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About tjhalbert

  • Birthday 06/05/1957

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. The problem with the application not being able to instantiate the MAPI.SESSION is that I had to register the CDO.DLL module to XP. However, I encountered problems with the regsvr32 program, because the dll referenced the following two modules that were not in the system library: gapi32.dll efsadu.dll I identified these references using the DependencyWalker utility. Once I downloaded the missing modulesinto my windows folder, the registration program ran sucessfully, and my application is now able to create the MAPI.SESSION object.
  2. I am trying to run this code in an XP environment: Set objSession = CreateObject("MAPI.Session") but get the message: Run time error 429 ActiveX component can't create object The code ran fine previously in an NT envrionment, but now it fails. I have pointed to the CDO12.dll library, but to no avail. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  3. I have already developed the application, and it worked fine on a desktop with NT4.0 and Outlook 98. I pull the addresses from a database table, so I don't anticipate this being a problem. The problem is that the I am now trying to run this application on a new computer with Windows XP. There are two CDO files in my folders: CDOEX.DLL and cdosys.dll. According to the propoerties for CDOEX it is for the Exchange server, and my application is not able to start the Session object. What is more frustrating is that I have not been able to add the cdosys.dll library reference to my application. I have put the object in the same folder as the CDOEX.dll object, but even after I attempt to add the reference it doesn't appear on my reference list. Is there something extremely simple that I am overlooking here?
  4. I'm on the same journey you recently completed. I'll have to see if I still have a CD with Outlook 98 around here.
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