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Xtreme .Net Talk


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Everything posted by neodammer

  1. For the most part its not very hard to call on a printer function assuming you have a basic printer setup etc.. There are many parameters associated with calling for printing. I believe if you run a search here you should be able to find many simple to complex samples. Good luck ^_^
  2. <sarcasm> Its not hard but if you never used it your gonna have to learn the controls !!! :p </sarcasm> hehe hehe yeah zlib is awesome, more programs should be able to open zip files.
  3. Hypothesizing on .net's use of JIT; is that mainly for security? because i can see the plus side to that and also a negative if .net's protocol has bugs.
  4. I used to make countless versions of 'Drug Wars' type games for Qbasic during school days. Qbasic is fun and although its not regarded as 'the' language of today its still imho a great language to at least know.
  5. Ive heard it done but nobodies ever show me so i still think you cannot. There are many programs which will try to track certain variables in the ram down for you for game cheats but the problem in the new games (some) is the math used in the variable manipulation is actually calculated at a different time than when displayed on the screen so in terms of the asm its not 'around' each other in terms of what changed etc making searching for the actual offsets much harder. I just find it interesting since im still working on my insane obfuscating-type idea with compiles. I believe if i can understand exactly how they are doing this variable manipulation (i believe its just some common algy that companies are using) to protect from trainers etc..
  6. Interesting. Has this been the case in all versions of .net? or just the recent version? I have been studying asm for a few months now and its very interesting to me and im trying to take some games and well create cheats for them (even though these games already have cheats for them I just want to see if i can locate them without any prior knowledge of where they are stored) Older games (pre .net) are easy to check..very easy.
  7. Yeah or you could do it another way and figure out how to use zlib effectivly hehe :D
  8. My favorite was coded in x86 but as far as .net goes I created a program back in the day that was nothing really special in todays visual studio's but years ago i created a program that would stream my webcam to a local page on my server that folks with credientals could see. (apache along with some php code was also used) x86 im still new at but I just like the way the code is laid out (funny how that is its usually folks saying they love the feel of .net's layout hehe) i created a calculator so far in asm.. @_@ but it was fun ^_^ and took me hours to do hehe longest it took me for any language rofl.
  9. Hmmm...that Listviewgroups only on xp with visual styles on has got me thinking about MS and Longhorn errr..Vista :rolleyes: . Is it compatible with vista? or have you tried it yet? I may give it a shot on vista.
  10. During my ploy for creating cheats for various games I came across methods used by many new programming teams that involve what would almost seem like they knew how to control where their variables would be controled at via offset changing etc.. Is this even possible? You could in theory have a bunch of variables doing the same thing in different locations to try and slow down or stop folks from cheating etc.. But I thought variables in a program had a specific place in the code, but then i realized that wouldnt make any sense. Is there a way to tell where in your compiled program variables will be stored? For instance before you compile? or would one have to open the compiled program and check the offsets etc then go back into the code and rearrange the various variables? Is this even possible with .net?
  11. Im guessing the timer control? its a loop in itself and can be easily manipulated for that condition..if im thinking i understand you correctly.
  12. Indeed. Algorithm is in essense innovation. Use your mind your not stupid. Think hard think twice and you will eventually think wise :D Thats a saying I live by anyway. Besides Algorithm's are not just for code, I like to apply them to everyday living like whats your procedure to get yourself ready for work? Translate that into code (yes geeky but true) and there you have it. Id search the internet for a description of those specific ideas your looking for and maybe you'll get some example code of how it might be implemented. Books on algy's are usually just brain sparks that get your mind rolling. Unlike "Learn Hardcode in 24 hours :rolleyes: " that gives you straight out syntax basically code these books are more for brainstorming etc..
  13. A book on algorithms is like asking of a book on inovation with vb.net. Granted an algorithm as stated earlier is steps to a solution etc.. This is virutally any program with input/output characteristics that mostly but not always have a changing variable. This is not set in stone of course.
  14. WHo stole the cookies from the cookie jar? :p 9x^4 + 24x³ + 16x² Answer is correct btw. Cookies..yum..blah now im hungry :D
  15. import the control and somewhere during the code just say whatevermycontrolnameis.open (or play not sure) = "String value to the file" Nice first post..i almost got it except for a few words that threw me off :p
  16. There are many 3rd party packagers out there that imho do a better job than the built in one. Im not sure on why but it might be a registry thing with the install/repair issue..not really sure though just a guess.
