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Everything posted by kilobyte

  1. Hello I've built a windows test client for a web service I have, and I'm trying to attach a certificate to the request from the test client to the web service. This works fine in when in release mode, but the certificate does not seem to be attached when in debug mode. Can anybody figure out why this is? Here's the code where I attach the certificate: (WS is the web service) WS.ClientCertificates.Clear(); X509Certificate certificate = X509Certificate.CreateCertFromFile( @"C:\cert.cer" ); ServicePointManager.CertificatePolicy = new ServerCertificatePolicy(); WS.ClientCertificates.Add( certificate );
  2. Hello I'm having a problem with a web service and a client that communicates over HTTPS. The problem is that the Application_BeginRequest of the web service does not seem to be fired when I access it more than once. This would imply some sort of caching going on (see here) but this blog states that when the communication is on a secure channel, such as HTTPS, no caching will take place. I was thinking that maybe it's the client (a winapp) that does the caching. Does anybody know if this is possible, and if so, how do you stop it. This doesn't really sound plausible to me though, after all what would be the point of client side caching of a web service? Anyways, I would appreciate any enlightenment on this subject.
  3. Yea, I did the thing with the id now, and that works alright. It still feels like a bit of a roundabout way of doing it though.
  4. No, I just checked and that's set to true. And the filter is set to CurrentRows so it shouldn't be filtered either. I made a dialog now to circumvent this, but I would prefer using the bottom row if I knew how to...
  5. Ok, I have another question ready... I'm still doing a windows app with a datagrid in it. I want the user to be able to add rows to the dataset by just inputting data in the empty bottom row, and then move focus to a different row. This is is how it works in eg. Enterprise Manager for SQL Server. I was planning on doing this by going through the Row list of the datasource (it's a DataView) in the CurrentCellChanged event, and then adding a row to the underlying datatable if there was any data in the 'input row'. My problem is that when there is no data in the bottom row it shows up fine in the Row list of the dataview during runtime. But if I enter some data into the bottom row, the row somehow disappears from the Row list! Does anybody know why this happens? Thanks MNJ
  6. Hi I'm making a windows app which displays a datagrid. This datagrid has a dataset as its datasource. So far quite simple. My problem is I don't know how to get a reference to the 'current' datarow from the datagrid. I can get the CurrentRowIndex, but this does not necesarrily correspond to the index in the dataset, because rows can have been deleted, or the datagrid might be sorted etc. I'm thinking I can extract an id from the datagrid row, and find the corresponding row in the dataset. But to me this seems to be a sort of roundabout way of doing it. Is there really no better way to do it? I've been looking at the BindingContext, but so far haven't been able to come up with anything good. I hope someone can help me with this annoying problem! Martin N Jensen
  7. I should probably add that the server is a Win2k sp4 machine. MNJ
  8. Hello I'm having problems with a com+ package that is installed on a server. Whenever I restart the server it 'forgets' it's password and therefore cannot start on it's own. When I check the pwd field, it's completely blank. This is very annoying since I would like to be able to update and restart the server, without having to worry about reconfiguring everything afterwards. Have anybody else experienced something like this? MNJ
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