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Everything posted by neodammer

  1. interesting here is the steps im going to try to do in my program: 1. Input a movie file 2. save it to a byte array 3. use some simple algy to "shift" the data 4. also in the same program have it "re-shift" the data back to normal upon a click just for testing purposes "the final one will have a key" Now i dont know if a byte array is ideal here, im still thinking in vb 6.0 terms :rolleyes:
  2. imports system.IO Dim path As String = Application.StartupPath & "\config.cfg" Dim SW As StreamWriter Dim FS As FileStream FS = New FileStream(path, FileMode.Create) SW = New StreamWriter(FS) SW.WriteLine("Set Example_1", TextBox1.Text) SW.WriteLine() SW.WriteLine("BLAH BLAH BLAH NEXT LINE BLAH") SW.Close() FS.Close() ---- this should help you out, remember at the top of the file to import system.io
  3. hmmm so i take it you couldnt just rearrange bit by bit the data of the file then with same program undo that arrangement ?
  4. Everything on your computer is data of some sort. Movies are no exception to that. Is it possible to take a .avi or .mpeg etc.. and with an algorithim of some sort encrypt all the data of that movie file? That way making it harder for someone to steal the video file inside the program or play it outside of it. This is something ive been pondering a few weeks now as to how one would actually go about encrypting movie data. I dont think its impossible.
  5. If you run it as a windows application you can easily just tell the form to hide.
  6. I wouldnt mind the first method just scanning items I need and then when ready hit "purchase" and have it delivered. On the other hand that fridge idea wouldnt be for me cause...i dont think we have evolved enough :D in the AI department for that
  7. Dim oldstr As String = "Session73Number" oldstr = oldstr.Remove(0, 7) oldstr = oldstr.Remove(2, 6) MsgBox(oldstr) That would end you with just 73 ..if that helps any.
  8. let me get this straight, you have the items and you run out..so you scan the barcode and this service brings it to your door with a bill? that would be pretty awesome.
  9. This is true.. alittle depressing, hilarious, scary at times but true :eek:
  10. Maybe he wants to be a secret agent man :cool: **can hear james bond music** hehe. Btw can regular scanners scan bar code?
  11. Indeed a mirror program is nice but not my goal in this case. I do understand what you are saying about bandwidth issues. I figure though if i was going to just click on every .jpg anyway and rightclick-save.. why not just do it in less time? same bandwidth. I used to on dial-up download the local newspaper all night and read it in the morning. Now im on broadband so its not vital anymore :D PS: omg pron? I never...ever..well..i guess i should never say never.. :p
  12. speaking of windows vs. fullscreen. when you run a game in fullscreen mode does it use less resources if say in windowed mode.. same resolution of course. I wonder if your video card is still processing the windows gui as well as the fullscreen game.
  13. That reminds me of a challenge I was once presented with, making a web browser..without using IE controls. I made a very very simple one..<looks for the .zip file he made :D > ... and it ran actually faster than IE lol of course it could only read the very very very simple html commands. and no javascript or any higher languages ...php, dhtml etc..
  14. Java by Sun is awesome or at least was a few years back because it was so univeral on systems ranging from PC's to hand held devices. VB.net at least as far as I know isnt portable to hand helds yet. and when i say hand helds i mean not only pda's but like instruments that Pespi, Frito-lay use for routes etc.. this kind of equip java is awesome at. Cheaper also :D
  15. keep searching, alot of crap sites will tell you "download our software " or pay for this ebook today..etc.. but there are many sites buried underneath this monolith of capitalism that are free and very educational. :D
  16. true true. Spidering is something ill probably have to do in order to get alot of the bugs out of just searching and extracting. surprised IE hasnt already introduced something that will show all the pics of thumbnailed images.
  17. ahh yes that works also hehe however if its security your after, make up your own :) for stronger security
  18. no no no nothing like this. This is only for sites with links to pics in them that are viewable to everybody. Im just having trouble finding one as a demo lol I am making this for sites with like alot of cartoon pics etc.. that i know alot of folks like to make a collection of.
  19. dim barcodealph as string = textbox.text textconvert = textconvert.Replace("X", barcodealph) thats all you need to do if your just replacing with a set letter.
  20. Private htmlstr As String Private rtrhtml As String Public sr As IO.StreamReader Public wc As New Net.WebClient Public s As String Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load ' this will create a large string and save it to var s sr = New IO.StreamReader(wc.OpenRead("http://www.google.com/index.html")) s = sr.ReadToEnd sr.DiscardBufferedData() sr.Close() wc.Dispose() textbox1.text = s 's now contains all the html and displays it in a textbox 'this next step will extract all the links to any .jpg End Sub This code so far takes the page and saves it to string var s then displays the html code in the textbox. Of course google isnt coded by an amateur therefore you dont have simple links like usual. but lets say it did have something like htp://www.google.com/01.jpg I would use that indexsearch method?
  21. I see i see good stuff. Thanks. Can you give me a syntax example of how that intIndextoSearch is used?
  22. Yeah thats my problem. What kind of loop would do that correctly? :D I wouldnt mind now just telling the program ok.. htp://mysite.com/01.jpg is where you start..now just increase that htp://mysite.com/02.jpg etc.. and save them to a specific folder..that kind of loop is probably ideal
  23. Well its not quite that simple you see because on most picture pages, your only seeing thumbnails. So you'd have to still click through every one.
  24. ...DOH..i didnt even think of that.. especially if your already viewing the page..or currently viewing it..doh doh doh ..now to find out where.
  25. yeah i got to thinking that myself, yeah probably the opposite.
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