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  1. What if my email server requires userid and password to send mail? Anyway to specify it in the Mail.SmtpMail object?
  2. Anyone know of a quick to find a value in a Treeview by index or going directly to the text value? I know you can use recursive methods and loop through TreeNode collections, etc. Some code examples would be very much appreciated... Thanks! Barry
  3. Treeview... Thanks Divil! Barry
  4. After I add a Node, whether it is SelectedNode or not, I want to mark that node so I can add children to it. tvwDemo.SelectedNodes.Nodes.Add("Item To Add") Once I have done this, how do I get the index or position the node to add a new node to "Item To Add"? tvwDemo.Nodes("Item To Add").Add("Sub 1") What is the best way to position adding to the last node in a TreeNode? Thanks! Barry
  5. I know it is probably obvious, but I tried dataset.Tables(TableName).Dispose(), but it doesn't clear or delete the table by name. The next fill with the same tablename adds to the end of the dataset.tables(TableName). How do I Clear or Delete a dataset's Table? Barry
  6. I have a Class oMenu that I have defined in a sub called cmdBox1_Click I have another event called cmdBox2_Click tha I want to access the properties, etc from the object defined in cmdBox1_Click. Any way to do this? Example: Sub cmdBox1_Click Dim oMenu as New oClassMenu 'Set the property here... oMenu.MenuSelection = "Edit" End Sub Sub cmdBox2_Click 'Want to access the property MenuSelection set from cmdBox1_ Click sub msgbox( oMenu.MenuSelection) End Sub
  7. Sub CxMenu1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Sub CxMenu2_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Sub CxMenu3_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) . . . Sub CxMenu100_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) How do you create these sub or procs dynamically? Lets say I had MenuItem1, MenuItem2,MenuItem3.... MenuItem100 Obviously I don't want to statically code 100 Sub procedures, because I may have 101 choices. Then the code will break. So as I am looping through creating the menu choices, I want to: (A) Dynamically create a sub as a AddHandler for each Context Menu Item. OR (B) Create one Handler, get the Context Menu Selected Value, and then branch with Select Case to different code snippets within the Sub. Did I clarify myself? Thanks for any Ideas! Barry
  8. Add Handler.. Hello, I guess my question is how do you create an event dynamically? Once I can do this, I know how to do the AddHandler code. Thanks! Barry
  9. Hello, I have Context Menus that are dynamically built. I want to be able to dynamically create events for these menu choices. For example if the menu items contain 3 choices, I want to create three events for those choices dynamically. Or is there a way to just poll the result of that menu and then call one event? Any ideas how to do this?? Barry
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