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About barski

  • Birthday 10/01/1970

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Is there now way to add items without setting the datasource of the combobox? i'm very confused by this it would seem to me that there should be a way to comboboxColumn.Items.Add(value,display) but every example i see has datasource=sometable displaymember= column1Name valueMemeber = column2Name any help would be appreciated. for now i'll just create a table and bind it since that's the only way i can get it to work.
  2. Does anyone have any tips on how to avoid Pixelation issues when drawing controls and setting the Region? Drawing with smooth curves is easy thanks to the .Net libraries but it appears that Region property doesn't carry these settings forward hence I get stair step looking curves. Any help would be greatly appreciated I've been tickering with this for several hours now.
  3. Does anyone have a link(s) to a good article on how to map associations between objects as is pertains to communicating with the database? For example An employee has an office which to my way of thinking would equate to two objects employee and office but the database would have three tables employee, office, and a table called workstations that would be what offices are assigned to each employee. Most of the articles I've found are dealing with how to use nhibernate, llgen, etc... or deal with it in an abstract example with no implementation details. Any help would be appreciated
  4. thanks for the reply. figured it out. the answer was in your first reply i just needed to think on it a little more.
  5. thanks for the reply. Error Specified Cast invalid
  6. Let's say i have a class that is derived from PropertyDescriptor public class MyProp : PropertyDescriptor { //implement all abstract methods } why would something like the following return an undefined value or need to be cast in the first place since MyProp "is a" PropertyDescriptor and PropertyDescriptorCollections contains a collection of PropertyDescriptors public class SomeClass { private int id=0; private string customer=""; public SomeClass() { foreach(PropertyDescriptor p in TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(this.GetType())) { //MyProp mP = p;//this won't compile type conversion MyProp mP = p;//mp is undefined PropertyDescriptor prD = p//this works } } public int ID{get{return id;}set{id=value;}} public string Customer{get{return customer;}set{customer=value;}} } if MyProp is a PropertyDescriptor how can this be happening. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  7. i have this as my connection string string someFile = "C:\\someFile.txt"; @"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" + someFile + @";Extended Properties=""text;HDR=YES;FMT=Delimited""" and i'm getting a "'C:\someFile.txt' is not a valid path however C:\someFile.txt will open when executed from run menu so widows does see it. not sure what is going on but if someone can spot something i have wrong in the connection string please let me know. i've tried it with and without a schema.ini file and got the same error so i don't think that is it
  8. thanks for the info. don't mind buying sql 2005... I was concerned that the only design environment was vs 2005.
  9. I recently installed SQL Server 2005 Express Edition onto my laptop, didn't want to but I couldn't get SQL 2000 installed on vista. Where is the place to build cubes? Do I have to buy visual studio 2005 in order to work with Analysis Services(BI)?
  10. I think i've figured it out. It will be a couple of days before i actually try it but i think if i use ShellExecute to open the window with a hide arg instead of CreateInstance i will be able to remove the flicker... if anyone has a better idea please suggest it!
  11. thanks for the reply. By main window i mean it becomes the topmost window not just of the application that is calling but of anything that may be running. specifically, the applcation has a thread that every 15 minutes checks a location on the network fileserver and if certain files are there it does x, y, z. Include in the x, y, z is a call to another application and as soon as createinstance is called boom it's the topmost window even if the user is in something like IE or word. as you may guess there's no way i can deploy the app with it working this way. As stated above it is being called in a separate thread from app however I'm far from a expert on threading so there may be something i've set wrong in the process. so far the best i've come up with is importing the user32.dll and hiding the window with ShowWindow(). however there's still a flicker since i can't get the handle until the window is created.
  12. i use activator to startup a third party exe let's call it widget. i invoke a few methods and pass args to widget the close widget... all works well except how can i keep widget running in the background instead of becoming the "main' window everytime a method is invoked?
  13. I keep getting this error when i set the reportsource of the crystal viewer. I should load a cr9 report that is set to save data so when the user opens it up they will see the report with data from the last time it was run. when i open up the report in crystal 9 directly no errors. when i open other cr9 reports in the viewer no errors. I'm at the end of my rope on this one. i installed the latest service packs and hotfixes, tried loading the report into a report document and setting the report source to that document, tried load it to the viewer directly i have no idea what to try next.
  14. i think this should work for you or at least my understanding of it is that the jet provider handles everthing. http://support.microsoft.com/?id=316934#12 i've never tried it without excel but i always use the methods above instead of creating an excel object
  15. Create Procedure dbo.MyCoords @postcode as int --i'm assuming postcode is an int as SELECT grideast,gridnorth From gridrefs WHERE postcode=@ make sure to change your OleCommandType to System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure
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