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About vsnt

  • Birthday 11/27/1979

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  • Visual Studio .NET Version
  • .NET Preferred Language
    vb & C#

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  1. unsigned char ???? Could be that the dll function is looking for a char when you are passing it a string.
  2. I believe a better solution is to use the httprequest object and return the page in question into the fileStream / Temp File. Yes you can send the required post data with this method.
  3. OK then try this Declare Function UnCompress Lib "lzss.dll" Alias "_uncompress_data" (ByRef Data As String, ByRef Length As Integer) As String UnCompress(indata, len(indata)) dim out as String = indata
  4. The cast exception is caused because you are returning a BLOB from the db. I dont know the exact conversion code but look for formatting blob data in Office 2003 API help or msdn. I know there are examples for images, the same format / code should hold true for excel, with a few refference changes ala (??? as Image = ??? as ExcelFile?).
  5. Try This Declare Auto Function UnCompress Lib "lzss.dll" Alias "_uncompress_data" (ByVal Data As String, ByVal Length As Integer) As String UnCompress(indata, len(indata)) dim out as String = indata
  6. I Seee the problem. Since you are using document.body you are gettting html formatting tags for the body of the page as its being rendered by IExplorer.
  7. EX = Exception ala Error Number: 21 Description: Something went wrong
  8. Create a new project with a form. Right Click on your tool window and add the com control for netmeeting. Drag it to your form and make it large enough to see or set it dock to fill and run the application. Youll see how it works from there.
  9. First Learn c++ I recomend reading one of those in 21 days books or similar to get you familliar with the syntax and oop in c++ and take some classes at a local college (There usualy pretty good and cheap). C# and C++ .Net are quite a bit different than C++ 6, The advantage is your code wil be reusable and most large projects are in C++ .Then you will see that there is no advantage (in this case) using C++ .Net. If you need more help getting started seek the help of a local guru, you probably know one and dont know it. VSNT BABCS
  10. these files are for streaming media so unless they are run localy they will be downloaded. You need to put a media player on the page and tell the media player control to play the file.
  11. Code looks ok, My initial speculation is that by unsetting it then setting it you are forcing a refresh.
  12. What EX are you getting. I think the problem is that you are trying to load an object or string as a stream. ala :: Doc.LoadXml(This_Should_Be_A_Stream) Im not 100% sure though, but double check for invalid type casting and make sure option Strict is on.
  13. Did you check the ntfs permissions and the .net clr permissions. They are tighter on calls from http and com than from the desktop. Also might want to try running the object as protected with an account just for its particular use.
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