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Everything posted by techmanbd

  1. I am working on automated test program. That sends a command to a device we make then look for answers back. Also can troubleshoot it. Talk to a few different devices. I use GPIB to communicate between a multimeter and then I found data aquisition boards that talk through the rs232 port. Also they have relay boards that work quite nicely
  2. Sounds like someone is trying to make a virus or trojan of somesort
  3. Does anyone out there know where I can find I guess some sort of switch that comes off the 9pin rs232 port that will expand to 2 - 9pin rs232 ports that is somewhat cheap. Maybe even programmable so I can switch to the other device though vb.net
  4. Oh I am sorry, I didn't see that it was for Word 2000. I was doing that in excel. I will have to look at the WORD
  5. I used ODBC connection because if I remember correctly in my readings that the AS400 server uses the ODBC connection on their end
  6. I used the first formula =IF(A1="HMH_ER",.065,0) and I didn't get the error. Could be in your format of the cell. And for the round up, it sounds like the needs to be formatted. Goto format cell then you can select the decimal point length. It is usually defaulted to 2 places and needs to be set to 3 places
  7. here is a short version but hopefully you will get the idea and ad all the rest of the if's =IF(OR(A1="HMH_ER",A1 = "HMH_URG"), .065, IF(OR(A1 = "VMC_ER", A1 = "Policlinic),.7, IF(etc...))
  8. is your stocknum and price numbers in the table? if they are numbers you don't put the single quotes around them
  9. This is the logic =if(logical, if true, if false) so here is what yours will look like =if(127 > 0, (SUM(C29,F29,G29,H29,I29,J29)/SUM(F27,I27)/2), 0)
  10. Also can do this Select * From TABLE where rownumber between n and m
  11. Actually you got that backwards, you NEED to change the version in the setup properties. My experince is when I was learning all the setup things, that I did not change it and when I tried to run the setup on another computer that already had the pprogram with same verion number, I woould get an error and not even go through the setup process
  12. when I run the following as a sql statment I get my result, but whenI try and create a view of it I get errors. SELECT TestID, AssyRev, SalesRev, (select passfail from tblpassfail where tblPFtestdata.PFcurrentl = tblpassfail.PFID) AS PFCurrentL, (select passfail from tblpassfail where tblPFtestdata.PFcurrentNL = tblpassfail.PFID) AS PFCurrentNL FROM LIBTEST.tblPFtestData CREATE VIEW qryPFtest AS SELECT TestID, AssyRev, SalesRev, ([color=red]select[/color] passfail from tblpassfail where tblPFtestdata.PFcurrentl = tblpassfail.PFID) AS PFCurrentL, (select passfail from tblpassfail where tblPFtestdata.PFcurrentNL = tblpassfail.PFID) AS PFCurrentNL FROM LIBTEST.tblPFtestData where the red select is where I get the error. says it is not a valid token. This is being created on IBM DB2, server is AS400. soesn't seem like much experience on here for that but ws hoping this could be a problem on any database since it is standard SQL statement. any clues out there?
  13. Does anyone know where I can find examples and explanations on how to communicate through the USB port. I have 2.0. I tried the internet search. Tried searching microsoft. and tried looking through here. but with the search on here you can only search with 4 characters or more. and for some reason, I can't goto any other pages in any of the forumns. So any directions to where I can find info on USB communications would be helpful, Thanks
  14. Yep,. I had a similar project that I figured out how to do that go to this thread. http://www.xtremedotnettalk.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=80308&highlight=process if you notice in the do loop where I am reading a line, there is boolPromate(s), that is a subrotine where I compare my line with an error I was looking for
  15. need to check the length of your fields in the table and the length of characters you are passing to that table is less than the field lengths
  16. maybe you need a time delay after the insert to allow the insert to take place on SQL Server 2000 before closing the connection. Because my theory is when you step through it give the server time to finish what it needs to do before the connection is closed where the program running on its own doesn't.
  17. try this. I think it is this. but I don't have my computer on so tghis is from memory if myreader.hasrows then Do While MyReader.Read Dim datein As Date = MyReader("Datein") Dim stime As Date = MyReader("StartTime") Dim etime As Date = MyReader("EndTime") Dim din As String = datein.ToShortDateString Dim intime As String = stime.ToShortTimeString Dim otime As String = etime.ToShortTimeString 'Add items to the listboxes with the data from the datareader ListBox1.Items.Add(din) ListBox2.Items.Add(intime) ListBox3.Items.Add(otime) Loop ELSE 'enter code here for message if no data END IF
  18. set the dropdownstyle property to dropdownlist of the combobox
  19. From answers I have had before about a similar question, YOu don't need access on your workstations, but MDAC 2.7 or higher YOu can download it from here. http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/downloads/list/dataaccess.asp
  20. I use a connection string and had my admin set me up with an account for read/write only just for my application. say the UID he gave me is VBUID Dim strcon As String strcon = "DSN=QDSN_YOURDATABASE;SYSTEM=YOURDATABASE;[color=red]UID=VBUID[/color];" _ & DBQ=;DFTPKGLIB=;XLATEDLL=;LANGUAGEID=ENU;SORTTABLE=;" _ & PKG=QGPL/DEFAULT(IBM),2,0,1,0,512;QAQQINILIB=;" _ & DESC=Client Access Express ODBC data source;REMARKS=1;PREFETCH=1;SIGNON=1;"
  21. Sorry, correct the mxdoc is that and the following is the mxnode. Dim mxnode As XmlNode Dim strPath As String = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.SetupInformation.ApplicationBase Dim strLoadFile As String = strPath & "DCIControl.xml" If Not File.Exists(strLoadFile) Then MessageBox.Show("FILE NOT FOUND", "ERROR", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error) Exit Sub End If Dim mxDoc = New XmlDocument mxDoc.Load(strLoadFile) Dim mxNodeList As XmlNodeList = mxDoc.SelectNodes("/xml/Chipnum/Chip") Dim mxNodelist2 As XmlNodeList = mxDoc.SelectNodes("/xml/Hexprog/prog") If Not (mxNodeList Is Nothing) Then For Each mxnode In mxNodeList Me.cbxChip.Items.Add(mxnode.InnerText) Next For Each mxnode In mxNodelist2 Me.cbxHexprog.Items.Add(mxnode.InnerText) Next End If
  22. Dim mxNodeList As XmlNodeList = mxDoc.SelectNodes("/xml/Chipnum/Chip") Dim mxNodelist2 As XmlNodeList = mxDoc.SelectNodes("/xml/Hexprog/prog") If Not (mxNodeList Is Nothing) Then For Each mxnode In mxNodeList Me.cbxChip.Items.Add(mxnode.InnerText) Next For Each mxnode In mxNodelist2 Me.cbxHexprog.Items.Add(mxnode.InnerText) Next End If
  23. go to this thread. http://www.xtremedotnettalk.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=80308
  24. OR i belive you can do this Select * from TableName Where Timestamp > TO_DATE('12/01/2003 10:00:00') and oracle will translate it into Oracle type
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