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About Jahatziel

  • Birthday 09/07/1974

Personal Information

  • Occupation
    Software Engineering
  • Visual Studio .NET Version
    Enterprise 2003
  • .NET Preferred Language

Jahatziel's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. I see the problem. You're adding the Merge Modules as normal files, but they're not part of your project, they're references only. They have to be in the Solution Explores inside the "References" folder. To make this click (left click) your setup project (in the solution explorer) and in the popup menu select ADD and then will appear an option called MERGE MODULES... use this one to add your merge files again. Good luck! Jahatziel
  2. Select it on the Solution Explorer Window (top right corner) NOT on the File Explorer Window (as the one in your image). Bye
  3. Ok, in your Solution Explorer, select the Crystal_regwiz2003.msm, and when you click it in the Properties Window, the first one will be (MergeModule Properties), it has a '+', you have to click it an then will appear a box to enter your license key. Remember to enter it with dashes. Jahatziel
  4. Hi Meera, Yes, you really need the Merge Modules, because they contain a lot of files needed for the crystal distribution, including the license file. The merge modules are not a type of project. You have to create a normal Setup project, in this one you have to add the Merge Modules Files, you can identify them by their extension: msm. When you are going to add a file, the option "Merge Module" must appear, with this one you can continue. Bye, Jahatziel
  5. Hi! I suffer too much with the keycodev2.dll problem but finally I manage how to solve it (thanks to my friend Daniel Novelo). The problem have a lot of causes, so you have to check the following: - When you create your Setup project you have to add also the next merge modules: For VSNet 2002: regwiz.msm database_access.msm database_access_enu.msm managed.msm For VSNet 2003: Crystal_regwiz2003.msm Crystal_database_access2003.msm Crystal_database_access2003_enu.msm Crystal_managed2003.msm For both: VC_CRT.msm VC_STL.msm After that in the properties of the REGWIZ, in the MergeModuleProperties you have the License, there you have to enter the keycode (19digit with dashes) you received when you registered your Crystal 9. With all of these I generated the setup and I solved the problem. I didn't have to register any dlls or set permissions to some registry keys. My app was desktop w/Win2000, I guess it's the same for another platforms. I hope it will be helpful for you. Bye! Jahatziel
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