java/vbscript function, but I am having problems doing that. Whenever I set <% Session("Var") = Value %>, where Value is the parameter passed into the function, I get an error saying that "Value" is private. What do I do?
  5. Here's what I figure to be a stupid question but w/ an elusive answer. I am creating another WEB application. I need to set the title property for the form in the VB script to based upon different settings. Does anybody know how to programmatically change the title property for the Web form? (Note: Me.Title = "" does not work the way it does in a Windows application).
  6. Thinker, I don't know as to whom that question was anchored toward, but at my work, it's all .Net (ASP.Net, VB.Net, C#.Net, etc.) and it's all Web App Development, if that answers your question. My apologies if it doesn't.
  7. Idea Here's what we have done at my work..... If txtDate.Text <> "" Then Dim dtdate As Date Dim sDate As String sDate = txtDate.Text dtdate = CDate(stDate) txtDate.Text = CStr(Format(dtdate, "MM/dd/yyyy")) End If Basically, if you're obtaining the date as a text field, you should then convert it into date, then back into text field with the format. We don't convert it back to Date field after that, we just stick it into a text box for display to the user.
  8. Just curiousity, what do all those labels under everyone's name mean? ie. I'm labeled as "NewComer", Thinker is called "Alpha Geek", etc. etc.
  9. :o Hi All, I remembered reading that you need to let everyone know should you solve the problem on you're own. This was a solution that eluded me for a few days now, one that I even went to the chat room last night for. The solution is this.... In the pageload event of the form, I must first check for post back (the IsPostBack boolean) before I bind the controls, otherwise, the controls get set to the original value, and this value is what gets placed as the value that gets passed into my function(s). For anyone that's new to VB.Net, this happens because you will notice that the page gets loaded every time you click a button of any sort. :D :rolleyes:
  10. :-\This is probably the most annoying problem I have run into so far, and it is unfortunately more difficult to explain, but I'll do my best! I am creating a web app in VB.Net. The problem is this, I need to obtain the text from a text box that I had edited to pass into my update query, however it grabs the original text instead. I figure this is because it is databound that I cannot use "string = textbox1.Text". What do I do to obtain the text w/ the changes? :rolleyes:
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