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Xtreme .Net Talk


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Everything posted by Madz

  1. in .NET when ever your try to update you must have an Update command assosicated with a data adapter and then you can call update method.
  2. But ExitWindowsEx reaise an error when i try to call this method with this ExitWindowsEx(EWX_SHUTDOWN | EWX_FORCE, 0) if i type this code as ExitWindowsEx([color=red]EWX_SHUTDOWN[/color], 0) then there is no problem with other windows but windos XP do not shutdown. It cause an error if i try to give it more then 1 flags.
  3. Is this good if i make a module and in module i enter this public frmM as new frmAbout and with in code i call it;s reference.
  4. Dear I have used Win32 API but its not working under XP in Windows XP it only logoff PC , no restart no shutdown In XP i did this to restart PC Shell("SHUTDOWN -R") I was just asking about it, rather .NET Framework have any functions some thing like this
  5. Is there any way to SHUTDOWN or RESTART computer with .NET framework I dont want to use API.
  6. I have an application which is used as a lock screen when PC is locked. i want to use that image on a form. which is full screen and without any border. This image is of size 800 x 600 . i used that image as a background image of the form . now i faced a problem in case if i run that application on resolution of 1024 * 768 then image is looking like splited and some image is shown below. If i try to use this image in a imagebox and make imagebox to anchor from Allside and set its display property to streatch image then it works properly but the Lable control on my form which has a back color properly to Transperant is unable to make it completely transparent now that label is showing on picture and making it very dull these things are in this sequence FORM --> ImageBOX --> Label Label is on the top of imagebox. How can i make is transparent. or some otherway to display text on image:mad:
  7. If i could guess, You are trying to take Sum of Fields Please try some thing like this Select sum(numericID), Sum(CdClass) , Sum(cdSubClass) from Table1; it will return you only one row. containing Total of each row. Tell me one thing, how rows are managed in tables. Each NUMERIC ID have more then one class and subclasses then it should be some thing like this Select Sum(cdclass) , Sum(cdsubclass) from Tables1 Where numericid = x; x = some digit or id you have specifiied. If you need more please contact me on my email address coz this forum is only for .NET related questions.
  8. I am getting confused with one thing. Here in .NET forms are working as classes. for example a form frmabout is a complete class. I want to call that form from some other form object, such as in VB6 if there are 2 forms we call call each other from any other object. I want to access a method on frmabout from other form but i am unablt to do so. Frmabout is already loaded in memory in case of if i write dim frmM as new frmAbout frmM.Show frmM.xxxx it opens a new form, and calls the method if i try to call directly such as like frmAbout.Xxx it do not show my form's methods its just shows methods as like a class if i try Dim frmM as frmAbout = frmAbout.ActiveForm it raise an error Is there any way to do so ?
  9. You can acquire CDO in one of several ways, for example: Windows 95/98/NT Workstation:Download Outlook Windows NT Server:Download Exchange When you install Outlook , you should have cdo.dll, cdohtml.dll, and mapi32.dll installed onto your system
  10. First C# and after that moving to C++.NET coz when i downloaded plateform SDK almost all examples are written for C++ Developer.
  11. Problem Solved Thanks Dear My Problem has been solved, i used this Public Property MyState() As String Get Dim sck As Socket = Me.Client If sck.Poll(1, SelectMode.SelectRead) = False Then Return "Still Connected" ElseIf sck.Poll(1, SelectMode.SelectRead) Then Return ("Lost Connection") End If End Get Set(ByVal Value As String) End Set End Property and in application i did this console.writeline(Client.myState) and it returns exect the same what i wanted.
  12. Hello I have a confusion please help me. I am a Visual Basic 6.0 Developer, with VB.NET i have developed 2 Projects , i want to move to C# and Visual C++.NET , Is this a good decision. coz here at my job i need to develop high end components which are hard to develop in VB. Personaly i want to develop applications in C++ .NET. I have got about 10 Books from MsPress about .NET and its all written with Code in C#. Since i have some knowledge in VB , is it would be nice if i try to change my development tool from VB to C# to C++.NET.
  13. Madz

    Ipaddress (C#)

