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Everything posted by bri189a

  1. You can see this on a proof of concept site I'm currently working on: http://www.salemumcwidewater.org/ Click events, you'll see the page disappears until 'events' are loaded. You may need to wait about an hour since I have the data cached and the 'wait' message won't display in that short of an interval - after an hour the cache will expire and it will have to hit the database which will take some time.
  2. When the user clicks a button the inner html gets changed... Mean-while ASP.NET is reading the content of the page and processing the post back events. ASP.NET then outputs a new page (even if it's physically the same page) which overwrites what happened in step 1.
  3. My master page overloads the render and replaces the javascript for post backs to change in the inner html of the form to a div tag that says 'please wait'. Since javascript is what's doing it the (written) content of the page doesn't change, only what the user sees. I have it set as a property in my master page so that it can be turned on and off, other properties allow me to set the time that has to elapse before it is shown (immediately, 1 second, 5 seconds, etc.) and what the context of the div tag should be. It works quite well and since it's in a master page I never have to touch it unless I'm over riding the settings on another page. But my master page is an actual class that I derive all my other pages from, not a control. My mater template is a control that can be set on the master page, that way if I want a different template I just change the template. The base class itself is so abstract I've used it across several applications without change - I've only change the template that is used which is application specific anyway.
  4. Instead of using a text file why don't you create a dataset with table relationships and then export the dataset to file, and read from file when you're app loads. Since it appears you don't want to use a database, a dataset would at least give you the quick indexing and look ups.
  5. [indent]Dim proc As New Process proc.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = True proc = Process.Start("xcopy", """" & sourceDir & """ """ & destDir & """ /S /E /I") While Not proc.HasExited End While MessageBox.Show("Done") [/indent] See my changes - you have to use the Static method; also note XCOPY is picky sometimes (as on my machine at least) about source and destination, and for saftey put qoutes around them.
  6. Take a look for any book on amazon that covers OOP (Object Oriented Programming) - probably want to start with a beginners book; looking at your other posts this will help you with a lot of your questions - no offense, just trying to offer some guidance.
  7. Forms authentication has nothing to do with putting files onto a web site via FTP. See Forms Authentication in MSDN. To the Front Page stuff: For one a serious developer isn't going to use Front Page for several reasons...namely you use Visual Studio to create pages, and two Front Page can't be of much use to anyone doing a serious .NET web application because all it really does (easily) is static html. It provides support for more, but it's half-***, and just ASP 3.0 from what I've seen. And if you can't afford Visual Studio Pro, Standard in the language of your choice is only $100 US. Secondly, a well designed application isn't going to require uploading pages over and over again. That's the whole purpose of ASP - whether it be 3.0 or .NET 1.0/1.1/2.0 - make the page once, change the data via a database. If you're really good you change the entire layout via a database and changes in your style sheet. If for every change you're downloading and uploading pages, then you've missed the point of ASP - you may as well doing regular HTML pages. That said, when I develop a ASP application, if it's going to a virtual server - for a 'home' project - I just ftp up the files, rarely do I change any of the asp pages themselves unless it's a typo or something I missed as far as accessiblity requirements. If I want to change the visual layout, I just change my master style sheet - and that might happen once a year. If it's a 'work' project I have to create an MSI and it has to be installed because I'm not allowed access to the servers - as it is in most companies. If you have a well thought out design you should rarely, if ever, other than for upgrades, touch the html/asp or the code behinds.
  8. If System.IO.Directory.GetFiles("C:\Folder").Length > 0 Then 'Files exist End If if(System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(@"C:\Folder").Length > 0) { 'Files exist }
  9. Unless you're worried about people linking to your images on there web site it's really not a great option to store images in a BLOB field as other have mentioned. I can think of some reasons not to, but nothing that is under 'normal' circumstances.
  10. If your using Visual Studio Profession you can use the server explorer to add a new connection. You'll be prompted for the information. After the connection is created, drop and drag the connection onto your form/page. That's the overly simple way to do it.
  11. It looks like what you've done is re-invented the wheel for a strongly typed dataset. I would call your example a business object, not a data access layer.
