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Everything posted by neodammer
Agreed. Debugging perhaps the one of the few reasons I could see use. Many better ways than GC.Collect() I would personally use a memory program (many free online) to check the memory for leaks when you run the program and go from there with rewriting code.
My friends and I have tried developed a very weak and simple program that takes input code and tries to spit the code back in a different but exact functioning via program way. It works with basic things so far but nothing remarkable. I think it will be a breakthrough in security if you can like you said make a differ in programs binary and still hold the compatability. VB.net so far is the easist to manipulate because it has the easist code of the .net language syntax wise (in my opinion.) This leads to the idea of creating a type of compression much like todays compression methods but instead of taking the random hex paterns and just applying them to uncompress it will try to rearrange them but still carry out the functions that particular part cutted was intended to. Compress it and somewhere in the compression field i suppose you could have the key for compression; a unique compress algorithim for each program you compress. Easier said than done, so far it has only worked with simple programs like Hello World. hello world programs can be manipulated to the extremes :p
Dear God shoot me ! I forgot you could use (-) numbers for reverse in that function.. :p
I didnt catch if they weighed the same but weighing them at the beginning etc.. and the weighting how much was burned may work.
Main reason I wonder is basically just for curiosity and statistical analysis. Given that even the random function isnt 100% random I wondered how close two compiles of the exact code would hold up with each other. Does the processor handle both exe's the exact same way with each register doing the same thing at the same given time? Curiosly i have been wondering if two compiles are not alike 100% would that make it easier/harder for security purposes? Interesting, I think some compilers like you stated are probably more exact than others.
I was wondering if it was realistic to believe that everytime you compile a program it has the exact same data in the exact same order in the exact same way it was put together. For example are two programs with the same code compiled 100% identical to each other? I never really gave it much thought till now. I see checksum's but really im still guessing.
Born in Tel-Aviv Israel. Lived the last 13 years in Atlanta GA. Visited most of the country (USA).
lastindexof works in reverse? thanks man ! I'll have to check it out. Nah when i ment basic i ment like mid() and substring etc.. lol really basic basic lol
I know of all the basic functions on string searching but I wonder can you reverse it and start from the end and work backwords? like instead of in the string "abcdefg" getting "abc" can you get "efg" starting from the back and counting backwards?
One way to do it is just add a module to the project and declare the variables there publicly.
I couldnt help but wonder if anybody knew a good asm compiler? I herad of Borlands but I dont think they even sell/distribute their asm software anymore. Was tasm "Turbo Assembly" i think.
I suppose checksum's etc.. and called authorized procs are the way to go at least for small progs that will not cause the end of the world should they be hacked into hehe.
Vista will probably end up removing the compile from command feature. 2.0 framework I forget will or will not work with Visual Studio 2003? In any case im upgrading to 2005 :P Ahh schools back in that means more clients :p
Javascript on the page would be easiest I guess its not very hard and you can find free code everywhere online these days.
The only database software ive used in my day is MySQL and PHP. I am not very sure if ASP is the same but you normally make the db connection early in the code which would make it normally easy to obtain for script kiddies. Of course you cant easily view the php code but its not very hard to obtain if you have the write tools. I was curious if .net languages hide the credentials automatically since they are very important or do you have to encrypt them yourself?
Im not sure to be honest but I heard rumors that vb was coded in c++ which was coded in asm. This is what ive learned but not sure. I would assume which such a high level language (if this is all true) that it would be simple to extract information. However the more i code asm im finding out that lower level is easier in some cases.
ROFL thats why I wont use vb.net for database applications. The username/password is too easy to pull out.
I must say im having all kinds of fun working with assembly language. Its super hard but fun because I now have a better understanding of how things are done in the CPU and RAM etc.. I have also noticed that VB.Net programs are very non-secure due to the ASCII code that is plain as the nose on my face :p I was wondering if there was a way to hide it from the ASCII code like make a password in a textbox encrypted or binary? Because doing the simple if password = textbox1.text then msgbox("yea!") else msgbox("try again") end if this sort of code is too simple to detect any suggestions on hiding the source from assembly/hex ?
While I agree that vb.net isnt the ideal language for my serious programs its what i use for quickies. .... ROFL anyway yeah I got away from the vb6 forums quickly hehe.
Awesome ^_^ thanks. is there a way to take away the seconds or leave it at 00 all the time? I mean if i just compare the date.now it will only say its equil when the seconds are equil which isnt a big deal i mean the alarm would go off within that minute but..exacts wont be possible that way. Thats why i need to do away with comparing the seconds.
Joe mama is always there to give a helping hand..or a sarcastic one :D hehe j/k your code responses rock !