    I did mistake I have checked and confirmed. the code you have written using System; using System.Net; static void Main(string[] args) { string machine_name = Dns.GetHostName(); IPHostEntry host = Dns.GetHostByName(machine_name); for (int i=0; i < host.AddressList.Length; i++){ Console.WriteLine(host.AddressList[i]); } Console.ReadLine(); } And it gave me this Result in these results First one was ip assigned to my network card Second one was PPP ip and the last one was the another Ip address assigned to my Netowrk Card I hope now it would be clear that the 2nd Entry is PPP dial Up. Can any one explain, In which Sequence a System Saves it;s IP entries ?
  14. Madz

    Ipaddress (C#)

    I cant say exectly about that. if your Network Card has 2 IP then the 2nd one would also be it's other Ip address assigned to netowrk card, and at the end it would be PPP address I think at the end of search it shows the PPP IP.
  15. Madz


    have you tried to accessing URL with this after chaning default port http://localhost:940/webapplication Where 940 is the port number which you have changed from 80 to 940 I hope it might help.
  16. Hello Dear Thanks for your Help, now my problem has been solved with this colde ListView1.Items.Add(TextBox1.Text) ListView1.Items.Item(ListView1.Items.Count - 1).SubItems.Add(TextBox2.Text) ListView1.Items.Item(ListView1.Items.Count - 1).SubItems.Add(TextBox3.Text) i want to do some thing more, i want to change colors and fonts with in some column but its not changing please provide me some help
  17. Still i am unable to get what i want to do , here i develop a class with this code Imports System.Net.Sockets Public Class MyClient Inherits System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient Public Property MyState() As String Get Dim s As Socket = Me.Client If s.Connected = True Then Return "I am Connected" Else Return "I am not Connected" End If End Get Set(ByVal Value As String) End Set End Property End Class if a from my client i am doing this Dim X As MyClient = New MyClient() Private Sub cmdConnect_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdConnect.Click X.Connect("localhost", 4896) End Sub Private Sub cmdStatus_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdStatus.Click MsgBox(X.MyState) End Sub If i connect to some Server it connects , in case connection is dropped from server then it always shows that this is connected. I want to be notified when a connection is closed. can any please provide me some code
  18. Madz


    How do you manage connection to SQL Server , in File Web.Config please check have you provided username and password to databse. it depends on sql connection , how your web service is accessing database.
  19. .NET Framework SDK 1.1 I want to ask you one thing , I have Visual Studio 2002 , can i use .NET Plateform SDK 1.1 with that one or i have to buy VS.NET 2003
  20. Madz

    Ipaddress (C#)

    Well that's strange coz in case we develop our own RAS (Remote Access Server) dial up utility then with that we can get IP address assigned by RAS. but this is entirely different case, our system is already connected to 2 different netowrks 1, local and second is assigned by Remote access server. on every PC it;s first preority is toward its local netowrk that;'s why when we try to get Ip addresses it shows first IP address assigned to network card. and after that some external.
  21. Madz

    Ipaddress (C#)

    THanks for you help dear Actually my application is that type when ever my application starts it should check Ipaddress assigned by RAS. if it belongs to it's own lease it should run the application otherwise it would be closed. First we implemented with RAS Dialer Utility but people were able to access application by changing Fone number in the RAS Dial up entry . we were trying to get some method that application would not be able to run unless pc have an ip of allowed list
  22. I have used this net use LPT: \\server\printer and in VB it would be look like this Shell("net use LPT: \\server\printer") To add a resourec Shell("net use XXX: \\server\Share") to Remove Shell("net use /delete LPT: \\server\share")
  23. Madz

    Ipaddress (C#)

    How to Get IP assigned by RAS This is the same problem i am facing, i am developing an application in which i want to check the IP address which is assigned by the RAS server , but i am unable to do so coz when i try to resolve the localhost it returnes but in case of this System.Net.Dns.Resolve(SystemInformation.ComputerName) it returns me which i my currently IP with network card. Is there any way to check which IP address assigned by Romote Access Server ?
  24. I am developing an internet Application which is like DAP or Intenret Download Manager, I am using a ListView control to display the files, i have 3 columns 1- File Name 2- Status 3- Time Remaining With this code i am able to add item in first column ListView1.Items.Add(myinewitem) But i am not sure how to write value in the second , or third colums Please help me
  25. Inherited Property it was exectly the same, coz the active state is also inherited from base class. otherwise it is not accessable through normal code. Thanks for your help.
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