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Everything posted by techmanbd

  1. Ok, I got it working. Here is what I did. I deleted DLL reference, then re-referenced it, and it works now. I don't really understand what happened, but that fixed the problem. Can anyone enlighten me on why this may have happened so I can learn something new?
  2. Hello all. Here is what I have done. I created a DLL of constants for test equipment I use, and have a few different programs that use this dll. So for the first few programs the dll was getting installed in the application file. Well since I don't want multiples of the same dll, I put it in the system32 folder. In my Setup I have it go to the system32 folder and it worked fine for that. But when I start the application I just finished I get this error When I reference the dll in the project, I reference it from system32 file. Any Ideas that I am not seeing? Thanks.
  3. I was getting an error using me.usewaitcursor = true So I used this and it worked me.cursor = cursors.waitcursor then when you are done switch it back me.cursor = cursors.default
  4. At the top you do this Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices Then to use it you do something like this. In my example "Haft4K" is the name of the dll. <DllImport("Haft4k", EntryPoint:="SetUserPS", CharSet:=CharSet.Ansi, SetLastError:=True)> _ Public Shared Function SetUserPS(ByVal nChannel As Integer, ByVal lState As Integer) As Integer End Function
  5. try this and see if this is what you are looking for Private Sub ComboBox1_KeyPress(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs) Handles ComboBox1.KeyPress Me.ComboBox1.DroppedDown = True End Sub I also have the "Dropdownstyle" properties set to "DropDown"
  6. Work. I create test applications that run test equipment. I have done a couple for fun. Mostly to learn .NET. I wrote a program for a bingo game that use to be on DISH Satellite to make it easier. But they stopped that show. I am sure if I were to look at the program today, though it worked really well, that I would think to myself, "What was I thinking? I should have done this". But that is what is fun about programming. Always learning new ways to do things.
  7. I was wondering if a program was written in Borland C++, If I could take the code files and read the code in .Net? Thanks,
  8. Here is how I do it, The first code is where I set up a textbox array and calls for a handle. The second cose is a sub for the handle With txtFreqs(intL) .Size = New Size(56, 25) .Location = New Point(intTFX, intY) .Enabled = False .MaxLength = 6 .Name = "txtFreq" & intL.ToString AddHandler txtFreqs(intL).KeyPress, AddressOf HandlesTextBox End With This handle is so someone can only write numbers and use the backspace Private Sub HandlesTextBox(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As KeyPressEventArgs) If Not Char.IsNumber(e.KeyChar) And Not Asc(e.KeyChar) = 8 Then e.Handled = True End If End Sub Hope this helps and steers you in the right direction for what you are looking for
  9. show the code, You can get better help that way
  10. this is wha I do. This is in VB but easy to translate I am sure for C put after the pApp.start Do While Not pApp.HasExited Application.DoEvents() Loop
  11. Not sure if this will help, since it is a loop instead of the label12.update I would use Application.DoEvents
  12. techmanbd

    Sub Main

    Yeah I have 2003. So couldn't tell you in 2005 express. I am going to have to download it when I get home for my home computer. So where it says startup form, I take it there isn't an option to start at 'Sub Main'?
  13. ok, I am assuming that you have an if statement to call the messagebox? if so in that if statement put e.handled = true and if this isn't what you are looking for, maybe if you put up the code you are working on, you can get a better answer quicker
  14. techmanbd

    Sub Main

    If you want to start from Sub Main Click on Project, drag and click onto Properties Under 'Common Properties' ---> 'General' There is a list box under 'Startup Object' Drag to 'Sub Main'
  15. maybe this can get you on the right track. Dim result As DialogResult result = MessageBox.Show("wahtever you put here") If result = DialogResult.OK Then 'code here End If
  16. Here is a place that has I/O devices that can either hook to a RS232 port or they have now USB port. I used these so when I made an automated testers it wasn't tied to just one computer. http://www.ontrak.net You can also check out National Intruments to see if they have what you are looking for http://www.NI.com
  17. I have a simple question about Skybound. When using the skybound controls, does it only work using XP or does it work with 2000 as well? at work we are using W2K0
  18. the reason it does it twice is because even if it unchecks it is being changed so you get both things happening. Do like Cags suggested. or if you want to keep what you have. throw in an IF statement. I am not that familiar with C# but in VB I just put in the event if RadioButton1.checked then 'code here end if
  19. Fun isn't it? That was my major. Wasn't called Robotics but Automated Manufacturing, which is basicallly the same thing. I never got a job as full on robotics but I have automated production lines and now I automate tests. welcome back
  20. Private Sub txt_peypress(ByVal system As System.Object, ByVal e As KeyPressEventArgs) Handles TextBox1.KeyPress If e.KeyChar = Chr(Keys.Enter) Then ' whatever needs to be done here End If End Sub
  21. Dude, he is learning to program. CHILL THE F OUT, he said it was for a class.
  22. Here is my mug First Pic, The day I dislocated my shoulder on the bike the second is with me and the soon to be at the Ministry concert.
  23. if you have a loop put in application.doevent inside the loop
  24. Why not just create a form for text and send the info you want displayed to the form?
  25. system.threading.thread.sleep(1000) this = 1 sec. 1000ms = 1 sec
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