Argh, it doesn't work like I want :( ...
I tried with Squirm's solution, but every time I redim the array, I erase all the content inside.
With the collections, I have done something just like my precedent post, but it doesn't work.
I tried other solutions, something like that :
Dim myarray(30, 3, 1) as string
and put in the last dimension a collection of values (sometimes 4 values, sometimes 16, or anything else). But it returns me an error because a not a String, of course.
Just now, I tried to use an ArrayList. I can create them dynamically : Dim myArrayList( , , ) as ArrayList, but if I want to put a integer or a string inside it on the position, let's say, (21, 1, 3), it tells me it's not an Array...
pff.....I don't know how to do, sob sob... Has someone an idea ?
Here's my problem :
I have an unknown number of parameters (for a game). Each parameter has between 2 and 4 types, and each type has 4 or more values. So a multi-dimensional array seems to be the best way to resolve this. But...