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Everything posted by oafc0000

  1. Hi All I am developing a application that needs to create a excel document and e-mails it to the recpeitent all server side. The user will fill in a html form and then submit it, then data is then place in excel and then mailed out. Anybody know any way of doing this on the server so the user is still only sending and receving html to the sever and not using excel on there PC?? Thanks
  2. Sorry found the solution on a different part of the site. Here it is in case your wondering yoursleves Here's a basic class to send using the API: VB: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices Public Class NetSend 'Note the use of the Unicode keyword: Declare Unicode Function NetMessageBufferSend Lib "NETAPI32.dll" ( _ ByVal servername As String, _ ByVal msgname As String, _ ByVal fromname As String, _ ByVal buf As String, _ ByVal buflen As Int32) As Int32 Public Shared Sub Send(ByVal destination As String, ByVal message As String) NetMessageBufferSend(Nothing, _ destination, _ Nothing, _ message, _ message.Length * 2) 'times 2 because every one character = 2 bytes in unicode End Sub End Class -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Just stick that in a class file and call it like VB: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NetSend.Send("", "this is a message") -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- __________________ ~ Simon "Gravity isn't just a law. It's a good idea!"
  3. Does anybody know how to send a NETSEND broadcast to a PC on your Network using ASP.NET. Regards Michael :-\ :-\
  4. oafc0000


    Hi All I have a datagrid which is bound to a datastore. Depending on the values being inserted into the datagrid I want to be able to change the background colour. How do you do this? I have tried Using a TemplateColumn and then using the code: IF Container.DataItem("DataField") = Value Then 'Draw table with red background End if But this returns a Container is not Declared error. Any advice? Thanks in advanced
  5. Sorry about not giving enough info objXL.Workbooks.Open("\\Server\Customer_Services\Template\CS_Stats_Template.xls") is the line that is giving me a problem. I am opening a excel document Im not asked for a password etc it just fails and says it can not resolve it. Thanks
  6. I am having some problems with a system I have created. I have given the system full trust permissions and when I log in as administrator and use the system it works fine. When a user logs in and trys to use the system it falls over saying it can not access the drive. I am using unc (\\serer\folder) in my code and all users have access to the drives so why wont vb.net let me access the system under a normal user. We work the same in VB6 and have no problems. thanks in advanced
  7. Hey People Im trying to automate the setting up of Query Tables within Excel via a VB.NET application. I keep getting a "The parameter is incorrect" meesage on the following line of code. wsXL.QueryTables.Add(SqlCon, QueryRange, "Select * From Call") The full program is as follows Dim objXL As New Excel.Application() Dim wsXL As New Excel.Worksheet() Dim QueryRange As Excel.Range objXL.Workbooks.Add() wsXL = objXL.ActiveSheet QueryRange = wsXL.Range("A1") wsXL.QueryTables.Add(SqlCon, QueryRange, "Select * From Call") Can anyone help??
  8. Hi Guys and Girls Been using VB.NET for a couple of months now and I am finding that the executables are slow at executing. I have a fast machine so it isnt my machine. Anyone else found this?
  9. Haws anybody had experince of creating Office Add ins with VB.NET. I mostly intrested in Outlook 2000 but also need to know about this functionaility in general. Does anybody know of a good website to learn it from or for referance. Thanks in advanced
  10. I need a way of checking the Users Exchange folder to see if it is over its limit. Do any of guys know how to do this in vb.net Thanks guys Michael
  11. How do you find out the size of a file in KBs using VB.net Thanks guys
  12. Nope didnt work :(
  13. NO :) That would be it wouldnt it I'll give it ago and come back to you Thanks
  14. Hi Mate VB6 was far from easy when it came to DLLS :P The framework is installed but I have created a package to install it localy, basically to place the required Dlls on the users PC. The error is saying --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application has generated an exception that could not be handled. Process id=0xd9 (217), Thred id=0x101 (257) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- When it ran off the network drive. It runs fine locally
  15. Hey Guys and Girls In VB6 all you had to do to run a application over a network was to place the exe on one of the drives and then place all required dlls on the PCs that want to run it. Tried doing the same in VB.net but with no joy. I keep getting weird errors. Can anybody help? Thanks in advance
  16. Hi Guys and Girls I have placed data out of a datastore into a Data Table. Then I have populated a datagrid with this data. Now I want to grab this data and place it into a Excel Document. What is easier for this purpose, taking the data from the datagrid or taking the data from the DataTable. And who do you do it?? For example, I thought there would be a way of getting data from the datagrid by specifing the Row and Col value then sayiung take that value. But I cant find anyway of doing this. I can get it to work in VB6 but VB.Net is totaly different, Please Help :)
  17. Thanks guys and girls
  18. Hi guys and girls How do you put code behind the Form Control Box minimise and maximise buttons. Basically I want to minimise the Form so it goes into the system tray but having to do it with a button at the moment coz I cant do it using the forms Control Box. Any suggestions? Thanks
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