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Everything posted by techmanbd

  1. I say apply for them anyways, like any other career they always ask for so much experience.They always ask for more experience than what they will rerally get. But don't be afraid to send your resume. You never know. I have sent resumes when they ask for more experience and have gotten a few interviews and have gotten a couple jobs. You just have to show intiative and show that what experience yuo do have will help you achieve the experience they want. If yuo show a positive attitude and the willingness to learn and grow, they look at that. That is just my experience with the job hunt
  2. Not sure what you need, but the sql statement should look like this dim strSQL as string = "select * from yourtable where NAME like '" & txtsearchname.text & "';"
  3. How about trying this Dim timeit As Integer = Environment.TickCount While Not ReceivedResponse if Environment.TickCount - timeit >= whateverMillisecondshere then exit while end if Application.DoEvents() End While ' and then to tell them there wasn't a response if not recievedresponse then messagebox.show("NO RESPONSE") end if
  4. try putting the eventsargs.handled = true in the if statement like so below that way it does all the things you want it to but not perform the actual "enter" key and line feed down to the next line Private Sub TextBox1_KeyPress(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal eventargs As System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs) Handles TextBox1.KeyPress Dim KeyAscii As Short = Asc(eventargs.KeyChar) If KeyAscii = 13 Then 'what you want it to do in here.... (operation of when you click picturebox) eventsarg.handled = true End If If KeyAscii = 0 Then eventargs.Handled = True End If End Sub
  5. You can also do it theis way if my memory serves me SELECT firstname || ", " || lastname as fullname from TABLE
  6. the only thing I can think of is that one of your datatypes is text. so just take materialcode for instance. if that was a text then look at the value I added. so all text you put single quotes around it and all numbers you don't. sqlQuery = "INSERT INTO ProcessPricing ( MaterialCode, Process, Min, Max, CostPerPound, RateMeasurement, RateAmount, MinimumCharge ) VALUES ( 'hello', ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? );"
  7. also if you DO use the way you have you don't need to put false. Just FYI so when you do other boolean style if statements for false if NOT me.radiobutton1.checked then end if for true if me.radiobutton1.checked then end if
  8. this is what your query should look like "SELECT * FROM Drawings WHERE '" & strSearch & "' LIKE %'" & txtSearch.Text & "%'"
  9. and if I am correct, converting from VB6 to VB.net programs can only be done in the STudio edition and not the standard edition
  10. Basicaly how the scanner works is that it scans the barcode, encodes the barcode to ascii code and sends it through the serial port, or usb depending how new you get the scanner to the computer.
  11. Ok, I got the class libraries but when I try to use it I get this error Object with program ID Vswizard.VSwizardengine cannot be created
  12. How would I do that? I read somwhere that I start a new windows application and under the properties => general, I set the 'output type' to Class Library, but I don't see that. the only options I have is 'Console Application' and 'Windows Application'.
  13. I was wondering if I need VS .NET to create a DLL or can I with the standard edition of VB .NET
  14. Dim strpath As String = "c:\somedirectory" Dim strfile As String Dim Allfiles As String() = IO.Directory.GetFiles(strpath, "*.bmp") For Each strfile In Allfiles Dim filename As New IO.FileInfo(strfile) ListBox1.Items.Add(filename.Name) Next Allfiles = IO.Directory.GetFiles(strpath, "*.jpg") For Each strfile In Allfiles Dim filename As New IO.FileInfo(strfile) ListBox1.Items.Add(filename.Name) Next
  15. Not sure, I tried the commas and it didn't work. What I did was just make another FOR EACH loop. So I have 2 FOR EACH loop. one does one type and the other does the other type.
  16. OK, I guess to answer your question about being the most stressful because of people, then I would have to say NO it isn't the most stressful. It is about the same of anything you develop. I fortunatly don't just program. I also build test boxes and automated machines. And beleive me when you are designing a macjine you get the same crap. They never know what they want, and alwasy want it done in a ridiculous short time.
  17. not sure exactly what you are saying but hopefully this is what you are looking for if textbox1.text.length = 3 then whereveryouwant.text = a end if
  18. Here is how you get the files up for certain types Dim strpath As String = "c:\somedirectory" Dim strfile As String Dim Allfiles As String() = IO.Directory.GetFiles(strpath, "*.bmp") For Each strfile In Allfiles Dim filename As New IO.FileInfo(strfile) ListBox1.Items.Add(filename.Name) Next
  19. Not really, I feel that when I am programming, I lose some stress because I get into a different world and block all that is around me. I like the challenge of figuring out things. And for the people who don't know what they want, document everything, like emails to them and CC their supervisors. So when they come back and try and say something, you pull out the documentations.
  20. Don't use a timer. Just have it check in your loop oCP.Write(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("D" & Chr(13))) Do Until verifica_mesaj() = True sstrString = readinput here ' However you are reading your input if sstrString = ">" then verifica_mesaj() = true end if Application.DoEvents() ' msgbox("please wait...") Loop
  21. This is how I get the X in the corner to do what my exit button does as well actually I needed to edit this private sub mnuEXIT_click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles mnuEXIT.click me.close end sub Private Sub frmController_unload(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Closed 'code here. to end what you need, like closing the comport End Sub
  22. Thanks, with that advice I actually went to the windows design area and REM'd out the statement for that tab. so when I go to compile it it won't show up there and when I am ready to have it displayed I just un REM it
  23. I am working on a project that I use a tab page withe 3 tabs. I have the first page done and would like to release it soon, but want to start working on the next page. My question is if there is a way to make the 2nd tab page not visible so I can give the program to the line so they don't see anyting on that page but are able to use the first page of the tab page?
  24. If you need to talk to the cnc controller using rs422 you will need to get a converter that connects to the rs232 port. if you go to this link they have converters that work well and a decent price http://www.bb-elec.com/ and to use the rs232 look at this forum thread and hopefully it will get you started http://www.xtremedotnettalk.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=78374&highlight=com+port
  25. I would think something like that to. The IT guys here put a disclaimer on our outgoing mail through the server
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