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Xtreme .Net Talk

Dark Kai

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About Dark Kai

  • Birthday 08/16/1981

Dark Kai's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Here's a picture of me during my collage days. http://photos.friendster.com/photos/71/75/4255717/1724227782995l.jpg Thanks for all the help especially Nerseus :cool:
  2. Ohhh Thanks alot guys/gals...
  3. Hi there. Does anyone know's how to read and write to the registry? This is out of the topic but i'll ask here anyway. I'm using filestream to read a file. It works but when the file is readonly, why can't i open it ? I've set the filestream to IO.FileMode.Open but still could not access it. Thanks in advance.
  4. Thanks mocella and naeem_s. Sorry for not making it clear. What I wanted is naeem_s heheheheh. Thanks alot anyway. :cool:
  5. Hi every1. How can i get a screen shot of just my form ? or part of it then save it as a image file such as BMPs. Thanks in advance.
  6. Oh ok....I'll try looking up for more info. If any1 out there have an example on this pls let me know. Thanks to all that had contributed in this thread. :p
  7. Yah that's what i want. Procaine, do you have any examples ?? :)
  8. Hi every1, any1 know how to do property page in VB.net ? I tried to convert from VB6 to Vb.net but it's not working. Thanks in advance.
  9. Hi there, I would like to know how to put the button in the property manager. Example in the backgroundimage property of a form you can't type in the path right? There is a button with 3 dots which will pop up a dialogbox to input the image filename. I sort of need to do that but I'm not opening image files but my own data files. Thanks in advance.
  10. I tested the codes and it's not working. well the results are the same as a readonly property and i can't access the Width and Height in the MyOwnProperty class.
  11. hmmm I guess so I need to test this out first. Thanks a lot.
  12. I've tried that already, but it's just a blank property at the "property manager". Sort of readonly property and there is no + next to it for me to expend the property.
  13. Oh well, sure I can do that but I my property is not of type �Size�, it's just an example heheheheheh I�m doing something that needs the user to input 3 double value which are XAngle, YAngle and ZAngle. Sorry for the confusion :)
  14. Hi every1, need some help here with properties. I'm trying to group my properties like the property "Size" in a form which consist of width and height. Thanks in advance
  15. Hi there. Anyone knows how to use the Tao framework with VB.Net ? http://www.randyridge.com/Default.aspx I just need a example to start using it. Thanks in advance.
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