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  1. I think I have finally got a handle on it now. Thanks for you help!
  2. I assume the update command would be very similar? How did you setup you dataset? Like I said, this is new to me. For some reason my company decided to go with Pervasive on our latest project.
  3. I've gotten the application to connect to the database now, but I am having a hard time getting it to update and insert records. As lame as it sounds, I am used to the wizards that microsoft created for their data providers. Creating update and insert commands from scratch is not something I have had to do before. :(
  4. I am trying to create an application using a Pervasive database, but I cannot get the Pervasive SQL Data adapter or Connection components to work. Anyone used these yet? I can make the application run somewhat using an OLE DB connection, but would rather use managed code. Any help would be much appreciated!
  5. I have seen this question posted before, but is there anyway to get the bootstrapper to also load the MDAC file for database applications? I have the wrapper example from microsoft, but can't get it to work quite right. Microsoft's article makes it sound like you can get the bootstrapper program to check the user's machine and load the MDAC file as neccassary. Does any one have any ideas??? Thanks...
  6. I see. So I have to code it as such: { String* msg = "Customer Order\n"; msg = msg->Concat(msg, S" Processors\n"); MessageBox::Show(msg); } Thanks Divil
  7. Not sure if still applicable, but I have run into the same problem in VS.Net 2003. I simply removed the border on the text box, set the background and fore color to "Control" (to match the color of the form), set ReadOnly to true, and TabStop to false. Then I hid them behing the other related components on the form. Problem solved! :) You have probably already figured out a way around this, but hopefully this will be helpful to others with the same problem...
  8. Don't Know if it is still of use to you, but try this if it is: int main() { cout.unsetf(ios::dec); cout.setf(ios::hex); cout << 100; cin.get(); return 0; } This changes how cout looks at integers. You can also develop formatted i/o using many other format flags. You should really check it out. While you are at it, you should check out i/o manipulators...they make the code a lot more user friendly.
  9. For anyone else who runs into this, this is how I got it to work: { String* msg = "Customer Order\n"; msg = String::Concat(msg, S" Processors\n"); MessageBox::Show(msg); } Not quite sure hom to get the "msg->Concat(S"String2");" to work, but if anyone figures it out, I would like to know. Good Luck!
  10. I am trying to Concatenate two strings in a VS.NET 2003 C++ Windows application, and I cannot seem to get it to work. Does anyone have any ideas? The statement doesn't do anything...the compiler does not blow up either! The MessageBox just shows the first string! :( { String *msg = "Customer Order\n"; msg->Concat(S" Processors\n"); MessageBox::Show(msg); }
  11. Check out the thread I posted in the Graphics forum titled "Another Printing Question... " it includes some sample code that can be adapted to do what you are requesting. It uses a printdocument object to generate a page. Check it out!
  12. This is a .NET forum, so in >NET you could just add three buttons(min, max, & close) then put logic into those buttons to do what you wanted. i.e. the max button: Me.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized I don't know what the exact syntax is in VB6, but I am sure it is similar...
  13. Can you add a button on the child form, that simply does: "Me.Hide()"....I don't totally understand what you are trying to accomplish, but maybe this will do it? It will keep the form from closing, but get you back to the parent form to close it.
  14. Go to code view. In the Class Name drop down box (on the top, left) , select "(Base Class Events)". Then in the box on the right, select "Closing"
  15. Have you tried adding the components on your form to a collection, then using the collection to enable or disable them all at once?
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