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Everything posted by scorpin

  1. I have never used librarys, so adding the project solution will add the file structure?
  2. I have 2 project folders, project A has many sub folders with many *.vb files, i want these folders to be available to project B without rebuilding the folder and file structure. I want changes made from eather project A or B to apply to both projects. can someone help?
  3. well i changed my code, so when the module sub is called from the form load it passes the picturebox in... not what i wanted but it works with out error
  4. i used the "add form" tool
  5. i replaced the declaration in the module with Public Graphics As New Squid3D9(Form1.PicX As System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox) that works, but i get an error down in my debug "Comma, ')', or a valid expression continuation expected." its considered a build error by the compiler and gives me an option to continue, i can also leave it as Public Graphics As New Squid3D9(Form1.PicX) it works if i continue from the build error... but build errors are bad
  6. this is the constructor for my class Public Sub New(ByVal Target As System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox) this is where the class is declared (module1) Public Graphics As New Squid3D9(Form1.PicX) the picture box resides in form1, as a public it will not work, it must be a shared public for it to work, but if i change anything on the form it erases my picturebox
  7. well when its public it outputs the error "Reference to a non-shared member requires an object refernce" what does that mean? and by the way object is longer passed and the program dosnt work
  8. I want to make a picturebox on a form 'shared' so i can pass it into my d3d class, from another module I have it working now, i editied the designer generated code for the picturebox i changed 'friend' to 'public shared', so it works, but when i am in the form designer window its not shown, and i have a caution thing down in the buiild error/debug window that says "the variable 'PicX' is either undeclared or was never assigned' but when i run my program it is present then when i go and edit anything on the form designed the picture box is deleated
  9. Can i share a picture box so i can access it from other modules? i am getting my *** kicked? how do i do it?
  10. hightmaps. if you already have a hightmap, load it into a 2 dimentional byte array, then load that into a vertex buffer as make a triangle strip, the 2 dimentions x and y refer to the position, and z refers to the altitude. this is a screen shot of the terrain i made using the exact method... http://my.starstream.net/scorpin/ScreenShot3.jpg
  11. trig. lots of trig. http://www.visualbasicforum.com/showthread.php?t=176234 the above will show you how to do camera rotations, the post by me will show you some of the trig you need... you are going to need to learn to use the directx viewports, for a max style screen, for each viewport you are going to need to render 4 times and place them correctly, try searching viewports to select things you are going to need to learn 'picking' eather you send a ray out from your camera in the direction the mouse is clicking or you could make your own 3d engine that tracks the 3d->2d transformations that makes picking very easy. again my post in the above link has 3d->2d transformations from a camera angle.
  12. thanks :) when using c++.net consol programs has anyone noticed a lag when they run? and does anyone know how to make the dos window wait after execution?
  13. that also goes for c++? has vb math been improved?
  14. but vb can use c# classes?
  15. can i mix C# with VB?
  16. i keep forgetting that microsoft dosnt program vb in vb... :( hehe
  17. when using microsofts class's you are awarded with a discription of what each perameter of the function is when you come to enter it, how would i do that?
  18. when i go to .add in requires a property but i dont know what to do
  19. where should the structure go? this goes in the same file as the rest of my class, is it inbeaded in or seperate?
  20. i guess i am a dummy, but i dont quite understand gotta rub my nose in it i guess this is what i did Public Class TransactionHistoryStructureCollection : Inherits CollectionBase Public Structure TransactionHistoryStructure Public TransactionDate As Date Public TransactionType As String Public TransactionAmount As Double End Structure Public Function Add(ByVal obj As TransactionHistoryStructure) As Integer Return Me.List.Add(obj) End Function Public Sub Remove(ByVal obj As TransactionHistoryStructure) If Me.List.Contains(obj) Then Me.List.Remove(obj) End Sub Default Public Property Item(ByVal index As Integer) As TransactionHistoryStructure Get Return DirectCast(Me.List.Item(index), TransactionHistoryStructure) End Get Set(ByVal Value As TransactionHistoryStructure) Me.List.Item(index) = Value End Set End Property
  21. Private Structure TransactionHistoryStructure Public TransactionDate As Date Public TransactionType As String Public TransactionAmount As Double End Structure 'HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Private TransactionHistory As TransactionHistoryStructure thats what i have, i want to make the TransactionHistory an array list of TransactionHistoryStructure 's
  22. is it possible to arraylist a user defined structure?
  23. so events are private subs and functions and methods are public subs and functions?
  24. in reference to classes, what is the definition of events and methods? and what is the difrence between to the two?
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