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  1. Thanks Thanks all, Working fine now :)
  2. Hello, I've drawn a picture using the picturebox_paint event. ex. e.Graphics.FillRectangle(mybrush, x * 16, y * 16, 16, 16) Later I want to save the picture in the picturebox. But the picturebox.image is Nothing. BackgroundImage is also Nothing. How do you save the content in the picturebox to a bmp file if you haven't specifically added an image through picturebox.Image property? Best Wishes, Farek
  3. Farek

    Web Services

    Does this mean I'll have to change every app.config file on every PC the software is installed? I cant find any property where I can change the value in the app.config file. :( Best Wishes, Farek
  4. Hiya all, Been looking into Web Services abit. My system has a Web service that is running on a server and the client machines are able to use the service with no problem. My problem however is that I would like to dynamically change the web reference on the client application. This is because when you add the Web Reference while coding the client you write in the static address to the Web Service. I would hate to recompile the client code everytime the service changes location and then export the client App to all the PCs its been installed to. Basically, is there a way of, for example, to extract the Web service address from a SQL-DB/File/Entry and then connect to that service? Best Wishes, Farek
  5. It doesnt show the DLL at all. It only shows the Project own methods.
  6. Hiya all, Is there any tool in .NET that acts like the Object Viewer like in VS 6 when you press F2. Basically what it does is that it lists all the Objects that is available to the project and you're able to see its properties/Sub/functions. I've included a DLL file and I wish to find out what methods it has available for me, but cant find the tool to view them. Hope there is such a tool, Farek
  7. Try this Hiya I always use gDtlConOleDbObj.Open() gDtlTransOleDbObj = gDtlConOleDbObj.BeginTransaction Try ' Do your com.ExecuteNonQuery() Catch gDtlTransOleDbObj.RollBack() Finally gDtlConOleDbObj.Close() End Try /Farek
  8. Thanks WebJumper! I manage to find this site that was very usefull : http://regexlib.com/ /Farek
  9. Hello all, Anyone know of a site that explain how the ValidationExpression property script works? \d = numeric \w = letters {#nr} = amount of numerics/letters That's about it of what I understand. Trying to match the following : (###) ###-### I tried with : (\d{3}) \d{3}-\d{3} ..but it's not working. Hope someone out there knows ;) Best Wishes, /Farek
  10. Farek


    I did a simular thing once but in Pascal. Here is how I did it. Use two arrays. Random a number and pick out the element from the first array and display it. Delete it from the first array and move it into the 2nd array. Do this until the first array is empty, move all elements back to the first array. Clear 2nd array and start again. This way you'll never get dublicates Hope it helps /Farek
  11. Forgot to mention the important points that made it all work : /Farek
  12. Hello all, I thought I would share my experiance with ppl who might be having the same problem. When I started VS.NET and made an ASP.NET Web Application and tried to Run it, I got the following error message: "Unable to start debugging on the web server. The server does not support debugging of ASP.NET or ATL.Server applications. Run setup to install the Visual Studio.Net server components. If setup has been run verify that a valid URL has been specified. .... " After looking on the web I found a solution that worked for me : So a big thanks to Michael Miner for helping sorting out the problem. ASP.NET here I come :p /Farek PS. I hope its posted in the right forum section ;) DS
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