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Everything posted by SourceCoders

  1. Got it for myself.... Solution for Searcher : PrivateFontCollection but you must draw a non installed Font dot per dot ... but it works ...
  2. How can i import or register a font in VB.NET to my WindowsXP or Windows2k System ?????? only copy file (fontfile) to Font Folder doesn't works .... i need to install the font during the runtime .... anyone a solution ? :confused:
  3. Thank u very much u are the best ;-)
  4. THX a lot my friends.... it works.... i am just a beginner in VB .NET but with your help i will learn it to be better .... Now my last question: Wer i can find a listing of all these infos SELECT * FROM Win32_ComputerSystem objMgmt("totalphysicalmemory").ToString() Why do you know that the TotalMemory is written in WIN32_ComputerSystem and there in "totalphysicalmemory" ??? is there a list or something ?
  5. That i've tried to , but there is no class System.Management Searched also in System.Environment... but also false !
  6. Who can tell me what functions this dll supports ? I need a function which tells me the total physical memory. And I need a hint how can I use this functions and how i bind it in my code. Please fast, is it urgent !!!!! Or where I can find a complete list of the dll functions. Thanks
  7. Or a other one .... "Line 1" + chr(13) + "Line 2" chr(13) is the code for the "return"-key
  8. Yes the first answer works fine. But if you have another problem with characters in strings use the chr(X) command. X is the code for the character. For example chr(13) for the "return"-key
  9. We want read the temperature in our own application and we want not use a other one.
  10. It´s very funny... At the moment I´m writting a application for a printing company and the same problem makes me sad since a few weeks. It is not possible to solve this!!!! I have in many many forums asked this question, last at microsoft ..... no answer. SORRY !! My problem have i solved in a other way, when you describe your´s more exactly maybe I can help you... Let us communicate further in this post, I´m the whole online (programming...... :-) )
  11. One moment please, about 5-10 minutes..... :)
  12. How can I add a reference ?
  13. I think it´s the secure way....
  14. Insted of "Button1_Click" put your code in the load-handler of the form or any other handler wich is executed when the screen(form,mdi-form,msgbox,etc) appears.
  15. It don´t know is it right what i say now..... But try it. When you start the application from a networkpath, it is possible that the path to your database in your sourcecode is local. Try to give your application the complete networkpath to your database at runtime.
  16. SourceCoders


    Try to lower the priority of your thread. Like : threadname.Priority I don´t know that is it working. But try it.... :-)
  17. You must add your textbox to the groupbox an not to the form --> groupboxname.Controls.Add(textboxname) groupboxname -> Name of your groupbox textboxname -> Name of your textbox
  18. Try this.... Insert in the last line of a page "Last line" + chr(3) chr(3) is the printer control code for next page
  19. You can add a return to your string.... Use it like this : dim outtext as string outtext = "First line"+chr(13)+"Second line"+chr(13)+"Last line" chr(13) is the character code for the "enter"-key
  20. Yes it works! Application.StartupPath gives the path were are the application executed from. At the moment were the function was called this information is created and not at design time.
  21. Is it possible to store an identifier for a variable in another variable ? Like this (VB.Net) : dim a as string a = "xxx" dim a as string (a=xxx) Who can help me ???? Thanks a lot.....
  22. How can I read out the temperature of my main processor ? It is possible to work with Assembler Commandos in VB, like in Delphi ? Thanks...
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