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Everything posted by rifter1818

  1. Sorry What i need is the code to render to the surface... From a surface. The previous quote shows how to set the surface of the texture as the render target so i can effectivly Draw on the Texture now i allready have a surface that i want to draw on the texture, Thinking about it could i not go ... Public Function GetScreenTexture() as texture Dim tTex as texture Dim Surf1 as Surface = tTex.GetSurfaceLevel(0) Dim Surf2 as surface = Device.CreateOffscreenPlainSurface(Screen.width,Screen.Height,Sceen.Format,Pool.Systemmemory) Device.GetFrontBuffer(0,Surf2) Surf1 = Surf2 Return tTex End Function or i guess could i not just ignore creating surf2 and go strait to Device.GetFrontBuffer(0,Surf1) ?
  2. Sorry about the stupid question but How do i render a surface then? (the surface does not belong to a texture so i have to render it onto a texture or can i say tex.getsurface(0).fromSurface or something like that to set the surface on the destination texture equal to the surface that i created.
  3. Could you include a Link to an example or an example? of How to use the mesh.intersect function? Thanks (Thanks for your help too Robydx)
  4. Is there any way to get the hieght of a mesh at a certain point? Let me give you what this is in refrence too, The battle Scene of my rpg takes place on a 9x9 grid of 150x150 blocks the whole grid is one big mesh, What i want to do is find out how high the mesh is on one of these blocks, currently the only way ive thought of so far is to have my Modeler enter the heights (or altitudes) into a textfile, then have the game input them (allong with other grid specific info). Just wondering if any of you know a better way of assertaining this information. Thank you all for the extravagent amount of help you have given me.
  5. Im Doing a simular thing with D3D So far there is still allot being fixed however, i have made initialising and manipulating a 3d world easyer, Vertex Buffer controls are now easyer, Along with Static and Animated (Tweening) meshs, and Some Animating Vertex Buffer code, Once it gets to a workable level i may post the DLL here, with of course usual rules use for your projects anything that will be marketed youll need to contact me for... same old same old..
  6. How do i get a texture from a surface in D3D. Note that my surface contains the frontbuffer image.... Thanks, Oh PS YAY 100th Post
  7. I believe that the "Rudder" control I think that the data comes out as a second axis. i could be wrong though i havent played with joystick controlls yet.
  8. Thanks very much for your time RobyDx Im way over my head programming in directx the way i am but im getting there slowly (with help from people like you) the meshs im currently using are for Tweening animation (which im doing myself using graphics streams... ) some are also used as just static meshs, the problem is that the meshs ive made so far (i think text, just exporting them from 3dstudio) work fine on my computer and my friends computer but dont on the school computer,.. there just not visible and no errors seem to be returned either i have been thinking that this may be because of the type of .x File, and thus was wondering what was best. Thank you all for your time.
  9. rifter1818


    Is there any way to Access Memory one bit at a time? Have say 9699690 bits of memory 1's and 0's and read and write to each memory bit?
  10. K, Also What type of X file is best?
  11. What are the major differences between the types of meshs? Also what options for exporting meshs from maya 5 are best? (using the exporter that came with the summer extra's). Thanks all
  12. I found the solution I just have to convert the rectangles then allignment will work. Rect = new rectangle(rect.x,rect.y,Rect.Right,Right.bottom) instead of Rect= new rectangle(X,Y,Width,Height) The only reason for this error that i can think of is that Microsoft developers used the WRONG VARIABLES and didnt notice... Note that the expanded Rectangle now alligns the text to the dimensions of the old rectangle.
  13. What is now Really Confussing Ive just found out (i cant believe i didnt relise this) that i was using the 900 build for everything and getting that problem? Ive tried to use the 1901 build but im having trouble just getting it to initialize, ill frig with the 1901 build latter.
  14. Sounds to me As if Your Color Key is only set to partially transparrant aka alpha value is not 0 but somewhere between 0 and 255. Cant really tell from the code youve supplied
  15. ***Bump*** Sorry For this folks But Im in need for answers,.. And yes i have been trying latly to aid all of you in your posts,..
  16. I think your Right its impossible But Just in case its not its worth a try. What i want to do is fill the world with all my meshs except for my Characters mesh. Then save the scene somehow begin scene -> add meshs ->save scene -> add character in position 1 ->end scene -> Present....-> clear -> begin Scene -> Load Saved scene in here (copy or whatever) -> possibly rotate the world -> draw character in position2 -> end scene -> Present... And so on and so on. Sorry Roby if this is what you said was impossible but i guess im just blinded with hope by the amount of work this would save..
  17. There is allot more available if you just do Direct3d and draw 2d graphics with it, However http://Directx4.net has some tutorials on both D3D and DDraw.
  18. 2d Text Usunge the font.drawtext ... with the allignment of 1 or 4,.. it draws the text way outside the intended rectangle but it draws it right if the allignment is 0,
  19. I have no idea whats causing this but the allignment is really off works perfectly for top left but centered oh boy... draws it well outside the rectangle it was intended for... Any one else experianced this, and i tried going to the 1901 build but so much more went wrong there im going back to 900....
  20. Ugg Summer Update I have had nothing but problems since i installed that the most fun is that when i refrence the 1901 build items somehow it keeps changing back to the 900 builds and really messing up, not to mention that the fonts wont work for me at all.
  21. How do i multiply a matrix by a single number? interpolating matrix`s matrix.add((i/n) * matrix.subtract(mat2,mat1),mat1) note the i/n * matrix is the part i need to figure out how to do...
  22. True the Converter isnt much good But it was the answer to his question. I too dont like the converted. Project 1000 lines created 300 Errors, thats almost 1 in 3 lines!
  23. Hmmm hadle the event form.keypress or form.keydown and check if its the escape key, just make sure that any long loops you have, have application.doevents in them. and when you exit the program (escape key) make sure to set the exit conditions for all your loops, example if the loop is do while running ..... loop then under keypress event if e.keyvalue = keys.esc.esc then running = false exit end if
  24. Allready been Discussed here http://www.xtremedotnettalk.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=82994&highlight=spell+check http://www.xtremedotnettalk.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=76257&highlight=spell+check
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