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Everything posted by Netnoobie

  1. Ok, so for the third time in a year I've tried to install SP 2. And for the third time I can't debug my .NET code for whatever reason. What is the workaround for this? I've checked my permissions, and nothing changes. VS.NET builds and then just seems to hang, and my exe is in the processes list of task manager. I can't believe that this is rare, but maybe it is...I have no idea at this point. Any help would be appreciated before I rollback this SP yet again. Bryan
  2. I still can't find any examples on how to create a checkbox column in a listview. I'm needing the checkboxes to be editable, and I can't imagine this hasn't been done before. Bryan
  3. Hey all, I'm curious about creating a checkbox column for a ListView. about 4 colums I'm displaying are switches from the database and I need the ability to be able to ckeck and uncheck them. I have done this with a datagrid in the past, but one other thing that I'm doing here is ordering. The user can click either up or down and move that items up or down. I'm not sure how to do this in a datagrid so I'm just wanting to put in a datagrid column instead of getting the ordering done in a datagrid. If you think the datagrid ordering (like I described above) can easily be done for a datagrid great. I'm really curious. Thanks! Bryan
  4. bump. I just came back to this issue and i'm not further. In a new doc I'm stipped out everything as long as the header/footer still show up. mso-header:url("Copy%20of%20Word%20Formatting%20Sample_files/header.htm") h1; mso-footer:url("Copy%20of%20Word%20Formatting%20Sample_files/header.htm") f1; And the header file: <div style='mso-element:header' id=h1> <p class=MsoHeader>This is the header</p> </div> <div style='mso-element:footer' id=f1> <p class=MsoFooter>This is My Sample footer</p> </div> Really I don't see how I couldn't just insert the header HTML into the main page, but I jsut can't find support for it. Bryan
  5. Hello all. my question may be weird, but here goes.... I am creating a Word doc with HTML. The issue came up that headers and footers are needed. Is there a way to create them without an external file (header.htm)? The Word HTML looks like: @page Section1 {size:8.5in 11.0in; margin:1.0in 1.25in 1.0in 1.25in; mso-header-margin:.5in; mso-footer-margin:.5in; mso-even-header:url("Doc1_files/header.htm") eh1; mso-header:url("Doc1_files/header.htm") h1; mso-even-footer:url("Doc1_files/header.htm") ef1; mso-footer:url("Doc1_files/header.htm") f1; mso-first-header:url("Doc1_files/header.htm") fh1; mso-first-footer:url("Doc1_files/header.htm") ff1; mso-paper-source:0;} What I need to do is just insert the HTML into the file, and HOPE that when converted to a doc file and opened in Word that it will work properly like a header and footer. Is this even possible? Many thanks if anyone can steer me in the right direction. Bryan
  6. Hello all. This is my first attempt as utilizing a user control, and all was fine until now. On loading the page, I'm calling a UC that simplly creates formatted HTML. Getting into the UC code and creating the HTML is done. But how can I take the created HTML and display that in my UC? Page_Load is not a function, so how can I get the HTML to be output? I'm calling: <tsd:TrackingSheetData runat="server"></tsd:TrackingSheetData> from my aspx. I don't see how to get the ascx output to bind to the control. Many Thanks! Bryan
  7. D'oh! You know, I missed the SIMPLEST thing. I wasn't treating the output like that of classic ASP. Meaning I was calling response.write(funct)...which would be the issue. Man, that's embarassing. Thanks for the reply though! Bryan
  8. Hello, I'm trying to simply display HTML from a function. I have a stored proc returning a lot of data that needs to be worked on and then spit out as HTML. I'd rather stay away from a Reapeater because of the certain order the data needs to be presented n, and the fact that I need to create most of in in the backend. It seems like a completely simple thing, but I can't seem to get HTML to show up. I can get into a function from the aspx page, but the HTML is not showing up. I did this many times in classic ASP, but can't in .NET for some reason. Many thanks in advance. Bryan
  9. Thanks for the reply. It's a bit diferent than that from what I just noticed. I have a public sub that builds the listview items from a stored proc. One of the paramters is the selecteditem value from an above listbox. So I noticed that in trying to assign that value to a variable for the parameter doesn't want to work when calling the sub from another form. My background is primarily with ASP.NET so I'm not familiar with these issues in VB.NET. Bryan
  10. Sorry that's a bad title for my question. Say I have a form with a listview and a Sub I created to populate it. From another form, how can I call that refresh sub? When I try to go it I get errors that makes it seem like since I'm not calling that Sub from form 1, that I can't call it at all from form 2. Im not sure if I'm making sene but that's what's happening. This same sort of thing is also keeping me from closing a form from another one even with a public sub that simply does a dispose. Any advice on refreshing objects on another form? Thanks, Bryan
  11. Doh, sorry. It wasn't working because there was a null check in the trigger that meant copied rows weren't having their PK IDs incremented...hence a violation. this worked: INSERT INTO BAP_AIF SELECT * FROM BAP_AIF WHERE BAP_AIF_ID = 10 Now I'm trying to figure out how to use the above query and also insert one ID and edit two fields. Bryan
  12. Hello, my question is probably quite simple. I'm just not sure how to do it. I have a table where the user can make a copy of a record. The PK is an ID field that is a seq and is hooked up to a triger to increment upon insert. I need to insert one value and edit two fields upon copying the record. My question for you all: Is it possible to create a query that does a select * and insert so I can then go in and edit/add values to the new row? Or do I need to create an insert the old fashioned way (this table has about 25 columns)? Also, how can I insert values to a table from a row in the same table? I can clarify if needed. Many thanks. Bryan
