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Everything posted by Drstein99

  1. I am using inpout32.dll to read and write to the paralell port - however, finding that the reads are somewhat slow. Specifically, from a quadrature encoder. Up to a certain point, the data is reliable - however, degrades and I increase the speed. Does anyone have any experience reading/writing to paralell port for data acquisition, can advise?
  2. I understand. Thanks.
  3. I write an application that runs on old win-98 pc's. For some unusual reason, it seems to load .dll's when it NEEDS them, instead of all at once when the program is loaded for the first time. I want them to load on program startup, like the splash screen into the global-assembly cache. This is a problem when users try to navigate the application (with customers on the PHONE) and the application HESITATES while the computer loads the .dll and then continues. I believe it is causing problems as my timers and triggering threading events become out-of-synch, due to this inappropriate first-time hesitation. I notice that "ACCESSIBILITY.DLL" seems to want to load when it feels like it. I add it into the program "IMPORTS" under the property-pages for the project, I also add that in the first lines of code in the class; and doesnt seem to make a difference. Does anyone else have this problem, or undestand the issue? Its been troubleing me for quite some time, and was wondering if there is a corrective procedure, work-around, or possibly something I am doing wrong.
  4. I'm writing a large application that uses many different .dll's. I've noticed MOST .dll's load initially on first program load. There are a few occaisions where the OTHER .dll's load WHEN those functions are called - sometimes the users go into special dialogs that trigger the functions on those .dll's - which naturally, cause the system to hesitate for the first time while it loads from disk into cache memory. I'm seeking advice on HOW to PREMATURELY load ALL REFERENCE .dll's into memory AT initial load of the application; so that when users click stuff for the first time, it doesnt hesitate seeking disk activity and runs from it's cache. Please help, thanks.
  5. I am declaring a new form, that is like a popup to the original form. That form has tooltips. So, on my main form, I'm calling "showdialog" it pops up temporarily, then I hit "close", and it returns me back to my main form. When I do "showdialog" the 2nd time, the tool-tips do not show - for some reason. Does anyone know why this happens?
  6. Are you saying I gotta make two pics and alternate them when the user hovers the pic? I was looking for a function that automatically took the pic, re/rendered it with a higher brightness or something automatically.
  7. I am building an online catalog. For the product picture, I want a thumbnail on the screen, with a click-to-enlarge hyperlink on the bottom. But I want them to click the image too, by signalling they can do that by sorta making the image lighter or some way like that. How can I highlight an image (that can be resized by proportion to "PX" width or height) when user glides cursor across it on the screen, to appear as if it's clickable?
  8. I'm having issues with richtextbox. I want to insert and delete text, from it - and I can not use the .text property, since I am using colors and formatting, etc are lost when I do: richtextbox.text = richtextbox.text.insert(25,"Testing") Is there any articles, links, or information regarding an efficient method to handle the .rtf , w/ all the codes and such? For example - translating the selection indexes, and the point at which they occur in .RTF; is a huge problem dealing with line/breaks carriage returns. The .selectionstart property deals with the .text property on richtextbox, and pretty much the only resources I can see so far are .selectedrtf and .rtf - also some functions to load files into the .rtf
  9. My hosting situation, points all my domains and alais to ONE directory. For example; http://www.FOODEATING.net http://www.CARREVIEWS.com BOTH point to the same directory. How can I determine what domain the user got to my application? I would like my application to re/direct it to another directory/html file.
  10. Has anyone resolved this issue? I don't know what nGen is either - what does that do?
  11. I'm declaring a string, for use with mySQL as an insert string. I can't seem to add more than 386 characters to it. Is there a maximum string length or something else I must declare to make strings larger than that size? Please help.
  12. My applicaiton loads .dll's and takes a while to start, initially. I put a splash screen up to alert users, that "loading be patient". I'm finding that the program loads the .dll's, AND THEN shows the form, which is completely useless. I want the display to appear on program execution click. While loading, display "be patient". After load, then hide, or go away - I don't care. But showing the splash for a second after there is no need to wait since everything else is ready to run is pointless. Does anyone know how to resolve this, can advise - please? Thanks.
  13. Yea, it seemed like those other threads were very lengthy and had me running all over the place with different paths, all over. I'm going to give this quick solution a try, thank you.
  14. Users are clicking my application, 2x and 3x, getting the same application which is designed to RUN ONCE. They click, it takes so long to load .dll's initially, they do it again because (for whatever reason). By that time, 2 or more app forms are on the screen. How can I prevent against more than once instance of this application from loading? Please advise, thanks.
  15. I will give it my best shot. This is some REDUCED code. ---- Private Sub DoListen() Dim bIpLoop As Integer = -1 ' Listen for new connections. Console.WriteLine(Now.ToString & " listen start") listener.Start() RaiseEvent addhand(Nothing, "LISTMESSAGE|SOCKET STARTED|" & IIf(bAcceptMany = True, "Accept many connects", "Accept single connect")) Do If bAcceptingConnections Then If listener.Pending Then Console.WriteLine(Now.ToString & " lthread is true and pending is true") avTemp = New avatar(listener.AcceptSocket, sFromAvatar) If bAcceptMany = False Then RaiseEvent addhand(avTemp, "ADDNEW") avTemp.StartCall2() listener.Stop() bAcceptingConnections = False Console.WriteLine(Now.ToString & " after add new avatar") ElseIf Not ipFound(avTemp.ipAddress) Is Nothing Then avTemp.StartCall2(-1) RaiseEvent addhand(avTemp, "ERRORMSG|Duplicate catch detected!") Else RaiseEvent addhand(avTemp, "ADDNEW") avTemp.StartCall2() Console.WriteLine(Now.ToString & " after add new avatar") End If End If End If Application.DoEvents() Loop Until lThread = False RaiseEvent addhand(Nothing, "LISTMESSAGE|Thread exiting") Console.WriteLine(Now.ToString & " lthread is false, listener stopped") End Sub ----- The "avatar" a custom object is inherited from a listview object. the socket is inside the avatar object.
