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Everything posted by kejpa

  1. Correct! You should always keep an eye on your search queries and optimize the indexes. There's a HUGE difference in response time (we're still talking ms though ;)) with indexed and unindexed searches. Not to mention those banned "Like '%searchtext%'" queries. There is a reason for the M in the LAMP light of internet... /Kejpa
  2. Selecting ALL records don't take too long, it's a partial search of an unindexed field that will take time ;)
  3. Ok, you got me cornered. I guess I should have mentioned that I want my program to do this for me... Thanx anyway ;) /Kejpa
  4. Hi! How do I clear the immediate window when I start my App in the IDE? All old debugging information is cluttering up it and makes it hard to see what information is from the current session... TIA /Kejpa
  5. Thanx Mike! I needed that one ;) And so I've done my home work and read it thoroughly and I guess I have understood that I should use the common event handler pattern (sender as object, e as WhatEverEventArgs) But I can't figure out why I need to declare a delegate for the events? Why should I... 'declare a delegate for the event Delegate Sub AskPriceChangedHandler(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As AskPriceChangedEventArgs) 'declare the event using the delegate Public Event AskPriceChanged As AskPriceChangedHandler ... instead of just .... 'declare the event Public Event AskPriceChanged (ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As AskPriceChangedEventArgs) ... which is my current approach? Regards /Kejpa
  6. Hmmmmm, never thought about that..... I guess I could, I'm a little worried though that I might miss some RemoveHandler statement. What effects does that have on the system? Regards /Kejpa
  7. Correct! I want to attach objects to the BinaryLog and have it handle events, ie write the variable implementing BinaryLogItem to a log file. TIA /Kejpa
  8. Thanx Ner, I probably would have to use some licensing. Will look into that as a part of today's mission :) mskeel: I'm fully aware of that any .NET program is easily reverse engineered and that you need to obfuscate if it's rocket science or big secrets you're dealing with. But that won't stop anyone from using my DLL. The reason for making a library is code reuse. I don't want to copy and paste the same code files over and over again. I make a utility dll for the projects I'm doing and have the most common gadgets available and tested (and not modifyable! :p ) at once. Thanx again. /Kejpa
  9. So I thought that I'd better make a class library of some of the frequently used classes instead of including them into each and every project. But I don't like the idea of them to be used by others (though highly unlikely), is there a way of restricting the usage of MY dll's? TIA /Kejpa
  10. Hi, I'm planning on having a BinaryLog class for all the logging I need and I would like to be able to attach objects and their events dynamically to different instances of my BinaryLogs. The logee events all implement iBinaryLogItem and typically look like Public Event NewData(ByVal Values As UnitData) ' UnitData is implementing iBinaryLogItem What I want to be able to do is something like... Dim oUnitLog as new BinaryLog ("c:\temp\Units.log") oUnitLog.Attach(objUnit(1), objUnit(1).NewData) Any object with an event matching the typical event above should be allowed to be attached. (Maybe I need some overloaded procedures as well further down the lane) This seems like a good idea in order to keep the different classes independent of each other. TIA /Kejpa
  11. Hi! Maybe I misunderstood you, but why not check if last-year_folder (2005) exists and if it doesn't create it and then Sept-Dec month folder. After that you create this years folder and all months. Another thing you might want is to use folder names like "2006-01" instead of "January" or you will have them like HTH /Kejpa
  12. Both worked?!? What happens if you put in 1/9/2005? Does it give you Sept 1 or Jan 9?!? /Kejpa
  13. When entering data into the tables directly it's no problem using the native way of entering data, it's when you try to do it using SQL you have to use the US way. Don't ask me why. As Ner pointed out (and I forgot...) you need to have # around your dates. The easiest way to test if your SQL is working is by setting a breakpoint when the SQL is generated, copy it and paste it into a query window. It will help you out in making the SQL have the right dialect. HTH /Kejpa btw SQL = Standard Query Language Standards are great, everyone should have his....
  14. That's it! Access only accepts the US standard date format... Even if you have a localized version (swedish in my experience) the only way you can insert dates is with the US date format MM/dd/yyyy. Simply wonderful. HTH /Kejpa
  15. Sorry, missed a few string handling issues.... Here is my adjusted code: strNewSQLStatement = "SELECT * From IssueHistory WHERE (" & _ strSelectedSearchTypeDate1 & " between '" & strDVDate1 & "' And '" & strDVDate2 & "') and (" & _ strSelectedSearchTypeDate2 & " between '" & strDVDate1 & "' And '" & strDVDate2 & "')" But in order to avoid injection you'd rather use parameters... HTH /Kejpa
  16. You should use >= and <= More/Less before equal is the correct syntax But I'd use between! HTH /Kejpa
  17. strNewSQLStatement = "SELECT * From IssueHistory WHERE " & _ (SignOutDate between strDVDate1 And strDVDate2) and (SignInDate between strDVDate1 And strDVDate2) Most SQL dialects accepts "between" AFAIK HTH /Kejpa
  18. It all depends on what you do with the data stored. If you present it in a browser you could end up infecting the clients that visit your site. If you do an EXEC in a database on the data stored in the table there might be a risk for dropping the database if a evil user add such statements in the csv. But I guess you have checks for the uploaded data when inserting it to the database table(s) Be careful with large textblocks and binary data, and decode/escape potential risk fields. HTH /Kejpa
  19. Use parameters for your query /Kejpa
  20. use a timer and set the labels text when the timer ticks. hth /kejpa (today in all lower case ;))
  21. Hi! Yes, the idea is to have it all in an open network. Later there might be requests for access over internet, but then we might have to add webservices to the system. There's really no need for the main office to have on-line data, what they're interested in is statistics and that can be supplied through webservices. Yes, the idea is to skip the first .NET (beta) versions and jump from VB6 to VB2005 Thanks a lot for your input! Regards Kejpa
  22. Hi again, from what I've read it seems like I should be using .NET Remoting, but I can't find relevant samples. And I'm not sure if all the things I would like to be able to do is possible with Remoting. So I thought I'd state what I need and ask you guys for point of directions. TIA /Kejpa
  23. Sounds like a good idea!
  24. Hi, Currently we're using VB6 and DCOM to establish communication between the server application and the client applications. We're about to change platform to .NET (VB2005) but not sure how to handle the remote communication. There are a couple of things we'd like to have: The client should react on events raised in the server app Connections should be possible over a network Multiple clients should be able to connect to the server app One or more client apps can be located on the same computer as the server app Our server app will monitor and control a test environment and the current situation will be visible on client computers in "real time" (time delay ~.2s) What approach should we use? Is there any good samples available. I have searched at MS but it's very hard to find out which technology to use. Even when I have outruled SOAP it's slippery ;) TIA /Kejpa
  25. Of course you can have wildcards searches, you have to have some logic to take care of the different cases though. The idea is however to use the LIKE operator HTH /Kejpa
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