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Xtreme .Net Talk


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Everything posted by smartsid

  1. I want to programatically create a system/user DSN using vb.net can anybody help me?
  2. Hi i am really confused by the term "datasets r disconneceted in nature" does this really mean that when the data is retrived into a dataset it is actually copied on client side and all the operations are performed here, no matter even if the database connection is broken down or disconnected and we only need to reconnect at the time of updation. one more book stated that "disconnected" means the dataset doesnot care or doesnot need to know what type of database it is connected to , and can perform the same operations on all the databases..............hence it is said to be disconnected from the database so which one is the correct definition????????????
  3. Hi, i want to programatically set the security rights of a file to Everyone and full control. How do i do it using VB.NEt properties.bmp
  4. I am preparing for MCAD exam for webbased applications. I have bought the Microsoft book for studying. Can anybody tell me any free online resources like sample tests for this exam?
  5. What is the default method for a form? Is it post or get anything else?
  6. What is the maximum number of characters that can be passed in a query string?
  7. What exactly is a trusted connection? What is it used for?
  8. What threading model is used in Dotnet. Is it STA,MTA,Apartment or free. Can anybody tell what exactly these stand for?
  9. smartsid


    What exactly is object pooling. can dotnet objects be pooled
  10. Can i have multipe namespaces in an assembly? Also can I have a namespace spanning over multiple assemblies?
  11. Under an n-tier application, in which layer does asp.net exists? Is it the presenation layer, business object layer, data layer? Also can I pass a dataset from data layer to the presentation layer? Is it a good thing to do? Where can I find information about the different layers?
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