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Everything posted by Wamphyri

  1. You are looking for the Display method of the Mailitem object. YourMailItem.Display
  2. Email@email.com was just an example email address just like Other folder is an example folder. Since I don't know what email sending to and what folder you are moving the email to.
  3. Okay, try. Goto Tools -> Organize. Choose Create a Rule to move messages sent to email@email.com into Other folder Then click Create.
  4. Sorry, I read the question incorrectly. Here are two rules to try: Move message based on content. Move new messages from someone
  5. You can use the BuiltInDocumentProperties Property using wdPropertyPages as the index to return the number of pages.
  6. You want the AddressLists collection. .AddressLists("Global Address List")
  7. There are numerous ways around the Outlook security patch. Using Outlook Redemption is one way, another is to use Express Click Yes. Take a look on the slipstick web site.
  8. You want the Rule 2nd rule Move a copy to the specified folder.
  9. You create one by running SelfCert.exe (it comes with Outlook) Digital Signing/Certificates for Outlook are explained here You will get a pop-up the first time you use code with a digital certificate asking if you wish to trust this certificate.
  10. Set the DisplayAlerts property equal to False before saving the file. Then reset it back to True. BTW DisplayAlerts is a property of the Application Object
  11. Source: is a string representing the full path of the file. (It can also be an attachment object) Type: is an Integer representing the type of attachment olByValue(1), olByReference(4), olEmbeddedItem(5) olByValue: Embed the attachment in the item olByReference: Create a shortcut to an external file olEmbeddedItem: Create a shortcut to an Outlook item Position: is an Integer representing the position of the attachment in the body of the attachment. DisplayName is a string representing the name displayed for the attachment. It is only valid if your Type is olByValue.
  12. As for question #2 this is due to the security patch for Outlook. Take a look here for some ways around it.
  13. Obviously if you are able to add a picture you've got the basic idea of how to interact with word. So basically you need to know how to manipulate a range object. Just set your range object equal to the Content of the Document object. Insert a Carriage return and linefeed. Then set the start of your range object to its end. You are now ready to add the picture. objWdRng = objWdDoc.Content 'This line is optional (more for formatting) objWdRng.InsertAfter vbCrLf objWdRng.Start = objWdRng.End objWdRng.InlineShapes.AddPicture "C:\YourFile.jpg"
  14. Eric Coleman: Why don't you check out the owner's website and read their privacy policy or you could probably ask Gabriel. http://www.inetinteractive.com/
  15. The copy and paste method are methods of the following Objects : Field, FormField, Frame, MailMergeField, PageNumber, Range, or Selection object. Most likely you'll want the Range Object
  16. Try using .Color or .ColorIndex 'Change font color Range("A1:J1").Font.Color = RGB(255, 0, 0) Range("A1:J1").Font.ColorIndex = 3 'Change cells interior color Range("A1:J1").Interior.Color = RGB(255, 0, 0) Range("A1:J1").Interior.ColorIndex = 3
  17. Just wondering if the various Mixer API's would accomplish what you need done? This might be of use.
  18. Hello again wdw, This microsoft knowledge base article might help http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;EN-US;Q317951
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