  13. That's actually a very good point. Thanks.
  14. Hello all, question. I am returning a string that contains a form name. This form name is the same as a form that needs to be opened. I really don't want to hardcode the form names and whatnot for future changes. like: Dim frmString as String Dim objFrm as new frmString objFrm.Show ...something like that. Is there a way to do this? Thanks. Bryan
  15. I have the DDL assigning thie corect number now. However it doesn't show up selected on the page. How could that be? If the ddl.selectedindex = 4 is fine in the back end, how does that not show up on the page? Bryan
  16. I've done this a few times, but this one is not working properly. I have a DDL that simply needs to have the SelectedItem set. Here's what I have: For i = 0 To dtTemp.Rows.Count If (CType(dtTemp.Rows(i).Item(0), Int32) = Request.QueryString("bcat")) Then ddlBenefitCat.SelectedIndex = i Exit For End If Next You can see what I'm doing. For some reason the SelectedItem is always -1. Why is that? Thanks, Bryan
  17. I'll also add that not all the contraols are textboxes (dropdownlists and datalists), which makes javasrcipt control.focus near impossible. I'm thinking that I need to go the a name# route....but getting the postback to work with me seems difficult. Bryan
  18. I have a question that I've been looking to find an answer for for a while now. When I have a control that does a postback, the page always "refreshes" and goes back to the top no matter if I need to focus (and the page) to be further down. Is this possible in just ASP.NET? I started to use a querystring that contains the form element needing the focus but I'm not sure how to get the a string name into the URL on a postback. Maybe something like a link (<a name"#test">)...? Really this seems like a common issue and I'm sure there are articles or samples out there, I just can't seem to locate any. Thanks. Bryan
  19. Yeah you know, I tried that first and it gave me a binding error. I was about to try that again, seeing as currently I have two params being populated by databinding and one by just a request.querystring. So it seems that it shouldn't give me a binding error since to begin with not all the params are databound. But I'll try that again. Thanks. Bryan edit: actually I'm getting an "object reference not set" error...not a binding error like I thought for some strange reason.
  20. A DataList lets you format the data in HTML and is quite flexible for displaying bindable data. The DataGrid is going to be too rigid for your needs it looks like.
  21. Hello, I have a quick question. I have a DropDownList and on the selected change event I do a postback and create a DataList with hyperlinks. I'd like to have one of the URL parameters in each ite'ms URL be the DDL's SetlectedItem.Value. It seems straight forward, But I can't seem to get it working. Are there any thoughts on this? As always, many thanks! Bryan
  22. Thanks for the example. I am using the OracleClient so I may ned to look at that too. But in your example I don't see how you are returning a dynamic amount of cursors. Am I just missing it? There may be 10 or 100 products for a dept id and I need to return all the products without knowing in advance. Thanks for the help, I really appreciate it.
  23. I've ben looking for something on this on the internet and can't seem to find anything. I'd really like to be able to use a stored procedure that returns a list of values. An example is to return all the products for a certain department id...where the dept has X number of products. This is the first time I've ever really needed to use an Oracle stored proc like this (I'm a SQL Server developer in the past) so I'm drawing a blank. I can't really define all the ref cursors off the bat becuase I don't know how many there are. So how can you do a fairly large query and return multiple values (returned in a DataSet would be great) for use? I can return one or two defined cursors, but this has me stumped. Many Thanks, Bryan
  24. Perfect. I've done it before, but for some reason I couldn't recall it. Thanks Robby.
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