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About AsifCh

  • Birthday 10/20/1979

Personal Information

  • Occupation
    Technology Support Engineer
  • Visual Studio .NET Version
    Visual Studio .NET Professional
  • .NET Preferred Language
    ASP.Net, C#

AsifCh's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. HI, Thanks for your reply. But can you please submet an example that how can I modify the Data Grid Pager.
  2. HI, As you know that in the Pager of the Data Grid you can only show Page numbers or the Next Previous Buttons. But I want to show the Both in the Pager of The Data Grid in the format Like Prev 1 2 3 4 5 ... Next If any body have any solution can please give it to me.
  3. Hi Professionals In few days i have to start the working on a new commercial project using the Asp.Net and VB.Net with the SQL Server at the Back end. At the moment I didn't have any experience in the AJAX but I want to use some AJAX style in the application for rich user experience. I want some information from you guys that Which AJAX Framework for Asp.Net 1.1 is Best suitable for a commercial project because I cannot take any risk in this application. If anybody from you guys use any AJAX framework in any commercial project then can he please tell me that what type of problems he faced during the development. Thanks, -----
  4. Hi Every Body. I have used the localization in the ASP. Net but now I want to know that is there any other way possible to provide the localization in the dot net. Actually the problem is that I am building an application which has more then 500 hundred pages and I have to localize the application in 10 different languages. As you know that we have to provide a separate resource file for each page and for each language. which means that I have to create 5000 resource files. Currently I just want to know that is there any other more efficient way to provide the localization in the Asp.Net. I will appreciate your responses. Regards, ----- Asif Raza Ashraf
  5. Hi, Can any body guide me how to create a report from the Field Definitions Only datasource in crystal reports. I tried it but it does not display the data when i pass a dataset to the report. Regards,
  6. Hi, I have used the crystal reports few times but now I have to design a really complex crystal report so I want to ask some thing from you gurus. The Report which I am going to design has a number of column which are decided at the runtime, means that at the time of viewing the report it will be decided that weather the report contain the 10 columns or the 15 or some thing else. also the columns headers are decided at the run time that the first column is corrosponds to the Name or something else. I have build a dyamic query at the runtime which I will pass to the report but the main problem is the design of the report. Like If the report has seven columns to display then all the pther should be suppresses and their should be no emty space like if the column 2 has no data then it should be supressed and the column 3 should be shifted to its place means the empty space will be used at maximum possible. if any body have builded such a dynamic report or have some idea then please share it. Regards,
  7. Hi, I am using a datagrid to display the records and a drop down list which contains the column names, a text box to enter the text for search and a button to perform the search. I perform the search on the appropriate column of the data grid by using the dataset's RowFilter property. It is working nice. But now i have a problem that when the user enters a single apostrophe like " ' " in the search filed it gives an error that is like {System.Data.SyntaxErrorException} [system.Data.SyntaxErrorException]: {System.Data.SyntaxErrorException} HelpLink: Nothing InnerException: Nothing Message: "The expression contains an invalid string constant: ' ." Source: "System.Data" StackTrace: " at System.Data.ExpressionParser.ScanString(Char escape) at System.Data.ExpressionParser.Scan() at System.Data.ExpressionParser.Parse() at System.Data.DataExpression..ctor(String expression, DataTable table, Type type) at System.Data.DataView.set_RowFilter(String value) at HRA3.ViewCenter.bindGrid() in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\CAO\HRA3\HRA3Forms\ViewCenter.aspx.vb:line 87" TargetSite: {System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo} but if i use the two inverted commas it works just fine. The one solution to this problem is that i ristrict the user to use the Inverted commas but that is not feasible. If any body have any other solution then please share it, However the code to perform the search is If Me.ddlColumnList.SelectedItem.Text.ToString().Trim() <> "" Then searchExpression = "Convert([" + Me.ddlColumnList.SelectedItem.Value.ToString() + "], 'System.String') like '%" + Me.txtSearch.Text + "%' " End If MyDataSet.DefaultView.RowFilter = searchExpression dgCenter.DataSource =MyDataSet.DefaultView Please give some solution to this problem I will be thankfull to you. Regards,
  8. Hi, Thanks for reply, This seems to be a good idea, but can you explain it a little further, and if it is feasable for you then please provide some exaple. Regards,
  9. Hi, I am having problems to use the user controls. What i want to do is to use two different user controls on a page but one user control is dependent upon the value of the other user control. Like I have controls ctl1 and ctl2. The ctl2 uses some values which the ctl1 contains. I want to use then in such a way that i have to do nothing on the page means the controls should automatically handle them. Also it is not possible for me to merge the both controls. Regards,
  10. Hi, thanks for the reply. You are right that I can check the user's role through user.isInRole but the problem is that Their are more then 100 different groups in the active directory and each group has some specific permissions so using the User.isInRole is not appropriate at this situation because I have to loop through the whole list of roles, so i want a solution that i can get the user's active directory directly. Thanks, -----
  11. Hi, I want to create a login page which authinticates the users from the active directory. The requirement is that if the user is loged in to the windows through the active directory account then he has not to provide the user name and password other wise he has to provide the both things. The user's active directory group is maped to the application's roles. First i have to check the user's Active Directory Group and then get the role of the user for application. Can you provide me the best solution for how to do this because I am not sure how to authinticate the users in the login page. Regards,
  12. Hi Can you tell me how can I use the <identity impersonate="true" userName="DomainName\userName" password="password"/> properties in the code instead of the web.config. What i means is i want that user enters the user Name and password which I want to use in the code instead hardcoding them to the web.config. it is urgent please reply as soon as possible. Thanks.
  13. Hi, We are currently developing a big application in ASP.Net and VB.Net. We are facing the problem to decide which method to use for retaining the layout of the application. The Application contains a Top Banner, A Left Side Menu and a footer . All of these controls should come on every page. we have several options to use these Like 1. Use the Web User controls and place these controls on every page. 2. Use the Frames which contains all these controls. 3. Use some thing like Master Pages in the ASP.Net 2.0 but their are no standard implementation. 4. or use any other method. Currently I want to know that which method is best suited because we have very little time for development so we want a solution which can be used with minimum effort and time. Also can any body tell me the merits and demerits of all these methods. ------------ Regards, Asif Raza Ashraf
  14. Thanks for your suggestion. I also think about this way but the problem is the project on which i am working cotains more then 100 pages and it is not possible for me to use this type of solution, However thanks for your suggestion. Thanks,
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