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Everything posted by neodammer

  1. I host a site at home and P is right, you are almost guaranteed to get some attempts if your online for a given length of time. Dynamic IP addy's dont really help much anymore since alot of folks use services such as http://www.dyndns.org etc.. The sad part is dial-up modem users are probably the safest :p Btw two firewalls is basicaly overkill and wont do anything more than hog resources.
  2. Im sure some of you fine folks have you used Apache web server during some point in your internet life. If you have you'll remember that Apache creates a access log .txt file. I was thinking what a challenge it would be to actually create a vb.net program to extract that info and make it more readable and stream-like. The problem you'll notice is there are alot of bugs in the apache log...so you will get like 50 lines of what looks like someone trying to hack your server but its nothing more than a simple bug.
  3. anybody know how to set the "deployment package" in vb.net to put the program in the start up?
  4. ok I figured out my dilema. :p Just delete the History Directory during startup and all is good :D otherwise you wont be able to touch it cause its in use
  5. Well i figured out that all ie history is stored in index.dat files. Problem is those files are always used by explore.exe etc... so cant just be deleted.. perhaps flushed?
  6. Can mozilla or any other Browser easily do it?
  7. Well #1 you want to look into where your going to host this game. And make sure they or if your hosting it yourself can run asp. #2 you might want to at least take a few hours and learn basic knowledge of asp; online is a good source. This way you can at least manipulate code that others have shown you. Since you know C, you know how coding works already which is a good thing :cool:
  8. To my much dismay I have failed to locate vb.net method's that would clean out the IE history. Does anybody know how to clean out the history via VB.net? Thanks.
  9. Just a quick follow up, most of the time when im deleting one or multiple files if i right-click before i actually stop dragging it is always being "used."
  10. Thinking of Decompilers. The only ones ive known to actually work are asm ones. Are there Vb.net decompilers?
  11. You can output the dll to file in a stealth type fashion. I remember running mp3's and avi's in this fashion and when i would tell it to output to file it would act like it was there..but even during the programs life..it never showed in any folder..i still to this day dont know why lol
  12. hmm I understand you now, but I never heard of code that can dymanicly access a DLL in the res file. I have heard about folks who extract dll's from res file on Load, but never manipulate them while they are still in the res file. Somehow I believe that its possible though.
  13. If i understand the question clearly, you want to embed dll's into res files? I have done this before in vb 6.0 with small dll's . If possible in vb.net unless they changed it, I used to use byte arrays to extract the data and save it to a file on load. I had alot of trouble sometimes though because it seems I would get some error messages "missing dlls" before the file was extracted and saved. I suppose it depends on the dll.
  14. I have done alittle of Visual C++, but it was always DOS applications. I never could figure out how to make window forms. Is it easier than it looks? lol Whats the difference between managed and non-managed?
  15. Well I ask because a course im about to take at the University says "Programing in C++" so I assume then its not C# but MS's older C++ version. Which I dont know really what the latest version of that was.
  16. I have made many RPG's during my game days and I have developed a few important tips for myself: 1. Create easy-to-manipulate engines/functions 'this way you will not be using alot of worthless cycle hungry code 2. If you can learn how to program DX. 'This will make your game much much smoother 3. Remember to name everything accordingly 'none of this dim a as string crap lol 4. Before you start programing a game, just like a writting a book brainstorm and outline your game 'this way you will have a more concrete game 5. Be creative 'the final fantasy thing has been done..move on !!! 6. be in a good mood 'If you cant dish out fun feelings at the time of programing then nobody will have fun playing your game :p These things I always use when programing a game in general. They may or may not be helpful for you but they help me :D
  17. Question might be alittle off topic but since you said C++ for mozilla: Is C# just an upgrade of C++ like vb.net is an upgrade of vb 6.0?
  18. Granted AxBrowser is the easiest thing to use for web browsing etc.. A friend of mine and I want to create a browser totally without using any IE controls. I thought about this and its harder than I thought. Anybody ever done this? :p
  19. I used to enjoy programing games when I was in school. Creating games "the usual ones" are quite easy once you have done them before. Now days I usually just stick to making tools that make my computer life more productive. :D
  20. I find better prices with Ebooks than with solid copies. I just print it out in draft mode saves ink and alot of money :D
  21. I couldnt agree more, when i tried migrating a program to vb.net from 6.0 that took out .wav's from a res file and played them in the windowsmediaplayer control... all it did was like add tags to all my code saying it was vb 6.0 code @_@ which of course the program did run fine, but with the same exact code.
  22. Im alittle confused you mean 1. You want the output file to only have one line of text in it at all times or 2. you want lots of lines in the file each with a new whatever is in the "" Type an example of how you want the output file to look like exactly like after a few writes. If your only wanting one line to always be present in the file then you could always delete the file at the beginning of the function. that way only one line of data is always written. Public path As String = Application.StartupPath & "\config.cfg" Public Function Write(ByVal Name As String, ByVal Value As String) As Boolean Dim fs As StreamWriter If File.Exists(path) = False Then ' Create the file. fs = File.CreateText(path) fs.Write(Name & " """ & Value & """" & vbCrLf) fs.Close() Else File.Delete(path) fs = File.CreateText(path) fs.Write(Name & " """ & Value & """" & vbCrLf) fs.Close() End If End Function
  23. that would be awesome in terms of binary files :D 1. do what you said and encrypt it and toss a key in the header 2. when somebody imports the file to decrypt it checks the key to see if its a good key 3. if key is good, then decryption starts..including removing the key from header cause WMP wont like that key lol
  24. Apache will let you run things..too bad not VB.net things :( I doubt anybody will let you run .exe's on their server unless its a personal friends or something lol
  25. That makes sense. I think there should be an option in Windows or Video card settings that when in Full Screen mode to either "trim down" explorer.exe or pause it while the full screen is focused.
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