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  1. I was about to post a similar question here :) .. but I'll just append to this. I would like to set the permissions of a directory so it can be used as the webroot for IIS. I believe I need to set it to read/execute. Ideally I'd like to find the IUSR account, but I would be happy with just being able to set Everyone to read/execute. Sorry to hi-jack your thread, but if I find anything regarding permission mods today, I'll post.
  2. I did need to add a system path. The purpose of writing this app is to automate the process of configuring 20 different things into a simple button click. Going to my computer would defeat the purpose. I found which registry key the path was in and here is the code that will modify it. private void setEnvPath(string strNewPath) { RegistryKey key = Registry.LocalMachine; key = key.OpenSubKey(@"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment",true); key.SetValue("Path", strNewPath ); key.Close(); }
  3. ah yes, that makes sense. a registry setting. Thanks!!
  4. I need to add to the PATH environment variable. This can be done in either C# or command line. I know in the cl I can do: SET PATH=%PATH%;c:\mypath , however this seems to only be a temorary thing. When I look at environment variables from My Computer->Properties, the path does not show. It only shows when I echo the PATH in the command line. When I reboot the computer, it is gone. So, does anyone know how to add to the PATH environment variable and make it stay there?
  5. I would like to programatically set group permissions. For example, I would like: c:\dev to be read/executable by group: users So far I found I should probably be using: Microsoft.Win32.Security, but I can not find any code examples. I'll post a solution when I found one, but in the mean time, any insight would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
  6. thanks a lot. this is what i was looking for :)
  7. it's been a while since i coded a windows form project. i vaugely remember a parameter in before the application loaded that enhanced the form to look more modern. any ideas?
  8. nm, i had the file open in an external editor. the charset must have changed to utf-8 from what it was originally and the file needed to be re-opened.
  9. When I call DataSet.WriteXml(), it writes the file, but the first 3 characters are cut off. example: nfigs xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <config></config> </cofigs> it is correct before i read the xml, but when it goes to write the xml, it cuts <co off the root node. any ideas why this might be happening?
  10. Here is my xml file: configs.xml <configs> <config name="foo"> <path>c:\mypath</path> </config> <config name="bar"> <path>c:\anotherpath</path> </config> </configs> How can I get the info of 1 node by name, modify the path, and write it back to the xml file?
  11. can someone point me in the right direction on how to modfy the IIS values for the default website? specifically i need to change the home directory, and add a script map. this is for IIS 5 at the moment, i'll later need to do it for IIS 6, but that should be easier since the meta data is xml based. I have seen examples which use DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry, but only for creating new virtual sites. All I need to do is edit the existing default site. On a somewhat related issue, My version of visual studio ( 2003 ) does not have the System.DirectoryServices namespace available.. I am still trying to figure out why that is though. Thanks in advance. Any insight is greatly appreciated.
  12. I use VS.NET Enterprise Edition, and a friend of mine uses VS.NET Student Edition. I can create a new c++.net console app. In the solution explorer, I see "References". He does not see References in his. Is the ability to add references not avaiable in the student edition?
  13. nevermind, it was only because i was only setting the value of Value if it was >= Minimum or <= Maximum .. otherwise value wasn't getting set. now i just set Value to minimum if it is < Minimum , and Maximum when > Maximum.
  14. another question .. if you slide the control too quickly down or up, the slider does not go all the way down or up. at first i thought it was a matter of the screen refreshing, so i set an Refresh() on mouse leave, .. but it still did the same thing. so now i'm wondering if the mousemove event does not fire quickly enough. any possible solutions to fix this? or do i just need to always move the slider slower.
  15. wow, it took a while, but i got it all working. i really appreciate the advice!
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