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  1. Thanks guys! EXACTLY what I needed.
  2. Is there a way to save the back color of a textbox in the same format everytime? Sometimes it will save the color as Color [Red] And sometimes it will save it as Color [A=255, R=82, G=226, B=180]. I need to be able to read this string and convert it to the type system.drawing.color, which I can do. My problem is I can't do this if I don't know what format the color will save in. Is there any easy way around this, or will I have to play around with seeing what format it is in and then formatting it how I need it?
  3. Make sure that your friends have installed the .NET Framework on their computers, which is available for free download from the Microsoft Website. Unfortunately...it's 20mb, but it contains all the runtime files they'll need.
  4. Is this what you want? Dim MyStream As New IO.FileStream("C:\blah.txt", IO.FileMode.Create) Dim MyWriter As New IO.StreamWriter(MyStream) MyWriter.Write("My Name" & vbCrLf & " is green and cute.") MyWriter.Close() MyStream.Close()
  5. Uninstall everythign that you can. Then run a program such as Regcleaner and remove all the little left behinds. Then try it again.
  6. Another good book is "Coding Techniques For Microsoft Visual Basic .NET" by John Connel. http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0735612544/qid=1038699326/sr=2-1/ref=sr_2_1/104-7876988-5095901 Another book which is looking good (have to wait until Christmas to indulge myself in it) is "Visual Basic .NET: The Tutorials" by Karl Moore. http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/159059021X/qid=1038699353/sr=2-1/ref=sr_2_1/104-7876988-5095901
  7. I was right, it was simple. I moved my additional code below the Initialize Component for the form designer and it worked!
  8. I appologize for my denseness... I added the code as you instructed. In my little demo project to help me understand this and get this concept down, I have a radio button on form1 which when selected sets the public variable "SandwichHam" to 1, and then shows the form2. On form2, I added the code as you instructed. I then added the follow: If frm.SandwichHam =1 Then TextBox1.Text = "You ordered ham." End If However, it throws an exception ("An unhandled exception of type 'System.NullReferenceException' occurred in WindowsApplication1.exe Additional information: Object reference not set to an instance of an object."). I am sure that this is something simple, but apparently still too complicated for my simple mind :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :-\ Thanks again!
  9. Excuse my ignorance, but how would one do this? Thank you.
  10. Look a little farther in that book. The one I'm thinking of was labeled something like "Your First Real Program." I read it awhile ago though, so I may be wrong.
  11. And one of the first samples in "Coding Techniques for Visual Basic .NET" is a clock program! So between the two, you should be able to figure it out.
  12. What should one read into, or how would one prevent multiple copies of a form from being opened? For example, my program has an about form, and I don't want the user to be able to open multiple copies of it. Thanks.
  13. Just what I was hoping for! Thank You!
  14. Okay, practicing my coding skills (lol), I decided to make a little program that would figure the sales tax in with stuff. Anyways, I've come to the conclusion that it'd be a lot more accurate if it would round the total amount to the hundredths place. I believe it will be somethign with the math.round(number) deal, but I can't quite figure it out. Thanks. (the number is assigned to a string).
  15. There are many tutorials around. You should check out Karl Moore's sight, vbworld.com. The gotdotnet.com site has a bunch as well. dotnet247 has some as well. They're all over the net, just do a search for them in Google and I'm sure you'll find more than enough. I would also recommend buying a few good books. Francesco Balena's book "Programming Microsoft Visual Basic .NET (Core Reference)" is a good book. It comes with an E-book of his previous book, which is on programming Visual Basic 6.
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