Thank you all ! I resolve my problem...Well, it was not because ByVal or ByRef.
The fact is I have four TextBox. They only accpept value between 0 and 100. The fourth textBox is readonly, and its content depends on the three others.
So if I have 25, 10 and 25, the last textBox should have 40.
I do the "automatic content" when keypress on one of the three editable textBox...Hum, well, it's a bit complicated. I have a class which inherits of TextBox. Each of the four textBox is an instance of this class.
When an instance is created, I set 2 properties, which are :
- the "automatic textBox"
- the two other editable textBox
Then, when I change a value, the last is calculated automatically. My problem was that the value of the last textBox didn't change.
Now it's okay, but I don't really know why ;)