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About Tigran

  • Birthday 03/21/1976

Tigran's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Hi.. There is a problem.. I wrote one WebForm application and one WebService application. I did it on my local computer. I have my IIS. After I user CopyProject utilty to copy my projects into the root dirrectory of our Main Server. But I can't to have access to my , *.aspx file. Browser responds me , that can't find resource.. But if I paste my files in the just root dirrectory, not in the dirrectory of my project, which is subdirectory of the root..In this way it goes.. Do it knows someone, why a can't have access to my *.aspx file in the subdirectory of the root ?? Thanks.
  2. Hi.. Just one qustion.. I wrote the client-server programm based on Sockets.. When I run this two applications on my computer all right, but when I copy my server programm on the server of our office, which is Windows Server 2003, my client programm cant't find its server ?? IP address is already varificated, I wrote right IP of our server. What is wrong?? May be someone this knows?
  3. Hi.. I have a question... I know that it's possibile to send a message to multiple users in Windows Socket SDK just with one function,if I don't make mistake. How can I get this in C# ??
  4. I got the message that it's impossible call methods of controls which were created in deverse threads ... But, I just resolve this problem:) It's enough just call Invoke method of DataGrid to obligate call methods and properties in same thread.. However great thanks !!:)
  5. Hi.. I have a problem.. I send a DataSet throw the network, in reality now only on my PC, by Async Sockets..I get DataSet in right format, but when I want write dataGrid1.DataSource = ds; // ds - DataSet which I got or dataGrid1.DataMember = ds.Tables[0].TableName; dataGrid1.DataSource = ds or dataGrid1.DataSource = ds.Tables[0]; in all cases my programm dead, it just stops and doesn't respond to any event... May someone help me in this problem ?? I realy don't understang why it does like this...
  6. This is an interesting thing, because in maybe any sample wrote like this, and more, when I pass this code in debug mode, I check, that after recieving last bytes the line res = handle.BeginReceive(so.buffer,0,MAX_SIZE,0,new AsyncCallback(RecieveCallback),so); doesn't call RecieveCallback method in the recursive loop, how does it understand that thet are no more bytes , if doesn't call this method ???
  7. Hi.. There is a problem.. I call RecieveCallback function, which is CALLBACK function for asynchronious socket's method, BeginRecieve..my kode looks like this... private static void RecieveCallback(IAsyncResult ar) { NotifyServer.StateObject so = NotifyServer.StateObject)ar.AsyncState; Socket handle = so.workSocket; IAsyncResult res = null; try{ int bytesRead = -1; bytesRead = so.workSocket.EndReceive(ar); //MessageBox.Show(bytesRead.ToString()); if(bytesRead > 0){so.sb.Append(Encoding.ASCII.GetString(so.buffer,0,bytesRead)); res = handle.BeginReceive(so.buffer,0,MAX_SIZE,0,new AsyncCallback(RecieveCallback),so); //MessageBox.Show(so.sb.Length.ToString()); }//if else MessageBox.Show(so.sb.Length.ToString()); !!!!!!!!!!!! } catch(Exception ex){ MessageBox.Show(String.Format("NotifyServer::RecieveCallback Error {0}",ex.Message)); } } The problem is , that method MessageBox hasn't ever been called,why???This seems like operation of recieving data never copletes, but it is wrong, I get all bytes which sent
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