What i need is the code to render to the surface... From a surface. The previous quote shows how to set the surface of the texture as the render target so i can effectivly Draw on the Texture now i allready have a surface that i want to draw on the texture, Thinking about it could i not go ...
Public Function GetScreenTexture() as texture
Dim tTex as texture
Dim Surf1 as Surface = tTex.GetSurfaceLevel(0)
Dim Surf2 as surface = Device.CreateOffscreenPlainSurface(Screen.width,Screen.Height,Sceen.Format,Pool.Systemmemory)
Surf1 = Surf2
Return tTex
End Function
or i guess could i not just ignore creating surf2 and go strait to Device.GetFrontBuffer(0,Surf1) ?