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Everything posted by kejpa

  1. oki, Entried should have been Entries, ie your field "Number of entries" I have no experience with PostgreSQL, but you need to make an Group by clause where you group according to which month and then you do a sum for the number of entries. Have a look at aggregate functions in the help files for Postgree, I'm sure it's in there. HTH Kejpa
  2. It somewhat depends on your database engine, but something like this ought to get you going.... Select "Sept", Sum(Entried) from StimulanzResult group by BR_date having Br_date like "%%%%-09-%%" HTH Kejpa
  3. Hi, is it possible to change the width of a separator in a toolbar? It's too small for my taste and having a number of consecutive separators seems like a bad idea. TIA Kejpa
  4. Hi there, open your connection just as you showed then have a CommandObject take care of the delete.... Dim cmdDelete As OleDbCommand = New OleDbCommand("Delete from PrintSignOut", cnADONetConnection) cmdDelete.ExecuteNonQuery() Simplicity is beautiful, isn't it.... HTH /Kejpa
  5. Hi, more on the datagrid.... How do you set the width of a column to fit the content? If you double click between two columns the left column adjusts to the length of the longest item. I want that as the default width when I open the table. Can it be done? Of course, but help me out ;) TIA Kejpa
  6. Hi, I'm starting to use a datagrid bound to a table in my database, and I've bumped into a few problems... How do I move to a new record in a datagrid? I have a toolbar where I have a "New Record" button. When clicked I want to move to a new record. How do I sort the records using a toolbar button? I know that I can sort by clicking on the column header, but how do I simulate that from a toolbar button? And finally, how do I filter the records based on a current selection of a cell? If I have a part of the cell content selected I want a selection based on that part, if I have the whole or none of the content selected I want to match the current content. I have had all of these features in an old VB6 version and the users don't want to loose any functions (naturally) with a new version... TIA Kejpa
  7. It's in Whidbey? For MSAccess tooo??!? That'll be great! /Kejpa
  8. Hi, Is it possible to use some of .NET's new and fancy database objects to notice changes to records in the database made from outside the application? It would be very handy if you could detect a change in the database and apply them onto the objects in the application. Can it be done or am I just stoned and dreaming ;) TIA Kejpa
  9. Dates and times should be saved as date/time in the database, that's why there is such a field type... If you just want one, ignore the time part by trimming it dtLast= dtlast.Date HTH Kejpa
  10. Dim dtFirst, dtLast As Date dtFirst = DateSerial(Now.Year, Now.Month + 1, 1) dtLast = DateSerial(Now.Year, Now.Month + 1, Date.DaysInMonth(Now.Year, Now.Month + 1)) Cmd = New OleDbCommand("SELECT Seller, Service, Total, DueDate FROM Transactions WHERE Name=@givenBuyer AND DueDate BETWEEN [b]#[/b]" & dtFirst & "[b]#[/b] AND [b]#[/b]" & dtLast & "[b]#[/b], Conn) Is better. I'm not sure how this snippet handles December, but it's some first steps at least. HTH Kejpa
  11. If you're the one creating tables the primary key should be created at the same time. If you have access enough to the database it's very easy to handle these tasks with some UI, SQL Administrator (can't rememer what it's called). In SQL code it's It can be used with a command object Have a quickie in the online help, search for PRIMARY KEY HTH /Kejpa
  12. To you most things are very obvious. To the rest of us they are very obscure. What database engine? Through .NET code? (Which language?) Let us know and we'll help. /Kejpa
  13. Hi there! I've encountered some strange behaviour... When setting the text in a treeview to bold the last character is cut. Not much but a little, as if the width of the text was determined based on the normal widht of the text and not the actual. Anyone else experienced this and how do I fix it? TIA Kejpa Oh, Still sitting on .NET 1.0 I might add
  14. Nope, We're on the move to have the app in .NET but it should be working just as with VB6. You restrict access using the policy editor (poledit.exe) We're having two different "modes" restricted where the environment is locked down real tight and one unrestricted where we can manipulate everything. The change between the two modes are done by changing the effective ntconfig.pol file. /Kejpa
  15. Int and overflow at 32767?!? Are you using VB6? With .NET Integers are the old longs and don't get overflow until 4.2 billion. If you're using VB6 then you should be using Long instead of Int HTH /Kejpa
  16. It sounds like you only want to restrict the Windows environment to use your application only... Have a look at the Policy editor, we're using it for our application which runs in an environment like that. Group policys might do the trick but we've never sorted it out... /Kejpa
  17. So you could... Then I guess it's possible to do in .NET too I was told that it's not possible, but that might have been on computers not having Access installed. Sorry if I confused you, and hope you're able to solve it. Unfortunately I'm of no help :( /Kejpa
  18. You can't, Access forms and reports are for use with Access only. You need to do your reporting within .NET :( /Kejpa
  19. If I'm not mistaken Access is using an hidden autonumber for keeping the rows unique. The autonumber is a "long" which will give you some records (32 bits) to play with /Kejpa
  20. As long as you're not executing any code on the database server it's rather irrelevant what OS it runs on. You connect to the database and you don't have to know anything apart from how to do that. /Kejpa
  21. BeginUpdate and EndUpdate gave me more flickering so I threw it far far away ;) /Kejpa
  22. Hey DiverDan I just want to point out that you're having CLng along with CDbl when doing AltSort on numeric columns. /Kejpa
  23. Yeah, I made a hashtable to hold the Text and listviewitem and it's working. I'm no longer sure that it was looping to listview that caused it all to jam, it might be some of the Event Handlers. Still flickering though, but not as much as before. Still.... More input is appreciated ;) Thanx Kejpa
  24. Hi! I have a listview where I show the values for about 50 different points of measurement. They all update (individually) about twice a second and I want to show the values as soon as possible. At the moment I'm looping through the listviewitems in order to find the right one (based on the items text) but the control is flickering (and it seem like it's eating memory but I might be wrong there). Is there a better way to update the list? (Sensor is the sensor class which holds the properties of the sensors, such as Value, Name, Location , ...) This is (a part of) my event handler in the form. Synclock lvwValues Dim itm as listviewitem For each itm in lvwValues if Sensor.Name=itm.text then itm.Subitem(1).Text=Sensor.Value exit for End if next end Synclock TIA Kejpa
  25. If ScanDate is a date field you need to use # around the dates supplied ((Scan.ScanDate) between #"+dateA+"# and #"+dataB+"#) HTH /Kejpa
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