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Everything posted by tihsin

  1. I am using an Oracle database that has all the string being stored as CHAR fields. CHAR datatype in Oracle is a fixed length field. I am using the ODP.NET provider to populate a dataset. The problem is that all the string fields are returned to me as fixed length strings with trailing spaces. This is causing some major trouble on the interface side. How can I make sure that the strings that are filled in the dataset are trimmed already (obviously, I am avoiding iterating through the dataset). There is another small bit of detail - there are char(1) columns in the database that the DB designers are using as a boolean indicator - a single space means false and an 'X' means true. I need to make sure that this space still comes as a single space in the dataset and is not trimmed. The optimum solution i am looking for is something like a hook, that is called everytime a row is added by the OracleDataAdapter into the dataset. Any ideas ?
  2. CSS Stylesheet Editor in VS.NET (Divil???) Hi, VS .NET lets you create CSS stylesheets using the Style Builder Dialog box. In my application i need to have a stylesheet editor as well. I tried looking for this "Style Builder" dialog in the framework ... but it seems that it is a part of the VS.NET SDK and not the .NET framework ... I couldn't even get this working as it requires a special downlaod and licensing as a VSIP ... i need my application to be able to use this Builder even without VS.NET ... does anyone know how to use the VS.NET style builder dialog in your own application ... (even when vs.net is not present on the system) ... alternatively ... does anyone have a similar control that enables the end user to make set stylesheets properties in a dialog such that the CSS file is automatically generated in the background ... Thanks, Nish
  3. UNRESOLVED ... Hi Divil, Actually I have a NameValueCollection ... so i need another kind of collection editor ... i already got the stringcollectioneditor working, but its not enough when using a namevaluecollection in the control ... Thanks, Nish
  4. PropertyGrid support for Collections (Divil ???) Hi, I am extending on a comboBoX control to write my own control. This new control has a property that is a Collection of string ... I want to display this in the prperty grid ... so I added the [browsable] attribute to the property in the extended class ... the collection is displayed in the property grid ... but when i click on the ellipsis (...) in the property grid and try to add a new item in the design mode ... it doesn't allow me to do so ... sometimes, the Add button is disabled ... some other times "Add" is enabled ... but when the object gets added ... it cant be edited ... and throws and exception ... anyone tried this before ? Thanks, Nish
  5. Hi, I am trying to open SQL Server Enterprise Manager from my application. Enterprise Manager is in reality just a MMC snapin that runs inside the MM Console for which there is an SDK provided. The problem i am facing is as follows. I am able to start the Enterprise Manager by using: Process proc = new Process(); proc.StartInfo.FileName="mmc.exe"; But to be able to control this application, I need to get the ApplicationClass object for this process. How do i do that. MSDN suggests a similar functionality for Access and Excel. But that uses a Marshal.GetActiveObject( ) ... This works only if the object is registered in the ROT. In my case, I checked using the ROT Viewer and the MMC objects doesn't seem to have been registered at all. Anyone ?? Thanks, Nish
  6. I think you are partially right ... yes ... of course asp server controls are only html on the client side ... and hence the combo cannot display two columns directly ... but after all its just text and can be displayed using a "," in between the two columns ... and gornhorse needs only one column to be bound as the value of the item in the combobox ... so i think its ok if the text being displayed is a concatenation of the two columns ...
  7. Another better way is to create a deployment project ... can build everytime you build your main prject and just transfer the installer over to the other machine ... can be installed even by a non-programmer and layman ...
  8. Deployment Project Another better way is to create a deployment project ... can build everytime you build your main prject and just transfer the installer over to the other machine ... can be installed even by a non-programmer and layman ...
  9. isn't the backcolor property sufficient ?
  10. DataView The group name will be one of the columns in the datagrid right ? in that case what you can do is bind the datagrid to a dataview. everytime the selectedindex is changed in the combobox, the rowfilter property of the dataview will have to be changed... the datagrid will automatically display records only from that group then ... it will be something like this: rowfilter = ("groupname=" + comboBox.selectedtext)
  11. If i understand your problem correctly, you would be currently databinding the dropdownlist to some datasource and setting the datatextfield and the datavaluefield properties .... right ? The dataformatstring doesn't allow more than one argument, so you cant you that ... and there isn't an event generated after each listitem is created upon binding ... so you cant use that either to change the text ... according to me its not possible the way you are doing it right now ... there is a workaround ... is you are using a dataset you could create a new column that derives from the concatenation of thw two columns you already have ... so this will become "column1, column2" ... then bind this new column to the textfield and column1 to the value field of you list ... if you are using a datareader ... i think you will have to change the query to return the concatenated string to be displayed, followed by the value ... and then bind each corresponding to the textfield and valuefield property ... Nish
  12. Hi, Had seen this article on MSDN titled "the return of the rich client" ... which dicusses CAS with rich clients in perspective ... Does anyone know anything else on this topic ... http://msdn.microsoft.com/msdnmag/issues/02/06/rich/default.aspx I have a rich client - a windows form application - that i want to host on ther server ... and let the client run it from internet explorer ... like activeX controls used to work ... any ideas ? This article i have referred to says something ... but only about the security and not how to go about doing this ... Thanks, Ni h
  13. Alex: source code would help ... Hi alex ... i am looking for something like that .. would help if you could send me the source or some ideas of how to do it ... the option divil suggested looks too intimidating at present ... is yours an easier solution ? or do i still have to code everything myself using the Mouse events ? :( Thanks
  14. UNRESOLVED Thanks Divil ... found the controls on your webpage quite interesting ... will use this info somewhere ... but are you sure there is nothing in .NET that will let me display resize handles at runtime so that i can produce some kind of a controls editor ... Thanks Nish
  15. Isn't this the IIS Console that you can reach from "Control Panel | Administrative Tools | IIS"
  16. In my application, the user can drag and drop objects from the toolbox to the main working area (just like in Visual Studio). Each of these objects is actually an image that is displayed in the work area using a picturebox. Now I want the use to be able to resize and move these images. How do I make the resize handles visible for this picturebox. I can implement the move using the mouse down events for the picture, but could not find a way to implement the resize part. Thanks, Nish
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