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  1. I have an array containing letters and numbers that im trying to sort. using the array sort method i'm not geting the results im after Example A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 A11 A20 Is being sorted. A1 A10 A11 A2 A20 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9
  2. I'm not after a free ride, I'll try to do it myself. Thanks for your help :) Phill
  3. I found this which looks like what i need but im using Vb :o http://www.bobpowell.net/hittestlines.htm Phill
  4. Hi I want to be able to draw some lines (Any angle) then perform an operation based on which one i've click. I can draw the lines using GDI but how would i know if ive clicked on one? Phill
  5. I have them in a panel. how do i check them all in this panel?
  6. I have 20 checkboxes Is it possible to uncheck them all without listing eachone in turn they are call check1 to check20 Thanks
  7. Thanks Guys, I'll give it a try
  8. How do i convert the contents of an array to a string. (see below) Array 1 2 3 4 5 To string "1,2,3,4,5" The array could be bigger than 5
  9. I Just Checked and found that the program does except a parameter. Its is the Path of the .CGF file How do i get the .exe file to take the parameter?
  10. No it doesn't. I might have to get the company to change the way it works. At the moment i write the .cgf file from my application then need to run the test.exe and some how associate the two files. (Like the open with in folders) I'll see if the can get them to use a standard name for the .cgf and do it at there end so i only have to run the test.exe and nothing else.
  11. Thanks for the reply but i think you misunderstood me. I need to open the config.cgf file using the test.exe the config.cgf file tells the test.exe what to do.
  12. Hi I Have a separate .exe file that I need to run with an configuration file from vb.net. I can run it fine manually by Opening the .CFG file with the Application. (using the "openwith" then selecting the app) How can I do this from code? I tried this but it didn�t work Dim pProcess As New Process Dim pProcessInfo As New ProcessStartInfo pProcessInfo.FileName = "D:\Tools\test.exe" pProcessInfo.Arguments = "D:\Tools\config.CGF" pProcessInfo.UseShellExecute = True pProcess.StartInfo = pProcessInfo pProcess.Start()
  13. Did you ever get this working?
  14. Guys How can I round a figure to the nearest 0.05? For example 0.14 to equal 0.15 2.52 to equal 2.50 Phill
  15. I got the add event handler woking but it did not help The problem seems to be the other application. It seems to crash when firing the second event when it has not recived the first one back (excuse my terminoligy lol) I need to end the routine and then do the oject move. I tried setting up a timer to run after the routine finishes that then moves the oject but the timer does not seem to work from my event (timer1.enabled=true) Can anyone think of a way round this?
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