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  1. Hi Mike, If it's just for displaying purpose I would rather prefer using a text file. Provide a interface to the user to write the text, save it in the a text file, read it using filestream from .aspx page and display. HTH.
  2. You can write the javascript code to get the page submitted back to the server and there you can do the further processing. Something like- document.FormName.submit(); Please check for the correct syntax. HTH.
  3. Hi, That's strange behaviour. However I can think of the followings- 1. Ensure that the value of the text box in not being set programatically in codebehind or in html code. 2. You can always clear the value of the text box programatically. 3. Try deleting and adding the textbox again on your page. HTH. Jitesh
  4. Hello, User the javascript Confirm() messagebox. You should be able to capture the YES/NO and decide accrodingly. Some sampel from web - <SCRIPT language="JavaScript"> <!-- function go_there() { var where_to= confirm("Do you really want to go to this page??"); if (where_to== true) { window.location="http://yourplace.com/yourpage.htm"; } else { window.location="http://www.barbie.com"; } } //--> </SCRIPT> HTH.
  5. Change the Form method to 'POST' and retrieve using Request.Form("ParameterName"). HTH
  6. You just need to change the form method to 'GET' and the values would be appended to the URL. But be careful as there is limitation on the length of the data can posted using GET method. Then you can use Request.QueryString("ParameterName') to retrieve the value. HTH.
  7. Hi, Use SortExpression property of BoundColumns. HTH
  8. bri189a, no confusion now, Buddy :)
  9. Hi bri189a, >>I'm thinking what Jitesh is getting to is... I am not clear what you want to say. I post the link just to give an overall idea as to what all it takes to interact with DB. And I believe that gives enough hint for any developer who is ready to *learn* and put some *effort* into programming. HTH
  10. http://www.codeproject.com/aspnet/myaspnetguestbook.asp It should get you started. HTH
  11. Hi, What is the question ? Please be specific. I think one has to guess, what exactly is problem even after reading your post. :) Anyone disagree ? HTH
  12. Hi, A function is declared virtual when you need override them later. HTH
  13. Hi, Do you find it so difficult ? I bet, it's not. If you wish to spend some money go to http://www.asp.net and search in the control gallery, you will get some custome control there. If you wish to devlop you own, just search google for 'random serial number algorithm' etc and you will get few links. In case you couldn't find let me know i will search my DB of links :confused: and would send you.
  14. Calvin, Instead of thinking about removing the "," from the begining of the string you should find out the reason as to why it is there. The obvious reason could be that the first value of item.Cells(0).Text in blank. Now, you may would like to check item.Cells(0).Text value before it is stored in the array. Something like : For.... if item.Cells(0).Text <> "" then UniqueIDList(i) = item.Cells(0).Text end if Next But then you should also investigate that why is it blank. I would again suggest you go through some good book. And through tutorial and try looking at the problem logically. HTH
  15. Jitesh


    Hi, One quick thought about usage of interface in C# is - Multiple Inheritence. There are many more. HTH
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