I see I see thanks for the .net update :) This is an older project I threw together before studying all the updates in .net rofl as you can see of course. Question, when i set the datetimepicker to time I still get the calender when trying to set the date which of course i only want the clock not the days. Anyway to change this so i can change the time and not the dates? I could see how you could just compare the date and the time but that wouldnt work if your alarm was supposed to go off post midnight the next day unless you set an option to check if its tomorrow etc..
My alarm clock works during the morning hours pre-noon but after noon it fails to initalize. I am thinking it has something to do with 24 hour system vs. the am/pm. Here is my code Public curtime As Date Public hours As Int16 Public minutes As Int16 Public ampm As Boolean Public xampm As String Public timonoff As Boolean Declare Function sndPlaySound Lib "winmm.dll" Alias "sndPlaySoundA" _ (ByVal lpszName As String, ByVal dwFlags As Long) As Long Const SND_ASYNC = &H1 Public waveFileLoaded As Boolean = False Public Function App_Path() As String Return System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory() End Function Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click If timonoff = True Then MsgBox("TIMER ALREADY STARTED! CANNOT STOP!! WAKE UP !!", , "I DONT THINK SO!") Exit Sub End If If ampm = True Then xampm = "AM" ElseIf ampm = False Then xampm = "PM" End If If ComboBox1.Text = "minutes" Then MsgBox("PLEASE SELECT HOUR and or MINUTES FOR ALARM!", , "ERROR") Exit Sub ElseIf ComboBox2.Text = "hour" Then MsgBox("PLEASE SELECT HOUR and or MINUTES FOR ALARM!", , "ERROR") Exit Sub End If timonoff = True If ComboBox1.Text = "1" Or ComboBox1.Text = "2" Or ComboBox1.Text = "3" Or ComboBox1.Text = "4" Or ComboBox1.Text = "5" Or ComboBox1.Text = "6" Or ComboBox1.Text = "7" Or ComboBox1.Text = "8" Or ComboBox1.Text = "9" Then TextBox1.Text = "ALARM SET FOR: " & ComboBox2.Text & ":" & "0" & ComboBox1.Text & " " & xampm Else TextBox1.Text = "ALARM SET FOR: " & ComboBox2.Text & ":" & ComboBox1.Text & " " & xampm End If End Sub Private Sub Timer1_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick curtime = Microsoft.VisualBasic.DateAndTime.TimeOfDay timedisplaybox.Text = curtime.ToString("T") 'this next step is supposed to take the user input for the alarm time off combobox2 and combobox1 and then compare it to the current time in hours/seconds and then if it equils to be the same the message box comes up ' If CStr(hours) = CStr(curtime.Hour) AndAlso ampm = True AndAlso CStr(minutes) = CStr(curtime.Minute) AndAlso timonoff = True Then timonoff = False Dim playme As String MsgBox("MWUAHAHHAHA IT WORKS!", , "WORKS") playme = "C:" sndPlaySound(playme, SND_ASYNC) 'this is supposed to happen when the if statement is all true TextBox1.Text = "" 'clears the textbox where the alarm time was displayed timonoff = False 'this stops the alarm from auto-initalizing End End If If CStr(hours) = CStr(curtime.AddHours(12).Hour) AndAlso ampm = False AndAlso CStr(minutes) = CStr(curtime.Minute) AndAlso timonoff = True Then timonoff = False Dim playme As String MsgBox("Working!", , "WORKS") playme = "C:\music.wav" sndPlaySound(playme, SND_ASYNC) 'this is supposed to happen when the if statement is all true TextBox1.Text = "" 'clears the textbox where the alarm time was displayed 'this stops the alarm from auto-initalizing End If End Sub Private Sub CheckBox1_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles CheckBox1.CheckedChanged CheckBox2.CheckState() = CheckState.Unchecked ampm = True End Sub Private Sub CheckBox2_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles CheckBox2.CheckedChanged CheckBox1.CheckState() = CheckState.Unchecked ampm = False End Sub Private Sub ComboBox2_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ComboBox2.SelectedIndexChanged hours = ComboBox2.Text End Sub Private Sub ComboBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ComboBox1.SelectedIndexChanged minutes = ComboBox1.Text End Sub Private Sub TextBox1_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TextBox1.TextChanged End Sub Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load End Sub Private Sub timedisplaybox_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles timedisplaybox.Click End Sub
I assume you have packaged it up with the correct version of the .net framework and used the built-in packaging software? Usually its like they said a dll missing or something simple.
err just a thought and a bump as well (im still without a solution to this rofl) but this error is it a memory leak as well? Seems possible but not sure i havent tested it yet.