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Xtreme .Net Talk


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Everything posted by Madz

  1. Dear Ruby I m Sorry, i am a new comer, and i dont know about any post. this is my first day here.
  2. Thank You, Problem Solved Thank Dear, I have tried and succefully Locked My WorkStation Public Class Form1 Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form Private Declare Function LockWorkStation Lib "user32.dll" () As IntPtr Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load LockWorkStation() End Sub End Class
  3. $$ Problem Well Dude MYSQL is best only for those who dont have $$$ to spent on projects. with MSSQL Server you can easily develop applications in .NET Framework. in Vs.NET microsoft has implemented a completely seprate class to handel SQL Server Database. so it is easey and better to use SQL Server with VS.NET.;)
  4. I want to use WIN32API Funcitons such as "LockWorkStation" and other in Visual Basic.NET but i dont know how to use them When ever i try to add them in VB.net it cause a Run Time Error. Is there any way to use this
  5. Try This one Well Dude If you have used Visual Basic 6 and want to use functions in VB.NET Just in project import this imports Microsot.VisualBasic[code=visualbasic] then in code down you can use your VB functions easily.
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