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Everything posted by kejpa

  1. Hi! Seems to me like SwitchLoc , BladeNo and PortNo are strings. SQL handles strings better if enclosed with quotes (' or " depending on local settings) Another thing, if you're trying to get multiple records by using *, you'll have to use LIKE and not = HTH /Kejpa
  2. From the mySQL manual.... So, I guess you need to loop through all tables in all databases and backup each table and then zip it up to a single file. HTH /Kejpa
  3. There are all sorts of possible reasons for not getting connected. Firewalls is one that immediately popped up in my mind. If I were you I'd start with trying to connect using a client program, when that's working try connecting through your own code. There are a couple of free (GPL'd) programs to use including some from the MySQL site. My choise however is SQLYog, which used to be free. Best of luck! /Kejpa
  4. You have to assign it to a new font object... txtCR.Font = New Font(txtCR.Font, FontStyle.Italic) (from vb2005, might be different in earlier versions) HTH /Kejpa
  5. With Delphi you can link what you need statically and then you don't need any runtimes. HTH /Kejpa
  6. Hey Pentiumguy! I'm not too sure but it looks like is for connecting to a SQLServer.... HTH /Kejpa
  7. Could it be that they may be VBScript-files and as such can be executed? It's the same as with .bat files, isn't it? /Kejpa
  8. You're trying to add a string to a double. That's what the first line of the error message tells you (or at least me ;)) Cast your senderID to a string and you'll be fine. sqlCommand.CommandText = "SELECT Email_Add FROM Login where Group_HeadID = " + senderID[b].tostring[/b] HTH /Kejpa
  9. kejpa


    Why remove the "-"? Keep them and use the Guid as file name with an extention of your choise. HTH /Kejpa
  10. Hi there! A query works just as a table outside of Access. You get the query data just as you get the table data "Select * from [queryname]...." HTH /Kejpa
  11. Hi Roby, yes, most smtp-mailservers do not require you to log in. However most servers don't accept sending mail from a different domain than you're logged in to and somehow you're logged in to some domain (or you wouldn't be on the internet) Some servers require valid from addresses, most however do not. And it's not just your app that's offering this option to forge the sender, all (?) mail programs have options to set the sending name and address. It's not hard to trick people to believe that the sender is Bill Gates, or Kofi Annan, or the Pope if you wish. However, your IP-address will always show from where the mail was sent.... HTH /Kejpa
  12. I'm sure there are quite a few that will change the clock, if that's all it takes. Done that myself too ;) but since it interfered too much with other more relevant things I needed to do (ie send mail) and caused those things NOT to work I stopped. I'm not saying that Diesel shouldn't have some basic evaluation, my point is that it's not worrth spending time to outsmart all options since you can't. How can you stop someone from reinstall Windows in order to keep using the program? With 'net connection it's possible, but as my key point is, Is it worth the extra time and effort? /Kejpa
  13. ok, you have an evaluation time and of course you want to get paid for your work. But how many people will go through changing the computer clock back and forth just to use your program? There are a number of other applications in your computer that relies on a correct (well, almost correct at least) setting of the time. If you in a binary form enters to the registry the first run, writes the latest start and finish time in a different location (or two maybe) you can compare dates and times but against installation time and last finish time. But is it worth it? The extra time you have to spend on fiddling with different settings, all extra code you have to write to check if the user has been changing the clock. Will it pay back in sense of money for you application? I'd implement some basic checking but if the users tamper with the clock or registry I'd let them. After all, what stops them from completely reinstalling the computer and use your program for another 30 days..... That's my 2c /Kejpa
  14. A quick Google for OOPic gave me...http://www.oopic.com/ and there was a programmers guide which should get you started ... HTH /Kejpa
  15. We manage the computers ourselves and install Acrobat before shipping them ;) I don't call up the webbrowser, I use the webbrowser control on a form and use the webbrowser controls "Navigate" method to load the pdf. Really very simple. HTH /Kejpa
  16. Subselect, not too good. Use an aggregation instead: /Kejpa
  17. Listview.Items(0).Selected=True Should do it for you... /Kejpa
  18. Thank you all for bearing with me.... Of course I should raise an event in the class where the temp is measured and have it in a separate thread. I must have been really tired yesterday.... Thanx a bunch! /Kejpa
  19. Hi, I want my GUI to be responsive even if the app is waiting for a temperature to be set. I guess I should be using some callback or async function but I'm not sure how and which function to use. This is my idea of work flow ' Set temp +60° ' Wait for temperature to be stable while temp>-20° ' Do Magic! ' Order temp Change -2° ' Wait for temperature to be stable loop There are two places in the loop where I need to wait, the first where I wait for the referece temperature to change and the second where I need to wait until the our temperature sensor reports a stable temperature. Any help appreciated! TIA /Kejpa
  20. Sooo simple, and soo very not flexible and scaleable. What I like is to mimic what's happening in VB.NET IDE, if you write "elseif" you will get "ElseIf" when you have finished the word with a white space char or some other char (\W) Should I use Regex for changing "i want to capitalize myselft" to "I want to capitalize MySelf" or am I better off with find loops? TIA /Kejpa
  21. Hi, I'd like to search for a string case insensitive and if found change it to the way it's written in the pattern. Simple enough, but how? Consider the pattern to be "\b(Me|MySelf|I|Kejpa)\b". TIA /Kejpa
  22. My guess is that you're using the same connection and that it isn't valid if the other database is password protected. Make a new connection to the other database and try to do the insert again. HTH /Kejpa
  23. Thanx PD, txtFavorite.BackColor = Color.FromARGB(cInt(oRegKey.GetValue("FavoriteBackColor"))) Made the trick /Kejpa
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