  12. If your speaking of an ASP.NET datagrid, the easy way would be to: In design mode click on the datagrid, and then open the properties page. For the column you want to hide, uncheck the Visible check box. In code: Me.myDataGrid.Columns(0).Visible = False this.myDataGrid.Columns[0].Visible = False; I'm not sure of the Windows version, but it's probably similiar. At no time should you have to use an integer to represent a visibility state in .NET - at the minimum there will be an enumeration.
  13. Intersting. Haven't run into a situation like that before but I will definitely keep in mind. Thanks for the input.
  14. Nice set of post guys and very informative for those who might not of done dynamic assembly loading before. But I have a question regarding your design and maybe I can learn something here. I've worked on an application that uses plug-ins and in it, any new plug-in that are created are deployed in a package that installs to specific underlying folder of the application it is for. This way all I really do is load all the plug-ins that are in that folder. While true an user could put a dll in there that doesn't belong, my app would load it, but it would never be used because it doesn't lie in a certain namespace or doesn't have a certain base class or implement a certain interface (depending on the context), so yes it would tie up some memory but it wouldn't 'hurt' anything. My deployment app ensures that there are no instances of the targed app running before installing new plug-ins, which I don't really think is a big deal. Users are use to having to reboot when windows issues an update, or restart MS Office when a service pack is installed, so I didnt' figure it mattered. But since you've seem to put a lot of thought into 'unloading' assemblies (outside of the app domain closing), I'm curious as to the thought process behind it... like I said maybe there's something to be learned here. Thanks folks...
  15. If I wrote a program that made use of VSS capabilities would each client machine that it was installed in need a licence for VSS, or would the fact that they have VSS installed on their enterprise system cover that? Licensing is not my speciality and I don't know how to research those type of things. I guess the same thing goes for applications that would take use of calling Word functions behind the scenes.
  16. Thanks, I'll look into that down the road, decided to cheat in the mean while and just print it from Word since it's a controlled environment where Word is installed.
  17. Well I would think that your custom handler for this main page would just have other methods that output the desired XML - not redirect to another page. The application is just doing what you're telling it to do - redirect to a aspx page... The idea of JavaScript RPC is to have one stateful page...
  18. What's the easiest way to do this? I have a rtf document loaded, and I want to print it (with the RTF formatting - but without the RTF codes). What's the best way to do this?
  19. Use UML for your needs. A beginners BIGGEST mistake is thinking that they have to use every document UML provides and write it very detailed. You really should be using a Use Case diagram. Your member is an actor who can Log In, View Events, Attend events, etc. Unless you are going to have a class that implements IPrincipal and pass that around in your applicatation, I wouldn't have a class diagram that represents it. If you are going to go that length though, then that class should be the thing that logs in, views events, attends events, etc. and you would just name the sub routines or functions as operations in your class diagram. But I have a feeling that you have the web application allowing the user (the Actor) view the Events page/screen, and open the attends page/screen, and these are two seperate designs all together.
  20. Set up a check in the item data bound event.
  21. Well you can always try converting the number in a try/catch. Errors being thrown are a performance hit though, but who knows, the double.TryParse may be using the same technique. If you run some comparission tests let us know how it works out.
  22. Thanks so much for the knowledge sharing...I knew about using hidden frames to do something similiar but I didn't know about this XML version...no one in our group had even heard of that technique...wonder why it's been kept so quiet?
  23. That gets back to our post the other day...VB has a stigma about it for a reason. I myself don't see why'd you'd concrete a list values that way...if there's even a 1% remote chance that a value will be added, it's in a datasource for me...but that's me, I like low coupling.
  24. Is there a site out there that has an excerpt from that book. Sounds like a good idea for a book, but some are written well, and some are not; and that is subjective to the reader - I'd like to see an excerpt if you know of one so I can evaluate my need for it. Thanks Joe.
  25. this is an example from MDSN: class Sample_ManagementClass { public static int Main(string[] args) { ManagementClass diskClass = new ManagementClass("Win32_LogicalDisk"); diskClass.Get(); Console.WriteLine("Logical Disk class has " + diskClass.Properties.Count + " properties"); return 0; } } For network adapters you would substitue Win32_LogicalDisk with Win32_NetworkAdapter. The specific property you want is 'MACAddress'. From there and with the help of Google you should be able to get what you need, I really don't have time right now to do the code.
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