Have tried to find the answer to this question in the forum, but I have not found what I'm looking for, so I'm posting my problem hoping someone can help me.
I have this table in a MSSql database:
Category(catID, catName, catParentID)
The database can contain Categories(rootcategories), which can again contain an infinite number and levels of subcategories (althoug rearly more than five sublevels..) A rootcategory is indicated by a row in the Category table with catParentID=0, and a subcategory is indicated with a row where catParentID=catID from its parent category.
What I want to do is to reflect the content of this table in the database in a TreeView control in VB.NET.
I think it would be possible to do this with a recursive procedure, but when i try i get into trouble adding the subCategory nodes to the right place in the tree.
Does anyone have any suggestions how to do this an effective way?
Tor Inge
(Pardon my English, it's just my second language...)