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Everything posted by techmanbd

  1. Try not using data = reader.GetSchemaTable and then call that integer a string
  2. ro.Item(0) = CType(reader.GetValue(0), Integer) DId you try making this the same as the others? ro.Item(0) = CType(reader.getstring(0), string) I believe even if it is a number in the database, it still comes through as a string. so in your program you cal it a string
  3. There is a way to turn on that. go to TOOLS/OPTIONS/SELECT PROJECTS FOLDER/SELECT WEB SETTING PROPERTY then there is a radiobutton to select FrontPage Extensions
  4. I have searched for that myself but not found away, Most likely you can't. And also I found that since I am using a comport that I needed to have the code locally on my computer or else i couldn't talk to the comport for security reasons.
  5. Does anyone have experience with GPIB cards? My problem is I have a National Instruments GPIB Card and they give me the run around on how to program in .NET. They have modules for VB 6 and older, but do not work in .NET. They also say to use the DLL's directly, but of course don't say wht DLL's and what the commands are in the DLL's. Anyways, if anyone here can help me out, that would be great.
  6. Thanks, that did it. I agree with you, that is why i like to have the alt key underlines shown
  7. Never mind, I figured it out. #REGION "NAME OF REGION" #END REGION
  8. I have the following code. Private Sub cmdForward_MouseDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As MouseEventArgs) Handles cmdForward.MouseDown booFor = True tmrPiston.Enabled = True End Sub 'When cmdForward button is released, stops the tmrPiston Private Sub cmdForward_MouseUp(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As MouseEventArgs) Handles cmdForward.MouseUp booFor = False tmrPiston.Enabled = False End Sub 'When cmdRev button is pushed down, Then starts tmrPiston and runs the 'code so piston moves in reverse Private Sub cmdRev_MouseDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As MouseEventArgs) Handles cmdRev.MouseDown booRev = True tmrPiston.Enabled = True End Sub 'When cmdRev button is released, stops the tmrPiston Private Sub cmdRev_MouseUp(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As MouseEventArgs) Handles cmdRev.MouseUp booRev = False tmrPiston.Enabled = False End Sub Basically what I want to do is collapse this code at once, Like a section and call it the TAB1 section, that way I don't have to see all ths code when I am working on somthing else on the same form. Is there a way to do this?
  9. OK, I put the "&" in the text of my buttons and menu items. ex: &File So that the ALT F will open that menu item. When the program starts, the line under the F is not there until I hit the alt key. then the lines show up under the letters I have the & sign before. ANd then when you press the "ESC" key or the "ALT" key again the lines go away. I want the lines under the leters to always show. That way the general public who will use this program knows they can use the alt key.
  10. Here is what I did, because I was having the sme problem. set the main form as the start up. private Public FrmMAin_Load ..... dim frmSplash as new frmSplash me.hide frmSplash.show end sub and in the splash form where ever you want the splash to end and goto the main form private sub "whatever" dim frmMain as new frmMain frmMain.show me.close end sub
  11. KenpoMatt, I would stay with oracle since you already have it. and as much money as your company probably paid for it, i doubt they would want to get SQL SERVER. Plus i believe Oracle is a stronger database.
  12. I use MS ACCESS. I have used SQL Server 7 and Oracle 8.1, but the company i work for now only has ACCESS. They are not big on data here, but i plan on trying to change that. hehe
  13. also put myconnection.open() before mycommand. You are trying to send a command to a database that isn't open yet.
  14. also need to dispose the command mycommand.dispose()
  15. perfect, Thanks. .showdialog was exactly what i was looking for
  16. What I am trying to do is when I click a button, it pops up another form to add info, and at the same time i disable the main form. Now when I exit the info form i want to re-enable the form. I don't want to us the dim frmnew as new frmmain and the .show because that just pops up a new form. I want to keep the existing form in tact Main form code: Private Sub cmdAddname_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdAddname.Click Dim frmName As New frmNames frmName.Show() Me.Enabled = False End Sub frmName code on exit: Private Sub cmdExit_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdExit.Click frmMain.Enabled = True Me.Close() End Sub
  17. I am not 100% sure why, but i just tried using oleDBconnection to open my database in ACCESS and got an error so I used the odbcconnection and it worked.
  18. I am adding a module that was made for VB6 and get errors. It is for GPIB and sets up functions using a dll. I pasted the beginning of the code, but the rest is the same alll through, but too long to paste whole thing. The error says "statement is not valid in a namspace". I kno wit is probably something simple but still new to .NET Attribute VB_Name = "VBIB32" ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ' 32-bit Visual Basic Language Interface ' Version 1.7 ' Copyright 1998 National Instruments Corporation. ' All Rights Reserved. ' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ' This module contains the subroutine declarations, ' function declarations and constants required to use ' the National Instruments GPIB Dynamic Link Library ' (DLL) for controlling IEEE-488 instrumentation. This ' file must be 'added' to your Visual Basic project ' (by choosing Add File from the File menu or pressing ' CTRL+F12) so that you can access the NI-488.2 ' subroutines and functions. ' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ' NI-488.2 DLL entry function declarations option Explicit Declare Function ibask32 Lib "Gpib-32.dll" Alias "ibask" (ByVal ud As Long, ByVal opt As Long, ByVal value As Long) As Long Declare Function ibbna32 Lib "Gpib-32.dll" Alias "ibbnaA" (ByVal ud As Long, sstr As Any) As Long Declare Function ibcac32 Lib "Gpib-32.dll" Alias "ibcac" (ByVal ud As Long, ByVal v As Long) As Long Declare Function ibclr32 Lib "Gpib-32.dll" Alias "ibclr" (ByVal ud As Long) As Long Declare Function ibcmd32 Lib "Gpib-32.dll" Alias "ibcmd" (ByVal ud As Long, sstr As Any, ByVal cnt As Long) As Lon
  19. Anybody know anything about this protocal and any good websites for resources? I need to talk to a product using this and was wondering if I can just send commands through the comport.
  20. AH ok, I am learning .net. I just got it a few weeks ago.
  21. Is intFirstYellow an integer? if so you are trying to combine an integer with a string. Try .ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=MIN(C" & str(intFirstYellow) & ":C" & str(intLastYellow) & ")"
  22. I am new to VB .NET and been awhile since I programmed with VB6. So bare with me. I have searching all over for the answer but will post now. Using a command button, I would like to use it as the folowing: When button is pressed down and keep it pressed, it will repeat the code I have in the sub for the button and once I have released the button it stops the code. Is .net capable of doing this? and if so how? please :confused:
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