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Everything posted by rifter1818

  1. I second that oppinion There are plenty of good sites out there for learning the basics of D3D.... Directx4vb.com directx4.net Helped me allot hope this helps you, Note look at the DX8 section of directx4vb.com for some extra effects...
  2. Earlyer you helped me take a picture of the screen and make it into a texture this next one is a little more challanging, How would i (if its possible) take a picture of the 3d world such that i could clear then rotate and add a mesh, or just clear rotate and re render...just wondering if theres any easy way to say add an attack effect to my battle where Character 1 stops time (or slows it to the extream point whatever.) runs up hacks the sh!t out of sucker B and then returns to his orriginal place then time resumes normally, just for me it would be much easier if i could say add everything except character A to the scene and make a copy of this Scene then Render Character A, present and just keep adding A again in his many different positions with the copy of the world then finnally just let the program back into its original loop.... Any ideas?
  3. k Thank you very much :D from there i can easily make a texture from the bitmap and then add some hopefully cool effects. Thanks everyone for another job well done.
  4. i want to render a series of meshs, makeing each one less transparrant to give a blur effect.... How do i set the optamacy (or alpha) value for the whole mesh? n = ((2 * distance) + width) / width for i = 1 to n translateworld(interpolatepoints(p1,p2,1/i)) ' gets a poing 1/nth allong the way from point 1 to point 2 mesh.transparancy = (cbyte(255 / n)) 'the part i need to know how to do mesh.render next i Any ideas?
  5. Code Example PLEASE. How do i a) send the print key from code and b) copy the image from the clip board in code
  6. vb6? vb6 - vb.net is built in... File -> Open -> Convert its not great but oh well....
  7. Could you include a code example please Visual basic preferably but anything will do
  8. I want to create a texture from the screen sortof like clicking print screen copies an image to the clip board only i want to make a texture of it to play with,.. any advice?
  9. After 5 Minutes And assuming your processor speed can be measured in mega hertz without decimals im guessing that there is still a loop going somewhere in the program, DX simply has never been that long when disposing, even with my code and i assure you if any programmer is going to find a way to screw something up in the most idiodic fassion possible i would be supprised if it wasnt me. (note my programming is effectivly self taught outside a very basic course in vb6 "this is a form... This is a button, you can put a button on a form.,.. This is a message box... etc..."
  10. In My experiance I have found that disposing of the DX objects does take 5-10 seconds when exiting an application, Less when compiled and even less when running with a release version of dx instead of a Debug version this time was much more apparent with DX8 in VB6 However it still seems to be there in VB.net and DX9.
  11. It appears so Im only a VB programmer so i dont really understand your code 100% but in my experiance id say you whould run the main loop on a boolean variable not a member of a class if you have an event like device.lostfocus that would cause it to quit the game or in your case form.exiting or whatever the appropriet event is add a sub to handle said event and just change the boolean to false then. Try it if it fails then hey ill admit im wrong.
  12. Hmm ive done that before. Are you sure youve created an exit condition for your main loop (or all loops for that matter) make sure to set running = false or what ever condition is needed to exit all loops before you call the end statement or whatever you quit with.
  13. Also Byref is very usefull if forsay you want a sub to change a large objects properties or an array of large objects like textures or meshs or vertex buffers, making copies of these would be greatly memory extensive and you would need seperate functions for each object you want to change...Example (overly simple but you get the general idea and you can do more complicated things with it) public Sub Add1toEach(byref A as integer, Byref B as integer) a+=1 b+=1 end sub add1toeach(a,b) 'or with byval public Function Add1(byval A as integer) as integer return (A+1) end function a = Add1(a) b = Add1(b) now i know this is a really pointless example but you get the picture.
  14. Oh ya Once your done that to use the dll just add it using the add refrence section then import it imports RiftersDll.DX9.D3D or whatever nameing schemes you have and there you are all your functions are there at your fingertips.
  15. Really simple actually Cant give you a sample as my dll is a tiny little 2500 lines long, but all you do is when your selecting your project type select class library, and that will give you a class object into which you put all your classes and namespaces all that fun stuff then when you compile itll compile into a nice little dll file. The technique ive found best right now is to create the class as a class in a program and once youve tested it thoughowly (spelling) then copy paste the class into your class project as i dont know of a way to test the class library code other than to import the dll and go back and recompile after every error (very slow) if anyone has a better way than mine please let me know i need all the help i can get...
  16. Makes you wonder Why would it run perfectly in windowed mode but not at all in full screen?
  17. umm I just looked through my refrences and there is only a 900 build for audio video playback there is not 1901 build?! still doesnt work though!? and now im getting the No instance of the object in an unknown module error which is annoying (theres allready a post on fixing this here i just have to find it so dont reply to that error just video on this post please)
  18. Hmmm If i use just the AudioVideoPlayback Refrence from 900 and the rest from 901 would that not work?
  19. yes if system.io.file.exists("Filename") then 'Files there else 'Files not there end if
  20. Final Post I eventually gave up and created a new project which works (well that part does at least the videos still messed up but thats a different post and section (directx)), Anyways the wierd thing is that copy/paste the code into a new project fixed the error. Sorry to bother you all on a wild goose chase like this but thanks very much for your help with this and many other problems i run into.
  21. I Allready fixed that error note my post above the new problem is the debug.writeline("1") is causing the same error?!
  22. Floor and cieling That should do it,.. not the way i wanted too, Im well aware of the standards of rounding but i would have thought theyed have left at least one function the "Wrong" or as i like to see it old way.... Thanks for your help guys (and gals if appropriate). Just 5 other proplems (posts) to go and i should be good. for now
  23. Nope cant say that i have. Same thing though rounds to nearest even number.
  24. Is there a function for rounding to whole numbers that allways rounds up on excactly .5 Cint() and cbyte() both round to the nearest even number in the case of .5.....
  25. NEW AND IMPROVED ERROR Fixed the old one try frmmain.show catch frmmain = new form frmmain.show end try Now an even better one,... Debug.writeline("1") returns the same error (object not set to an instance....) ive tried adding an imports system.diagnostics but that didnt help,.. HELP Note the Debug line comes in right after the end try..... Just trying to see how far it gets before it crashes....
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