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Everything posted by neodammer

  1. Use directx coding or you could get clever and somewhat simple by just making a timer set to like oh i dont know 1 just keep the window at one position on the screen like 250,250 that way nobody could really move it.
  2. What im trying to do via application even possible without asp? I thought it was because all im doing is the exact same thing as the code above except via internet. I understand that most servers have settings preventing the viewing but the site im trying to view "my own" from out of town has permissions that allow for directory viewing.
  3. Well if all 5 pc's have the same ip except for the last 2 or 3 digits you can do a 1-999 ping via tcp. and then whichever other 4 actually reply have them displayed or stored to a variable etc.. course im sure there is a less violent lol way to do this as this method hogs network/pc resources and alot of firewalls will go off the heezy for sheezy
  4. I created a program once that had to connect to the internet before it would even run. and the thing was it checked for this in more than one spot during the running of the program, also hard code it everytime dont just call it. ** to prevent easy hex cracking** So if you have a server thats always running or a site etc.. you can actually have it during the exe of the program do a few things . 1. can always do a check sum ** good for more than just security** 2. make it username/password only accesible via serial # on your program then do a check on exe's start. good for security edited: 3rd. for added security you could associate a username/password/serial with a mac addy
  5. neodammer


    Now let me get this right. A macro i record in vb.net i can call via code whenever? Id imagine virus detectors going off the heezy for sheezy. I was wondering because I wanted to build a macro application that would basically launch IE and type in a site to goto. Regarding that IE is in the default folder and accessed from the run command.
  6. lolz actually that was leaked out hehe. anyway my favorite fps was an old game for the 3DO system ..not really sure if it was released for PC but im almost sure it was called "Killing Time" for some reason i just like the cheesy animated ghost fmv's. From the this list id say Half Life
  7. Remember there isnt a 100% cd-copy proof. you can actually spoof a mac addy. I forgot if there was a way to burn to the "raw" spots on a cd "like playstation games, xbox etc" that way you cant burn an exact copy.. anyway I think there is a program out there that will do something like that for a burnt cd.
  8. Robby's right. Just alittle different protocol.
  9. You could also since that data isnt too congested use a file for datastorage.
  10. I did something similar before at home. 1. I created a program that was extremely small and only monitored one port for incoming data for my main program . 'would overwrite the old version 2. Created a program from my main pc and sent it out via another program "tcp sender" to all my other pc's who was already listening for it 3. THe other program that accepts the data deletes the old program and executes the new one. Problem: Virus Detectors dont like this its sometimes deemed as a threat and firewalls go off the heezy for sheezy lol
  11. The main reason for me supporting Kerry *yes I know elections are over* is because of the shere language barrier Bush seems to have. The leader of a nation should have superb language skills.
  12. Id imagine google's servers to be top of line and very numerous. The scripting on the engine must be at or near perfection to be this fast.
  13. Not asp just a simple application for me on the roads to check up on things via internet. All I need to do now is see my directory. I set permissions on it so that im able to.
  14. ' Create a reference to the current directory. Dim di As New DirectoryInfo("http://mywebsite/") ' Create an array representing the files in the current directory. Dim fi As FileInfo() = di.GetFiles() Label1.Text = "The following files exist in the current directory:" ' Print out the names of the files in the current directory. Dim fiTemp As FileInfo For Each fiTemp In fi Label1.Text = Label1.Text & "" & fiTemp.Name Next fiTemp I get this error message "does not support URL" anybody know a method thats similar to this that would?
  15. hmmm...you might need to create a tricky function that can handle that type of code and translate it into vb.net language. i had done something like that in the past but it was simpilar.
  16. could it be a pesky cyclic redundency *sp* error? in that case a new cd is needed. Most of the time though if thats the case it just bluntly says so. Unless MS has all setup errors just say that message.
  17. I have experienced conflicting firewall issues in sp2. Solution is of course simple..use one or the other :p
  18. hmmm intersting im going to look into making a shortcut now via vb.net :D I really wonder since its script if its in ASCII or other.
  19. I may be wrong but I believe a shortcut is nothing more than a link to a file. Kinda like an html link but in explorer not IE.
  20. zooom zoom zooom. Nice car :cool:
  21. My mom drives a Lincoin, and well im young and most of my friends love sports cars but me I prefer the comfort of a Lincoin..that car is the "pimp" mobile. So relaxing to drive in etc..
  22. I would think modern or future Software firewalls should detect other firewalls on the system/network for easier config.
  23. yeah I have a Dodge stratus 97' model. Dodge cars last a good while "so ive heard" mine so far has not given me any troubles.
  24. I have a Ford F-150 2004 truck I bought at a local auction for only 6000 fully loaded..some bozo couldnt pay his bill so they repo'd it and i got lucky :D
  25. I dont know any sites off the top of my head but you could search this forum and search engines on tutorials on using "winsock" with VB.net You should find a plethora of server/client goodies. ;)
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