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Everything posted by wildfire1982

  1. it makes up about 3 quarters of the page so it might look a little silly, i will work it out but thanks again for the code earlier in the thread!
  2. I havent actually got that far yet, still working with the data but... From the moment i put the control on the form, it had values and was displaying them. Its these that are starting to get annoying. Im still thinking about the best way to store the information for the graph because it will have an unknown number of rows and columns.
  3. Thanks for that, i have been looking for something like that. Well i would like the graph to be emptied on form load so that the actual points can be plotted later. Any ideas?
  4. Hello, I have an mschart control on one of my forms and when its loaded it always starts with a default set of values in it. Can someone please tell me how to get rid of this in code. I have tried everything but have no idea where the data is or why i cant get rid of it. Thanks for your time (vb.net) Chris
  5. Sorry, just remembered... the ingredients will need an extra dimension to store the name of ingredient as well.
  6. I will have a fairly resource hungry program which is to be storing data similar to how a database might store data but in a way that can be accessed quickly. So i really need an array of arrays to save space. I have thought of using a 3 dimesional array instead but it would create a bit too much data and an array of arrays should store considerably less. Another reason for using an array of arrays is that i dont know how much data is going to be put into the program each time. So... how do you declare and use one of these. The structure will be something like this although i havent finished thinking it through. overallArray( IngredientsArray(PropertiesArray(1,Infinity))) See what i mean? so there will be one overallArray which stores an infinite number of Ingredients which can also have an infinite number of properties. Cheers folks
  7. Just thought, if I do that, then if the user wants to make some minor changes, they have to start again. Not ideal
  8. good point. ok, heres another one to think about. Really what i would like to do is let the user wait with the calculating screen rather than with a slowly completing form as it loads. What about if i were to use the data stored in the array of arrays to calculate in the "calculating" form and then have that output to an array in a class which is suitable for displaying things graphically. Would that be worth it? or is there any other alternatives that i havent thought about?
  9. Hello folks, I am currently making a program thats going to be doin quite a bit of number crunching. Basically its going to be predicting results of an experiment. So i am having an array which stores more arrays to get information about the ingredients to the experiment. I have a choice here and this is where im stuck. I currently have a very pretty calculating dialog which was intended to do all of the number crunching. When this has finished calculating, it will give all of the results to a new form where it will be displayed graphically. Now do I a) store the array in a module or class and let the new results form calculate everything or b) store the array locally in the calculating form and have it draw the graph before the form has loaded. Any thoughts would be appreciated. I cant seem to go anywhere until I have decided and... I cant decide! Predicament. Cheers folks Chris
  10. I never studied it, i just had an extra bit to check if it was there, if not, add it. So... back to my original question. Does .net do the same?
  11. Hello, Just a quick question. Does the application path retrieving method do the same thing as vb6 where it sometimes put the slash at the end and sometimes didnt? If it isnt doing this in .net, does it always put it on or does it always leave it off? Thanks folks. Chris
  12. Notepad... all the way!
  13. oops, looks like i got the wrong end of the stick with the datagrid. I now realise that i dont need to put a new datagrid onto the form but mschart has a datagrid of its own. Im having a few troubles still tho. I cant get my head round the idea of this. I will manage, still if anyone has any pointers, for line graphs in particular i would be most gratefull. Cheers again.
  14. Hello, I am making a program in vb.net that needs to graphically display some values. I decided to go for a datagrid which stores the values and mschart to display it. I was flicking through the msdn to find out how to use mschart and it said that you can bind the two together. I cant figure out how to do this and i cant find anything out about the idea either. What is the best way to bind a chart to a datagrid? I have never used mschart before so its been a bit difficult to get everything sorted with it. Ta, Chris.
