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Everything posted by Dodgeram01

  1. They look like normal menu's in all my other apps. I wonder if anyone else with XP experiences similar headings? Update: I just played with my menu settings (in the advanced properties of display stuff), and switched it to gray over white. Looks much better. I would not have expected XP to be set default to white, which apparently makes the menu on this app look "weird." Thanks for your help guys. I should have figured this one out on my own more so. Just where all the other menu's I see look "normal," I guess I assumed it wasn't XP settings. Update: Thinking I'm gonna have to live with it... I rightclicked after making the previous setting, and that entire menu was gray. I put it back to white, and am just gonna live with it, because none of the other optional settings that I've discovered would affect it.
  2. Oh well. If you find any helpful information about it ever, feel free to let me know. I haven't really seen this issue (if you can really call it an issue) addressed anywheres.
  3. Not quite. I'm attaching a picture of what I mean. The bar doesn't look flush with the rest of the form...at least when it's run on my computer. My friend sent me a screen shot of it on his computer, and it looks flush (he's running win2k). I'm running WinXP Pro. I had WinXP Home on this machine previous, and the menu bar looked the same as it does now to me. Maybe it's just normal, but it doesn't seem it to me.
  4. Yes, it is the MainMenu control. Should I be using a different one?
  5. Why do the menu's with Visual Basic always looked recessed from the rest of the form at runtime? Is there anyway to change this? Thanks.
  6. I'm thinking maybe a little "If..then" technology may be able to rectify my current "situation." **Update** The "situation" has been rectified.
  7. I was wrong. Now that I put that stuff under the print button, the small line I need for the check prints out for every Input, whether there's text entered or not. Is there a different event, such as something relating the textbox that would be suitable for this?
  8. I removed the checkboxes for these text inputs. I also put the string assignment (I guess that's what you'd call it) into my Print button's click event. Problem solved. Thanks for your help(support, whatever ya wanna call it) Robby.
  9. Text, I'm sorry. Right now I have the variables being assigned when the check boxes are clicked, but I just "discovered" that it'll work if you enter code into the textbox first, and then check the box. I'm thinking I might add this code to the print button, because at that point in time all the desired data should be entered. (The program displays a form, with numerous checkboxes and labels (which contain item names). When a checkbox is checked, the corresponding item is added to the list, and then the list is printed.)
  10. I have 5 text boxes, and 6 check boxes. When a check box is selected, the text from the text box next to it needs to be put into a string: Input1 = txtInput1.Text Input1 = "" & vbCrLf & "__ " & Input1 & "" These values (Input1 - Input5) are then printed in a list. Part of the code works correctly as I get to the new line and I get "__ ". I am however not understanding why the first part of the code doesn't seem to be working. Also, I have dimmed Inputs1 - Input5 as Strings. Should they be doubles or something similar? Thank You.
  11. I agree. I personally don't think it's as user friendly as it could be.
  12. Thanks! Now you would have thought that for me searching about that yesterday for prolly 15 to 30 minutes I woudl have found something. This board is great! Thanks again.
  13. Does anyone know the code to make allow the user to quit the program? Just placing "End" doesn't work for me. Well, for me it does, but on anyone else's computer, it won't let the program start, giving an error. I had a little problem with the end yesterday when I had a button which would close it. It said something about unmanaged code. I moved the end into a file menu, and it seemed to work fine. My beta testers though can't run it when the end is in the file menu (didn't have them test with it for the button), but it works fine when it's not in the menu. Any ideas will be appreciated.
  14. Okay, I solved the problem. I removed the vbcrlf's from the PrintDocument1_PrintPage control, and added them into the string values instead. I hadn't been aware that the strings could hold so many values.
  15. Okay, I'm sure this will be a simple problem for most, but my mind isn't able to clearly see through it right now. I'm making a rather simple program, which will print items in a list format only if they are checked on the screen. How can I make them retain their list format, but yet not have the vbcrlf's affect them? When a checkbox is checked, it creates a string with the appropriate text. Would it be possible to add the necessary code into the string or something of a similar fashion? A sidenote...I liked printing in VB6 MUCH better. Seemed simpler. Thank you.
  16. I'm running Visual Studio .NET Professional Edition on Windows XP Home. It installed fine, and has run fine for me.
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