Mike Bailey
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Everything posted by Mike Bailey
Can anyone pleas tell me how to get a pic from a web cam useing Visual Basic.net
Check this site out http://www.systemwebmail.com/aboutme.aspx
I found that you must add it manually at the top of the page Imports System.Web.Mail
I�m trying to add a reference to system.web.mail to a project to be able to send email but I can�t find it in the add reference. [edit]We don't need twenty question marks. All it does is crowd the post. -Derek[/edit]
How do you add custom made cursers to a VB project
I was looking at your code and wanted to know how you would handle user name and pass word? I�M building a program for fun and want it to send email. My email server is Comcast. To point to that for outgoing mail is Mail.comcast.net for incoming mail is Smpt.comcast.net then there is a username and password how would that be handled in your code??????
Can anyone tell me how to go about capturing an image from a web cam? I would like to have the web cam video in a label or picture box or what ever and click a button and have that image captured. Then I will have that image emailed. Thanks for any help Mike Bailey
YaHoooooooo I just wanted to say thank you to all those who helped. I now have a fairly good understanding of one dimensional array�s. Here is my completed code for those interested. Comments and suggestions on better or more efficient ways of doing this are welcome 'Global Dim HighGrade As Integer = 0 Dim av_grade As Integer = 0 Dim LowGrade As Integer = 100 Dim GradeTotal As Integer Dim Grade(100) As String Dim score As Integer Dim I As Integer Private Sub btnAdd_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnAdd.Click For I = 0 To 100 Grade(I) = InputBox("Enter Score") If Grade(I) = "" Then Exit For End If If Val(Grade(I)) < 0 Then Exit For End If GradeTotal += Val(Grade(I)) Next av_grade = GradeTotal / I End Sub Function CalcGrade() Dim x As Integer For x = 0 To I - 1 If Val(Grade(x)) > HighGrade Then HighGrade = Val(Grade(x)) End If If Val(Grade(x)) < LowGrade Then LowGrade = Val(Grade(x)) End If Next End Function Private Sub btnCalc_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnCalc.Click CalcGrade() Me.lblAboveAve.Text = HighGrade Me.lblBelowAve.Text = LowGrade HighGrade = 0 av_grade = 0 LowGrade = 100 GradeTotal = 0
all problems solved thanks for all the help everyone : :D
No the problem is when it loop thru the array it is reading the value as 0 witch leads me to believe that it isn�t reading the value at all. The reason I know it is reading a value of 0 is; I set break points on the function when I run through it the HighGrade variable doesn�t change. How ever the LowGrade variable witch is initialized to 100 changes to 0.
What is wrong with this? I jsut cant seem to figuer it out. Dim HighGrade As Integer = 0 Dim av_grade As Integer = 0 Dim LowGrade As Integer = 100 Dim GradeTotal As Integer Dim Grade(100) As String Dim score As Integer Dim I As Integer Private Sub btnAdd_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnAdd.Click [b]'This part Works fine[/b] For I = 0 To 100 Grade(I) = InputBox("Enter Score") If Grade(I) = "" Then Grade(I) = -1 ElseIf Val(Grade(I)) < 0 Then Exit Sub End If Next End Sub [b]'Here is where I'm haveing truble. I don't know what is wrong[/b] Function CalcGrade() Dim x As Integer For x = 0 To I If Val(Grade(I)) = 0 Then Exit Function If Val(Grade(I)) > HighGrade Then HighGrade = Val(Grade(I)) If Val(Grade(I)) < LowGrade Then LowGrade = Val(Grade(I)) End If End If End If Next End Function Private Sub btnCalc_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnCalc.Click CalcGrade() Me.lblAboveAve.Text = HighGrade Me.lblBelowAve.Text = LowGrade [b]'I was hoping this would set the varebel back to oreginal[/b] HighGrade = 0 av_grade = 0 LowGrade = 100 End Sub End Class
Never mind i got it just had to think about it a little harder. Thanks for all the help.
Ok thanks. The easy things never come easy for me. I have one last question. I would like to write a function that will loop thru the array checking each value. So that I can get the highest grade entered and the lowest and then and average. I will figure everything out my self but can you tell me how to check values in the array with a loop?
Thanks for the reply this is my complet code. To tell you the truth i really know nothing about arrays I have finals on the 22 of this mounth and really need to understand them. So thanks for the help :-) Dim max_grade As Integer = 0 Dim av_grade As Integer = 0 Dim min_grade As Integer = 100 Dim GradeTotal As Integer Dim Grade(100) As Integer Dim score As Integer Private Sub btnAdd_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnAdd.Click For Each score In Grade score = Convert.ToInt32(InputBox("Score?")) If score <= 0 Then Exit For End If Next Dim I As Integer For i = 0 To 100 If Grade(I) > max_grade Then max_grade = Grade(I) If Grade(I) < min_grade Then min_grade = Grade(I) av_grade = av_grade + Grade(I) Next I End Sub
I�m trying to understand arrays and how to give values to the array with an inputbox or second form. I just don�t seem to understand how it all works so for the purpose of this question I created some code that in my mind should have assigned a value to the array but it didn�t would someone pleas tell me what I�m doing wrong? For Each score In Grade score = Convert.ToInt32(InputBox("Score?")) If score <= 0 Then Exit For End If Next
One last ? how would I compare all grades in the array? like if I wanted to see what the highest grade entered was?
Thanks for the help. I don't know what I would do with out this group.
Ok lets say I wanted to get a few students grades using a inputebox. I need to keep each grade in a variable and allow the user to enter up to 101 grades. Now lets say for what ever reason I need to use a array to do some other stuff later. Dim myArray(101) as integer So I would have a index of 0 to 100 How do I use the inputbox to give each index a value (the grade) Thnks for any Help Hopeless NewBeeeeeee Mike Bailey
CoffeeCup Html editer
Ok thanks for the help; let me just make sure I got this right. If I use ByRef I can pass the value of MyFunction to another variable no matter what the variable�s value is and it will change to the value of MyFunction If I use ByVal it wont change. So if that is true why would I ever want to pass a value ByVal it seems to me that nothing happens that way. Agen thanks for all the help
So if I use that variable in a math statement I can use the changed value? Or am I way off here?
Ok I need some help here. I�m in my second quarter of Computer Science Studying the Dot Net frame work. Dim I don�t think my instructor speaks English as string If he dose Then I must speak another language Else Im a dork End If :p Yes I�m a dork anyway the issue is; he asked the class to write this program that used a ByRef function and a ByVal function. My problem is he only talked about Functions and ByRef for about 10 minuets. I understand how ByVal works but not ByRef. I do know that when ByRef is used then it uses the actual memory address of the variable???? I think????? In any case the program needs to get input from the user on Price per item then the quantity and give a total I know how to right the program and crate the ByRef fuction and return the value. Hmmmmm?????? I don�t really know what I�m asking here? I just don�t see much difference in ByRef and ByVal. Can anyone pleas explane??? Thanks Mike Bailey :D
Automating Powerpoint
Mike Bailey replied to wessamzeidan's topic in Interoperation / Office Integration
Yes I do know that PowerPoint 2003 can look up info from(access, SQL etc) Look in the Msdn sorry I cant help any futher