  15. Thanks for that, i had figured it out yesterday but someone keeps deleting my posts again. Cheers
  16. Hello folks, Its morning here and im havin troubles finding a very small bug in a very small loop. Sorry to have to ask you this but i cant seem to find it for some strange reason so could someone please let me know where i am being stupid. Thanks very much. The following loop works but only checks the first and last of the values. I.e. if numIngreds =5 then only the first and fifth elements of the array will be checked, missing the ones in the middle. Im sure its just me being stupid but i really cant see it. For counters = 1 To Module1.numIngreds + 1 Dim testVar As String = Module1.ingredientsList(1, counters) If Module1.ingredientsList.GetValue(1, counters) = "" Or Module1.ingredientsList.GetValue(1, counters) = Nothing Then Module1.ingredientsList(1, counters) = Module1.ingredientsList.GetValue(1, counters + 1) Module1.ingredientsList(2, counters) = Module1.ingredientsList.GetValue(2, counters + 1) counters2 = counters2 + 1 MessageBox.Show("its realised that there is a gap and so has tried to move it all") End If counters = counters + 1 Next Cheers guys and gals.
  17. Thanks very much folks, looks like im changing it. Never mind, it will take a while but i suppose i should have looked first. Thanks again
  18. I have a 2d Array and i need to increase the first dimension. Is this possible? I cant seem to get it to do it. I dont really want to have to change all of the code but if there isnt another way... i suppose i will have to. Ta very much. Chris
  19. Well the idea is that i have a number of forms which will need to be able to read and write a 2D array. I made the module i made the global variables: Public ingredientsList(,) As String and two others for integers. In my main form i want to write to these quite regularly so first of all i made a reference to the variables in the module: myIngredients = module1.IngredientList i decided that wasnt really necessary so now i use calls like: For counters = 0 To counters = Module1.numIngreds / 2 - 1 If Module1.ingredientsList(counters, 1) = "" Then Module1.ingredientsList(counters, 1) = Module1.ingredientsList(counters + 1, 1) Module1.ingredientsList(counters, 2) = Module1.ingredientsList(counters + 1, 2) counters2 = counters2 + 1 End If Next So now on every line that i have made reference to the module variables, i get a NullReference Exception. So, can i initialise the variables in the form_load so that they are initialised for use but the values will not be wiped? as in Redim ingredientsList(5,5) etc. The idea of this array is that i dont know how many ingredients there are so i was told that declaring it as i did publicly above would create a dynamic array. Have i been mislead? it looks to me that whatever i redim, will be the size of the array and thats not what i want. Thanks for your help.
  20. Thanks very much for that, i had thought about using classes but i just needed to share a few variables so i thought a module would be best. I tried it without the module. but it gave the same error. Excuse the ignorance nerseus but... where should i redim the multi dimensional array? in the module just after the declaration of it or in the functions where the data is to be used. Thanks for all of your help. Chris
  21. I have just moved from vb6 to .net and im using a module to store global variables in. I dont get any problems when writing the code but when it compiles and runs, the program gives a runtime exception where it gives "nullReferenceException" i understand what this means but i cant see why im getting it. The module has publicly declared variables and a jagged array of type string so i assumed that you could use these variables by using variableName = moduleName.variable ok so that doesnt work so i tried casting it from the module into the function where its being used i.e dim variableName as moduleName.variable still no luck. Im sure its so simple its unbelievable but this is only the 3rd time i have used .net and am still getting to grips with it. Any pointers would be great. Ta very muchly. Chris
  22. Oh i wasnt worried about it, i was just curious. It just seems a little odd to me. I suppose its easier to code for a byte or two rather than a bit which would really be all that is needed. I had never actually looked at the size in vb. Still, makes not a lot of sense but it doesnt change anything so what does it matter....
  23. I have just decided to change from vb6 to vb.net and so i thought i would have a quick read of the very good post in the tutor section about the differences. All very good but i couldnt help but notice the variable size for boolean. Is there a reason for the boolean data type being 16-bit? seems a bit excessive to me.
  24. Might be a worth while exercise to have a look into patching. I have never used it myself but there are a few programs available for it. Good luck, let us know the results if u decide to go ahead with it? cheers
  25. Heres a quick question for you all. Im just moving from vb6 to .net and one of you mentioned earlier about storing sensitive informations like passwords in the exe. Say i was to log into a remote database, where would you all suggest to keep the passwords\url's\usernames etc? Somewhere encrypted but you really wouldnt want to have to code a completely new section just to store the details whereas in older versions of vb it was more safe to just use it in the exe. Any thoughts?
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