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Couple of questions, but first a background. Have a server with Server 2003 on it. IIS 6.0, SQL 2005. Bought a domain from god*ddy. I also have internet running through a DSL router. Currently router is set to let http traffic through on port 80. Question is does anyone have any good sites for getting IIS setup correctly for me to host a ASP.NET app. Also any tips on getting the domain to point to the local server through the router. The router has a public IP, server does not. NAT is enabled and the routing should route port 80 to the private IP of the server. Suggestions or tips? Thanks a lot!
Ok, I have a session variable called "CheckType". I have it in my global.aspx blanked out: Session("CheckType") = "" I then have a page where I assign a value to it: Session("CheckType") = "DIRECT" I then do a Response.redirect onto another page. Then I try to reference the value of the session variable: If Session("CheckType") = "DIRECT" then..... It is always blank. Should I not have it in global.aspx?
Anyone else have any ideas on this? Thanks!
I have a e-commerce site I'm doing that is selling CD's. The person obviously wants to let the customer play samples of their CDs songs. These are stored in wav's that are 3.5 MB or an MP3 that is about 150k. When they click on the sample link I want the current window to stay, but to launch whatever default music player they have on their system for that particular type of music file (mp3 or wav) and play the sound file for them. Would a link to the file work? but then how do I keep them on the page? Ideas? It maybe simple, and I'm just missing it. Thanks!
I have the field defined as a memo in Access, and I know I'm not over that size limit.
I have a textbox tied to a dataset and then into an Access database. The textbox is set with a maxlength of 0. The field in the Access database is a memo field. Where the dataset is defined, the field is set as string. The textbox will accept unlimited (or 65000+) characters, and I know a memo field is the same length in Access, but when the contents of the field are saved, I believe it is truncated at 255. I'm thinking it is because in the dataset the field is defined as a string. Does a string have a limit? I noticed there was a notation option, should I use that? Thanks!
I am trying to do an update to an Access table from VB and I'm getting an error of "Value was either too large or too small for an Int16". I don't think any of the fields values are outside of what kind of fields they are and I can go into Access and add the exact same data into a row. If it would help I can post what kinds of fields there are and what I am trying to put into each field. Thanks.
I have a program that updates a Access database through the use of a dataset, dataadapter, and connection. I let the dataadapter create all my statements, and I built in from the dataset. My problem is when I do an update I get the message "Syntax error in update statement". I copied the sql update statement into Access, plugged in the data, and it ran fine. So I'm not sure why there is a syntax error. The update statement is: UPDATE Vehicle SET Make = ?, Model = ?, VehicleID = ?, VINNum = ?, Year = ? WHERE (VehicleID = ?) AND (Make = ? OR ? IS NULL AND Make IS NULL) AND (Model = ? OR ? IS NULL AND Model IS NULL) AND (VINNum = ? OR ? IS NULL AND VINNum IS NULL) AND (Year = ? OR ? IS NULL AND Year IS NULL) Most of the code is generated and the changes on the form are put into a new dataset and then the command to update the database is: OleDbDataAdapter1.Update(ChangedRows) Any ideas what could be wrong? This has worked fine in other programs I have used it in. Thanks!
example Yes, if you could post an example, it would be appreciated. I did some searching for it and came up with nothing. Thanks!
I have a form that is linked with the data bindings to a Access database. I have a datetimepicker object on the form. The text data binding property of that object is linked with a date field in the Access database. When the form is brought up and the user goes from record to record everything works fine. When they add a new record and they pick a date and then update the record, everything again works fine. Now, if they add a new record, and then pick everything else, but the date (which will by default say today), then I get an error about the date being a null value. Even though the date says today, it thinks it is null. I tried to assign the value of the datetimepicker to today by default, but it still thinks it is null. There is also no 'text' propery on the object. Any ideas on how to fix this? Hopefully I explained myself somewhat clearly. Thanks!
I have a program that references an Access Database. I want to write a report that this program launches that will ask the user a question (such as, which badge number?) and then it will pull the information depending on what the user entered. Now I have VB .NET standard, but I have a copy of Crystal Reports 9 on my PC. Where do I start on this one?
I hope this is the write group to post this in. I have a program that I want the deploy onto one of our network drives. The database resides on the network, so I would like the program to also. When I run the program from my hard drive, referencing the database on the network, it works fine. When I run the program from the network drive, referencing the database in the same folder on the network drive, I get the following: Now, I'm not familiar with the .NET security policy administration tool, so I thought I'd ask for some help one this. Thanks. shootsnlad
That's it. I never copied that particular group of coding. Thanks a lot. It always seems to be the simplest things.
Public Class FrmMeterListBox Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form Dim metar(50, 2) As String Dim numfound, p As Integer Private Sub FrmMeterListBox_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load Dim reccount, i As Integer reccount = 0 isfound = False numfound = 0 For p = 1 To 50 metar(p, 1) = "" metar(p, 2) = "" Next p = Me.BindingContext(objMeter, "Water_meter").Count Do Until (reccount = Me.BindingContext(objMeter, "Water_meter").Count) If IsDBNull(objMeter.Water_Meter.Rows(reccount).Item("tap_number")) Then Else If objMeter.Water_Meter.Rows(reccount).Item("tap_number") = tapnum Then numfound = numfound + 1 If numfound = 1 Then whereiam = reccount isfound = True metar(numfound, 1) = objMeter.Water_Meter.Rows(reccount).Item("ser_number") metar(numfound, 2) = whereiam ElseIf numfound > 1 And numfound < 51 Then metar(numfound, 1) = objMeter.Water_Meter.Rows(reccount).Item("ser_number") metar(numfound, 2) = reccount End If End If End If reccount = reccount + 1 Loop If numfound > 1 Then mlist.Items.Clear() For p = 1 To numfound mlist.Items.Add(metar(p, 1)) Next MsgBox("There are multiple meters for this tap slip. Please click OK and pick the one you want to display", MsgBoxStyle.OKOnly, "Multiple Meters") For p = 1 To numfound If metselect = metar(p, 1) Then whereiam = metar(p, 2) isfound = True End If Next End If Me.Hide() Try Dim mc As New frmMeterCard() mc.ShowDialog() Catch End Try End Sub End Class Now the 'p =' after the For...Next.. is the one that shows 0 rows. I just put that in there to test the next Do Until line. It skips by the do until because the reccount = 0. I have a dataset attached to this form called 'ObjMeter', which references a typed dataset called 'Meter'. If I double click on that in my solution explorer, my table is in there. I can also do a "Retrieve data from table' and it brings back my 4 rows. The name of the table in the database is "Water_Meter". Ideas?