  16. I have a thread that listens for connections. My application works in a way where after the first connection, i want to stop receiving connections. Its adapted from a popular sample tcp/ip around the internet using threading. -- When a connection is pending, it executes; dTest = listener.AcceptSocket --- I am finding, when the LISTENER.STOP command is issued, I beleive the dTest socket is shut down. I want the dTest SOCKET to be a separate object, apart from the listener. when i issue the listener.stop - i dont want it to affect that socket. --- Can someone advise me please? I lack the experience in tcp/ip (also threading), this is my first project, but I am a versed programmer in database. Thanks.
  17. Yes I am. I guess I gotta look into nameing those somehow, so I can trace them.
  18. I am declareing this on my NEW sub; listenerThread = New Threading.Thread(AddressOf Me.DoListen) listenerThread.Name = "ListenThread" --------- so this is the only area of the program where i create new THREAD objects. If there are other objects that are considered THREADS that are declared other than NEW THREADING.THREAD for example, tcp listener, sockets, etc.... Then this MAY be the case. But I am looking for some pointers on how I can focus on where these objects are being created from and ending etc.... to find one where in my program to look. Advice is very helpful, thanks.
  19. I dont see a catagory for threading so I am posting under controls. I am using threading, and tcp/ip. Throughout the TESTING of my program - the following appear in my "output" window of the compiler; The thread '<No Name>' (0xf88) has exited with code 0 (0x0). The thread '<No Name>' (0x950) has exited with code 0 (0x0). --- How do I go about finding WHAT threads those were and what started them and why they exited please?
  20. Ok - I believe I've resolved this issue. Here's what I had to do; On my threading events, I addhandler and removehandler like this; AddHandler laThread.addhand, AddressOf Me.OnLineReceived -instead of AddHandler laThread.addhand, AddressOf OnLineReceived ---- Next, on my SHOW command, that appears to be executing as a process of that thread - I will do; Delegate Sub dstest() 'in the main form is delcared, then in the function--- Dim es2 As dstest = AddressOf gbSnag.Show gbSnag.Invoke(es2) - in the sub to HIDE that box I do; Dim es2 As dstest = AddressOf gbSnag.hide gbSnag.Invoke(es2) --------------------------------------- The program appears to run without flaw now. There are so many fascets involved with threading etc.... I can't understand them all at once, so I just do the best. When I see the program appears to operate safely, I just keep on "trucking" until another problem presents itself. ---- Thanks for the support, your suggestions, influence, and remarks are totally welcomed and I appreciate your time.
  21. Thats what I can't understand myself. All this code that is executed on the main form class. The HIDE command is being triggered by a button click. -BUT my SHOW command, is being triggered from an "addhandler" event from a threadding object. When a new TCP/IP listener connection is made, it triggers this event and WILL SHOW this group-box. The application is lengthy and complicated. As this is my first project working with threading and tcp/ip- I have been a versed database programmer for many ongoing years in the past.
  22. The program will lock when; .enabled=false .visible=false ------ I've also devised some type of code, after researching help documents - aparently the "show" or other process had been created on a separate thread of the program, and it seems to be halting for threading purposes. gbSnag.InvokeRequired According to the help documents, when this = true, threading is involved I must use some type of invokeing to accomplish what I need. So I made this code; Delegate Sub dstest() ' furthur down the program in my hide "button-click" event Dim es2 As dstest = AddressOf gbSnag.Hide gbSnag.Invoke(es2) ----------------------- After the INVOKE command, the next line of code will cause the program AGAIN to hang in place. So this is also not working as well. I can't believe I am having so much trouble over something as simple as hideing and showing a group-box. This is so simple. I feel because in my past life, I have lied - cheated, stolen, and committed sin - GOD is punnishing me now and causing a form of dismay to what in the past has always been a simple operation of .hide and .show Thanks
  23. Does anyone have an idea why my program will hang when I call groupbox.hide? It's VISIBLE=FALSE upon program load and I do this, at some point (my groupbox is called gbSnag); gbSnag.Show() gbSnag.Update() -- later in the program it will; If gbSnag.Visible Then gbsnag.hide ' <<---- the program just halts idle here endif ----------- This is a rediculous hang-up for me will someone please help? thanks.
  24. I will use a label. I like the boarder effects of a textbox, and I change the colors of stuff all the time. I'm an artist at heart, and change the colors of my applications to produce a feel other than hard-up "corporate get your work done" style. Makeing the employees feel comfortable is important to me.
  25. My application is a business platform used by our employees, in the place of business. The cpu's belong to us, and are left here when they leave. The application takes up full screen, and the users are not allowed to access any other applications, includeing customizing sounds and colors in their control panel. There themes and configurations are of no concern to me, however - this is an interesting point shall I consider rolling my application down to home use. Thanks for pointing that out. Perhaps you can reccomend another way to disable them from cursoring into the box either by mistake or on purpose?
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