  17. That reminds me.. kinda off topic but I have a 250gb 7200rpm hd that I have about 50% full... now its defragged etc.. and still makes noise in search but when its 1-30%ish full it doesnt make a sound. I wonder why? Defraggin should put files where the head doesnt have to go back in forth so much right? hmm
  18. Im aware that virii is wrong :p rofl I did it to sorta quote Joe lol anyway you can almost tell for the m ost part if you have a virus running through a few checks. But I use mcafee and like Nar does i do the same i just turn off the check until i feel i need to manualy scan. I dont know about you but sometimes Mcafee when left on Automatic hogs up alot of cycles.
  19. Omg Script kiddie! 1337! dUde.. rofl Seriously he's right there are very few..very few who can..and even more so very few of those very few who will care enough to try to reverse engineer your software. Unless you housed something they wanted.
  20. Who gets fooled by keyloggers now days? I believe most are detected quickly by standard uptodate virii detectors. In short checksum's are the best way to go and they are easy to perform.
  21. Observing the flow of a program by another program in an attempt to snare and destroy will cause chaos. Note I said the flow not the actual binary because as you said they can change via morphing code. You can use a simple if statement at the beginning of any program to change the binary in the ram at any given time but on file that is something strange. I must research this material carefully thank you for the information.
  22. Programs some im not sure if all do or not have useless binary data in them like data that could be pulled and the program still function properly. It would be easier to code an algorithim for binary diff's if you could send commands directly to the processor. Binary code I suppose is the closest thing but who programs in binary? lol You'd think it was possible to give commands directly to the processor :p I agree Ingis that the more security a program or set of programs have the more it shouts "crack me." But I guess I can hope to curve some folks with new security methods. Granted elite crackers (what irony :D ) will crack whatever it is eventually
  23. I hear you man. They will argue it takes clever coding and super research by hundreds to patch and watch out for virii.. SOmething ill never believe. While I believe and know it takes coders and a good research team. Hundreds if not thousands doing the research and coding?? Are we in that bad of need for jobs? I guess so :rolleyes: If you know the binary patterns of virii you can stop them and remove them with your own program. So what there are 1000's of virii..100 people doing research and coding shoud be plenty :P 9/10 virii are really crumy and takes a virtual moron to open up the package. lol
  24. Bad: 1. Testing every compile would take forever. (Hopefully we can eliminate the need for testing every compile with a algorithim we can trust. :eek: ) 2. Knowing that control flow is the same regardless of the binary difference, security will not be enhanced greatly. (Perhaps it would slow down key-gens etc.. ) Good: 1. Creation of key-gens etc should be slowed 2. Could develop into a new way to distribute bios (yet again hopefully with a algorithim that can be trusted to do so :rolleyes: otherwise it would be chaos) 3. A way for Microsoft to release new software that doesnt do anything different for more $ :p I can see the ads now.. lol I have thought of many ways to approach this situation. 1. Program that uses the algorthim and rearranges the binary of another program/file etc. Poses the problem of creating an omni program :rolleyes: 2. A control or library for the algorthim that programs could use for different binary compiles. We still need time to research how vb.net (testing compiler) actually takes code and does what with what at what time rofl did that make sense? Its very hard to try to fool the compiler i dont know if it can even be accomplished. 3. Have a in-memory program that reads what the compiler is doing when it compiles the program and copies it and rearranges the data and outputs its own file using the algorithm to randomize etc.. Crazy idea involving alot of bug-prone areas (yes thats what we need in this project more random bugs lol) 4. Tried thinking of a way to have the program itself at runtime change its own code or an external file its dependent on binary wise. Not a bad idea but causes alot of confusion and I dont think its possible to change binary data in the ram. I believe thats write over material and cannot be changed "directly" Kinda like changing a text file on a HD it cannot be done on the RAM. Or can it ?
  25. You can obfuscate your code all day but if a person who really knows his/her assembly/binary/hex really well they can with enough time figure out how things are working at the very least. Note: Like PD stated its a time question. I mean seriously you have to ask yourself would elite programmers/hackers/crackers :rolleyes: be after your program? Second would they really want the material inside for any given purpose? Usually I see firms that have apps for personaly business use paranoid about reverse engineering. CC numbers, passwords, etc.. if they are hardcoded to begin with is a flawed program. Besides all those things are usually stored server side up and with better security anyway. And unless your revolutionizing or coming up with a unique program I wouldnt worry about obfuscating anything other than the serials for the program etc.. Cause todays methods are broken very quick.
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