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Vb Gangsta

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Everything posted by Vb Gangsta

  1. Could someone plaese tell me how to use it, i got the community version but cant seem to figure out how to load my .exe into it
  2. The Problem is that when ever I use a webclient I am not logged into the website that i need to be. That is why i have to download the page form the broswer then pharse it from the file. DO you know how to download from the Broswer?
  3. hi, After my Ax_Broswer1 navigates to a webpage i need to download it as a .htm file. SO if i wanted to go to the program directory i could click the .htm and it whould be displayed. I actually want to save it to the hard drive in the directory where it is installed. I know this is possible cause i have seen it done. Please help me. THanks you
  4. thats almost what i need except when i use the web client class i am never logged in at this website so is there a way i can use AxWebBrowser1 instead because i know that works. THanks
  5. How do i use the web client Class?
  6. This is a pretty straight forward Question. I have a variable with a link in it. The varialble is url . Now I need to get all the html from that site and put it into a varaible called sData2 . Thanks
  7. This is security for my program. When the number 2 is entered(the correct password) i want my main form (form1) to load in which it does fine but i dont want the login form (form3) to stay open if the password is correct. Could someone please tell me in detail how to use the form.close close command or something. Here is the code. Thank you If TextBox1.Text = 2 Then frmform1.Show()
  8. Hi, For security for my program i get the HD #. After i get that i need to display it in a text box. I know how to do every thing ecept how to make the variable(HD#) appear in the text box with out pressing a buttun. As u can see the HD# is added to the text box with the event of a button click but i need to know how to put it all in into one thing without pressing a button.(Add the HD# to the text box with out pressing a button) Thanks Function GetSerialNumber(ByRef strDrive As String) As Integer Dim SerialNum As Integer Dim Res As Integer Dim Temp1 As String Dim Temp2 As String ' Temp1 = New String(Chr(0), 255) Temp2 = New String(Chr(0), 255) Res = GetVolumeInformation(strDrive, Temp1, Len(Temp1), SerialNum, 0, 0, Temp2, Len(Temp2)) GetSerialNumber = SerialNum End Function Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click hi = "" & GetSerialNumber("C:\") TextBox2.Text = (hi) End Sub
  9. Hi, In my program it gets the webpages html. THe web sites URL is onder the variable url .I now need to get certain information from it. i need all the words between "> and </a>. You see it goes in a pattern. THe words are in red. theres like 100 names on each webpage. I am really desperate so could some one tell me in detail how to use regular expressions. Thanks very much <tr> <td width="13%" bgcolor="#494949" align="center">302</td> <td width="45%" bgcolor="#494949"><a href="profile.php?id=471916">jerkass </a></td> <td width="19%" bgcolor="#494949">32,755</td> <td width="23%" bgcolor="#494949">$4,225,896</td> <td width="23%" bgcolor="#494949">$0</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="13%" align="center">303</td> <td width="45%"><a href="profile.php?id=1005793">Laser28 </a></td> <td width="19%">32,686</td> <td width="23%">$0</td> <td width="23%">$31,160,354</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="13%" bgcolor="#494949" align="center">304</td> <td width="45%" bgcolor="#494949"><a href="profile.php?id=869471">Mephew </a></td> <td width="19%" bgcolor="#494949">32,534</td> <td width="23%" bgcolor="#494949">$717,989</td> <td width="23%" bgcolor="#494949">$100,000,000</td> </tr>
  10. hi I am just about ready to release my program but i need security. Some one told me to do it by useing a website with public and private keys but that to much. I just want to get hardware specs then display a number as the product ID. Then after they pay they give me that number then i give them a registration number. then they enter it and then the program loads if its correct. Can someone tell me how to do this. Thank you
  11. Its a gaming site(not mine) but I am making the program
  12. ok i know its complicated ill simplyfi it, my program needs to do something in an online game. It firsts buys a scratch and win card. That has 12 spots to be scratched my clicking it. Now for security reasons they added that extra string of numbers. But i have seen people get around it.
  13. no, i need to click those links.
