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Everything posted by neodammer

  1. I thought bar codes where more secure then that lol
  2. Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal eventSender As System.Object, ByVal eventArgs As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load Dim myarray() As Byte 'UPGRADE_WARNING: Couldn't resolve default property of object LoadResData(). Click for more: 'ms-help://MS.VSCC.2003/commoner/redir/redirect.htm?keyword="vbup1037"' myarray = VB6.LoadResData("MUSIC", "MUSIC") FileOpen(1, VB6.GetPath & "\music.wav", OpenMode.Binary, OpenAccess.Write) 'UPGRADE_WARNING: Put was upgraded to FilePut and has a new behavior. Click for more: 'ms-help://MS.VSCC.2003/commoner/redir/redirect.htm?keyword="vbup1041"' FilePut(1, myarray) FileClose(1) MediaPlayer1.Open((VB6.GetPath & "\music.wav")) End Sub This is the code it spat out at me when i tried to convert it from vb6 to vb.net not so much harder. Was wondering what i could use instead of the vb6 commands
  3. would you happen to know a tutorial on this? or are the commands for extracting one similar to vb 6? Loadresdata("blah","CUSTOM") etc..
  4. Call me a n00b to vb.net but how would I go about doing binary .res type files in .net? or are they called something completely different?
  5. alrighty then now i must figure out this mess lol
  6. Odd. That worked, whats the difference? and why would not the other code work?
  7. on my pc windows is using currently displaying 1:30 AM eastern time
  8. Interesting, I wonder whats wrong on my end.
  9. nope message box never pops up odd I am using windows xp pro and vb.net 2003
  10. here you go i put some comments into the area thats messing uptimer101.zip
  11. nope my problem is getting the actual message box to pop up when the alarm hits the right time.
  12. Did that work for you?
  13. Im new to vb.net my experience is with vb 6.0 until a day or two ago. I am making an alarm program that displays the time, lets you input when you want to "wake up" and then sets the alarm in motion. having trouble with the actual alarm part here is the files. if somebody can fix and or tell me what was wrong let me know will be in your debt thankstimer101.zip
  14. By the way , on the subject, there is a windows option in xp i know that clears up text especially on lcd monitors i just forgot what it was and how to turn it on, anybody know of it?
  15. hmm, your right didnt think of that. Well ill end this one with a final question. Do you know a good book on vb.net ?
  16. ack you mistunderstood me, i worded it wrong sorry, what i ment was php cant do much more than javascript in my experience with it unless it has sql. Php is easier to write than javascript imo. But was wondering if VB.net can create databases on its own?
  17. php is basicaly another javascript without sql. Is vb.net similar? Does it need sql for databases?
  18. no no , you answered my question thanks. Would you consider php the alternative to vb.net in terms of accesibility?
  19. sorry ment vb.net, anyway just in your opinion how hard is setting up windows server in conparison with apache? apache is fairly easy. Peace
  20. very fragile I would say go lcd. But remember its also fragile alot of greasy fingers etc. And thats all she wrote! with a crt i dont have to worry as much, but then again I have an lcd now and im happy with it. If you have an crt monitor now, you could if you want save that monitor just for games if you think the lcd is too slow etc.. and use the lcd for all other things. *reading an online newspaper is a joy with an lcd screen* Peace.
  21. hmm You could make a bad animated jpg i guess if you take alot of jpgs and time them to change using vbscript or javascript even. But the outcome is not very great and would be more productive to use a gif control. Peace.
  22. http://enzin.mine.nu im using php alot and some html, was wondering if i can just swing into vb6.net without installing anything, or if i need to configure something or install something?
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