  14. Hi, I need to Click 13 links in order then loop it to do it over and over again, BUt there is one problem 12 of the 13 links have a part of the link the change constantly. Look at this: http://www. /scratch_play.php?spot=1&md=f9ee802ee797fb857073276272e7736b The part in red is the part that always changes. I need to be able to click that link without worrying about that part. I know its possible because i have seen it done. Ill give you some of the links that need to be clicked. http://www. /scratch_play.php?cmd=buy (This is always the same) http://www. /scratch_play.php?spot=1&md=f9ee802ee797fb857073276272e7736b http://www. /scratch_play.php?spot=2&md=f9ee802ee797fb857073276272e7736b http://www. /scratch_play.php?spot=3&md=f9ee802ee797fb857073276272e7736b http://www. /scratch_play.php?spot=4&md=f9ee802ee797fb857073276272e7736b http://www. /scratch_play.php?spot=5&md=f9ee802ee797fb857073276272e7736b http://www. /scratch_play.php?spot=6&md=f9ee802ee797fb857073276272e7736b there is 6 more links after that but you get the idea. Like I said the parts in red could be any thing. PLease show me away to click these links without worrying about the part in red. Thank you
  15. but if I hash it, any change will not let the program run
  16. First off i want to thank you for that response. It was most helpful but I have a couple of further Questions. 1. Is it possible for anyone to Hex out the serial and Hardware specs check or is it to complicated? 2.What Hardware specs do i check for? 3.and about the Activation Web Service can i make that my self useing html or something and can I use a freeweb service? 4. Can anyone create a keygen for it? And I am not sure how to do most of the things you posted but I am going to research it because I could not stand to see all my hardwork being passes around the internet for Free. Again Sorry for all the Questions. -Rob
  17. Hi, I am ready to release my program but I want to protect it so people cant trade it over the internet. I only want it to run on one computer which is the first one that runs it.
  18. Yeah thats definetly what i need to use but i cant find which one will take text between 2 other pieces of text surrunding it.
  19. Hi, In my program it gets the webpages html. I now need to get certain information from it. i need all the words between "> and </a>. You see it goes in a pattern. theres like 100 names on each webpage. The variable that has the webpages inofrmation is sdata can anyone help me? Thanks <tr> <td width="13%" bgcolor="#494949" align="center">302</td> <td width="45%" bgcolor="#494949"><a href="profile.php?id=471916">jerkass</a></td> <td width="19%" bgcolor="#494949">32,755</td> <td width="23%" bgcolor="#494949">$4,225,896</td> <td width="23%" bgcolor="#494949">$0</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="13%" align="center">303</td> <td width="45%"><a href="profile.php?id=1005793">Laser28</a></td> <td width="19%">32,686</td> <td width="23%">$0</td> <td width="23%">$31,160,354</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="13%" bgcolor="#494949" align="center">304</td> <td width="45%" bgcolor="#494949"><a href="profile.php?id=869471">Mephew</a></td> <td width="19%" bgcolor="#494949">32,534</td> <td width="23%" bgcolor="#494949">$717,989</td> <td width="23%" bgcolor="#494949">$100,000,000</td> </tr>
  20. Thank you very much. I used this code. Then i added the variable sData to my list box. As expected it added all of the html to the listbox and on 1 line. Now the Big Question is how do I get the program to get the names, and how do I get it to put each name on a differnt line? Thanks a lot!! Dim sData As String Dim stream As IO.StreamReader Dm wc As New Net.WebClient() stream = New IO.StreamReader(wc.OpenRead("file URL here")) sData = stream.ReadToEnd
  21. OK , i have been looking at the source code of the webpage. I know it looks complicated but bear with me. This is just a little of the page but its a pattern. All the words in red i need to put into a list. Can some one help me figure out how to do this? Thanks <tr> <td width="13%" bgcolor="#494949" align="center">302</td> <td width="45%" bgcolor="#494949"><a href="profile.php?id=471916">jerkass</a></td> <td width="19%" bgcolor="#494949">32,755</td> <td width="23%" bgcolor="#494949">$4,225,896</td> <td width="23%" bgcolor="#494949">$0</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="13%" align="center">303</td> <td width="45%"><a href="profile.php?id=1005793">Laser28</a></td> <td width="19%">32,686</td> <td width="23%">$0</td> <td width="23%">$31,160,354</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="13%" bgcolor="#494949" align="center">304</td> <td width="45%" bgcolor="#494949"><a href="profile.php?id=869471">Mephew</a></td> <td width="19%" bgcolor="#494949">32,534</td> <td width="23%" bgcolor="#494949">$717,989</td> <td width="23%" bgcolor="#494949">$100,000,000</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="13%" align="center">305</td> <td width="45%"><a href="profile.php?id=823536">Ifyahearme122</a></td> <td width="19%">32,501</td> <td width="23%">$-522,028</td> <td width="23%">$51,774,195</td>
  22. Yeah but how do i get the webpage into text and then get the information i need. How do I tell the program to copy all the information i need from the specific place?
  23. I am having trouble getting the names from the website
  24. I am on the last part of my program but am stuck on the one thing. What I need to do is copy a list of names from a variable url. Here is a sample of what the webpage looks like: Click Here to see. The names in yellow need to be copied to a listbox. Could someone plaese tell me in detail how to go about doing this. Thank you
  25. I need some help useing the the web client. I need to know how to copy the yellow names of this website and put them on a list. IT wont let me display the the url for some reason, it keeps blocking words out of the link so i will have to explain it. Theres A list of 100 names on webpage. After the user pressa a buton to get to the page i need the program to copy the names on that page then paste them onto a list. I do not know anything about this topic so plz help me!! Thanks a lot
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